Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1035: Neptune Court Conference

The middle-aged man walked to the left and sat down in the top position of Mengfei. Mengfei leaned over and whispered something to him. The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and always had a gentle smile on his face. He sits in the second position on the left.

At this time, two more came in. This one came in and everyone stood up and said respectfully, "The Patriarch."

It was a woman with a mask on her face, wearing a robe. She could vaguely see her good figure. Yi Lao followed behind her and the two came in together. The woman walking in front nodded to everyone present. Then he looked at the seven Lan Xuanyu, who hurriedly saluted.

Patriarch? Patriarch of Poseidon Pavilion, the first person in the Federation today?

Turns out to be a woman?

Behind the master of Poseidon Pavilion is what Lan Xuanyu has seen before, the true god-level strongman, Yi Lao. It is more senior than Shu Lao.

And the scene that surprised Lan Xuanyu appeared. The Lord of the Sea God Pavilion did not sit at that position, but walked to the previous middle-aged man. The middle-aged man stood up and said a few words to her respectfully. What is by way of voice transmission, so Lan Xuanyu they can not hear. Then, the cabinet leader actually sat down next to him, which is the first on the left, not the main position.

Does the Poseidon Pavilion take the lead at the Poseidon Pavilion meeting? What about this theme?

Yi Yi walked to the opposite side and sat down in the second position on the right.

The master of Poseidon Pavilion said lightly: "Today these people. Get started."

"Yes." Wang Tianyu responded respectfully, and then set his sights on the seven Lan Xuanyu, said: "Xuanyu, you also participated in the battle between the Federation and the Dragon Horse Galaxy. This war, we have obtained a stage Victory, during the negotiation process, the Federation also grabbed a lot of benefits. Regarding your situation, the Academy also knows about it. The 76th star of the Yukong Clan was exploded, and it also sneaked into the Dragon Star and gained a A huge empty source crystal, especially sneaked into the dragon, to obtain a lot of information. From the federal government, from the beginning, I was surprised by your recklessness. It can be said that you have fully stirred the inside of the dragon horse galaxy, especially It ’s a practice that has been brought to the fore, and it has been widely recognized. Among the top leaders of the Federation, there are more people who recognize you than those who oppose you. The rewards given to you are likely to be from the level of Dou Tianbu. And points. The meeting of Poseidon Pavilion was held for you today, specifically for you. The academy wants to hear, in addition to what the Federation knows, what else do they do n’t know . As well as some details. First talk to you, then, gentlemen, Poseidon Club members will ask you questions. "

"Yes." Lan Xuanyu reverently replied.

After a pause, he said, "Then start with this war. The reason for this war was because of the original Longyuanjing incident, and the Federation planned to give the Longma galaxy a counterattack through the Longyuanjing incident. The Seventh Fleet battled the Ryoma Galaxy Fleet and successfully used this to allow the enemy to advance and thus hit the enemy. "

Wang Tianyu interrupted him and said, "We all know that we need to listen to you, something the college doesn't know about." Although he said this on his mouth, the expressions of all the people present on the scene had become a little more exciting.

Because the Longyuanjing incident was actually created by Lan Xuanyu! In other words, the changes from the beginning to the end of the recent war are almost all related to this group of young people.

"Yes," Lan Xuanyu continued: "We were assigned to the Dragon III battleship of the Federal Seventh Fleet. After the end of the war, Admiral Yan Xinghe, the leader of the Dragon III battleship, gave us full freedom to let us stay in Dragon Horse The galaxy moves freely and obtains resources. I always remember the importance of Kongyuanjing to the Federation, and to the college and Tangmen. I plan to go there to see if it is possible to get some Kongyuanjing. "

Next, he talked about how he used his treasure hunter's illusion to dive into the seventy-six planet with his friends, and put down the dragon's anger, preparing to leave a backhand to evacuate. But it concealed the situation about the worm. The worm of the sky is too important, and it is related to the former God Realm. It was not Lan Xuanyu's selfishness, but that he felt that once the worm of the sky was exposed, it might not be a good thing for the college. The most correct choice is to put it in the place he trusts the most.

Hearing him talk about the entire process of detonating Planet 76, all the members of the Poseidon Pavilion were impressed. The middle-aged man whom Lan Xuanyu didn't know couldn't help but smile and said: "The afterlife is awesome, it really is The afterlife is awesome! "

"... After leaving Planet 76, I judged that the first suspicion of the Yukons must be the Federal Fleet, so I withdrew in the opposite direction. At that time I thought, since we can infiltrate Seventy-six Can planetary stars like the tight defense be able to visit the capital star of the Ryoma galaxy? There might be some gains there, and the most important thing is to find ways to plant the planet 76 Give them. If it can cause civil strife in the Ryoma Galaxy, it is naturally a good thing for the Federation. "

For the entire process of the Dragon Star, Lan Xuanyu described in more detail, how they infiltrated, pretended to be the Blue Ocean tribe, how to make Bai Xiuxiu show the true body of Wuhun, fake Dragon Clan, how to exchange various resources at Dragon Star and obtain the empty source crystal , How to participate in the auction, Fool Wong Yuen Long. Except for the internal chaos caused by the worm of the air, the other processes are all talked about in detail. This is an unclear process on the federal side.

Hearing Lan Xuanyu they infiltrated the whole process and gained their identity. Among all the members of the Poseidon Pavilion, apart from the Pavilion Master and Yi Lao, they couldn't help but see the splendor in their eyes.

"We chose to take leave this time, mainly because we hope to bring back all the resources we obtained this time to the academy. These things will stay in the academy in order to have the most effect. Except that the colorful gold is more suitable for my cultivation, I leave In addition, all others are turned in. "

As he said, Lan Xuanyu walked to the long table of the Poseidon Pavilion meeting and held out his hand. The light on the ring of destiny flashed, and all the bright empty crystals appeared on the table.

Each one has the size of a fist, crystal clear. The surrounding space suddenly twisted.

Tang Miao couldn't help but stood up at once, with a blue halo on his body, covering all the ten empty source crystals, suppressing the fluctuation of space.

"It's Kongyuanjing. God! This is the first time I have seen such a big Kongyuanjing. Originally I also said, why is this boy Xuanyu so stupid, then a big piece of Kongyuanjing was given to the Federation. But I didn't expect However, he took it back ten times. Hahaha, this time, our space research at Tangmen must be able to promote a few big steps. "

Ten empty source crystals shocked the entire meeting of Poseidon Pavilion. Other resources, Lan Xuanyu, were not taken out all at once. After all, this is the Poseidon Pavilion. The mess is not very good.

"The specific situation is like this, please ask seniors to ask questions." Lan Xuanyu returned to his previous position and said respectfully.

Poseidon Pavilion glanced at him and said, "If you have any questions, just ask."

The middle-aged man sitting next to her looked at Lan Xuanyu and said: "From what you just said. After going back this time, you still plan to return to Tianlongxing and continue to operate your identity on Tianlongxing, Right?"

Lan Xuanyu nodded and said, "Yes. Tianlongxing's resources are too rich, lurking there, especially through trading, we may get a lot of resources. However, Kongyuanjing future I ’m afraid it ’s difficult. This time the Yukons almost came out of the nest. I judge that in the end, the dragon will still reconcile with them. After all, there is the foreign enemy of the Federation. The price of the air source crystal will definitely rise in the Longma Galaxy. To a very high level. It is difficult to obtain, but other resources, especially rare metals and mineral resources, should not be difficult. The meaning of the federal side also hopes that we will sneak in again and will provide us with it for exchange. Resources. I ’m sure to get the most benefit. One part is handed over to the Federation, and the other part is brought back to the college and our Tangmen. "

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