Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1045: Adults do n’t make choices but take them away!

Lan Xuanyu seven people realized this. In other words, if they conclude a contract with these treasures, they can immediately enjoy each of their unique life energies to enhance themselves. However, these tycoons of the plant department will also have a symbiotic relationship with them. In the future, they will follow their cultivation to improve their own level, because it is an equal contract. After reaching the **** level, there is a possibility of separation.

This should also be the reason why the elders let them show their abilities. They were sent here by the academy. They can choose the big guys of the plant department, and they must have god-level potential. Whether it is suitable depends on the individual's ability. At the same time, these veterans of the Department of Plants should also personally see the potential of Soul Master. For them, this is a shortcut to break to the **** level.

If the human soul master has excellent talents, good luck, and good luck, he may be able to practice to the **** level in decades. For plants, decades are just a snap. What's more, they can follow the companions to the outside world for decades, so they are so enthusiastic.

This is really a very interesting mode! Lan Xuanyu thought secretly.

Liu Feng stood up and looked at more than a dozen people. He couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He turned to Lan Xuanyu for help. The thorny dragon beside him was also dull.

Lan Xuanyu's eyebrow lightened slightly, and in the next moment, the treasure hunter got out of his eyebrow.

The appearance of the treasure hunt beast is not good-looking, but when it appeared, the eyes of the many tycoons of the plant department were instantly focused on it. I don't know why, on it, all the big guys in the plant department have a strange feeling.

"Abao, please help the madman to choose it." Lan Xuanyu said to the treasure hunter.

Treasure hunters look at the bits in front of them, and then look at the ones that have n’t come in the distance, and suddenly there is a weird smile, "Master, our adults do n’t do multiple choice questions, all take it away. Before you break through, the Eternal Tree ca n’t be consumed Small, I help her reduce some consumption, it is considered a return. "

Lan Xuanyu is so clever, but he can't help being slightly dazed, what does it mean? What is packing and taking away?

"Come here. I have something to say to you." The treasure hunter changed his flattering appearance in front of Lan Xuanyu, his hands were behind his back, floating up, and a faint halo naturally emanated from it. . It was a faint wave of fairy breath.

Everyone in the plant department seemed to feel something, and subconsciously followed it to the lake.

Seeing this scene, Wang Tianyu couldn't help but feel a little dazed, and suddenly there was an ominous hunch in his heart. Turned his head to look at Lan Xuanyu.

"Patriarch, I don't know what's going on." Lan Xuanyu looked innocent. However, he understands these words! Is n’t Abao trying to get rid of all the treasures here? That college is not desperate with yourself?

He suddenly thought that when in God Realm, the treasure-hunting beast was in charge of the Dragon God for the Dragon God. The immortal grass of the **** realm is undoubtedly god-level. He, the manager of the **** realm nursery, not only has the ability to perceive the heaven and earth, but also seems to be able to manage it?

In the distance, those plant bosses who hadn't gathered before seemed to have sensed something, and they concentrated on the treasure hunters.

Not only that, in the lake, there are some places in the distance that can't be seen, and there are several figures rising into the sky and falling in the direction of the treasure hunter. The breath from them is obviously at another level. Is this the god-level plant department?

The treasure hunter waved a little in disbelief, but the bits gathered towards him.

Wang Tianyu looked at Lan Xuanyu and said, "What are you doing as a treasure hunter? Xuanyu, the land of fairy spirits, is one of the most important places of the college."

Lan Xuanyu hurriedly said: "Pavilion Lord, you can rest assured that I will certainly not mess up. Abao seems to be communicating with them. It should be the one that suits us best."

"God is not good. That's the existence of the college," Wang Tianyu frowned.

It is also extremely difficult for the Soul Beast of the Plant Department to cultivate into a god. This is only possible in the Eternal Sky City. So this is also the reason why many big plant tycoons gather here. Since the birth of the Eternal Sky City for ten thousand years, there are not many soul beasts of the god-level plant system. But everyone can be said to be an effective supplement and helper to the Eternal Tree. Once the Eternal Sky City was attacked, they were one of the means of pressing the bottom of the academy. Even related to the origin of Douluoxing's life.

"Okay, okay. Don't worry." Lan Xuanyu could feel that at this time Wang Tianyu's emotion seemed to be a little anxious ...

It didn't take long for the treasure hunter to come back, and all the bosses of the plant department, including those god-level beings that appeared later, all followed.

The treasure hunt beast nodded to Lan Xuanyu and said, "Master, I have already said to them, most of them are with us."

Lan Xuanyu's mouth twitched, "A Bao don't make trouble, how can these seniors follow us all. The college ..."

The old man bowed respectfully to Lan Xuanyu, "There is no need to worry about the Lord, we will solve the problems with the college."

Wang Tianyu's complexion changed suddenly, "Golden Lao, what are you doing?"

Behind the old man, a beautiful woman came out. She wore a long red dress, with a faint red halo all over her body, which looked no different from a normal human. But the air around her was slightly twisted wherever she passed. It seemed that this space was repelling her.

"Xiaowang, you first listen to us and finish talking. We have to go with the Lord for the good of the college."

"Senior Lily, what do you mean?" Wang Tianyu asked in doubt to the woman.

"Baoye, it's you." The woman in a red dress said to the treasure hunt respectfully.

The treasure hunt beast smiled and said: "Plants that can cultivate into human form are more talented. It has to be said that in a world where there is no fairy spirit, it is extremely difficult to do this. This seat is not Have the patience to watch them delay so much and give them a clear way. "

"Don't sell Guanzi, just say it." Lan Xuanyu could feel that Wang Dage's emotions had been accumulating and brewing, and he was moving towards the edge of the outbreak, and quickly interrupted the treasure hunter's words.

The treasure hunter coughed and said: "Master, this is the case. The existence of these plant systems, evolution needs to continue to absorb life energy, and then purify into their own life energy, so as to promote to a higher level. This is all plants are practicing The only way in the process. Being here in the Eternal Sky City, in fact, they are equivalent to the evolution of the life energy provided by the tree of eternity. That is, they are absorbing the life energy of Douro. Of course, because they are pure Life energy. So it feels like the total life energy of Douro has not decreased. Maintain balance. "

"However, the total amount of life energy of Douluo Star is limited, although the level has reached the **** level. But if you want to cultivate into a **** on Douluo Star, the number of this **** will inevitably be limited. Human occupation In addition to most of the places, it is even more difficult for the plant-based soul beasts to cultivate into gods. Unless they are uniquely gifted, there is still a chance. There are only six plant-based soul beasts that have become gods. The light of the old master. Oh, the old master is your father. Other plants are almost impossible to become gods. So they are willing to follow the soul master. If their accompanying soul master cultivates into a god, they can only enter that level. Possible. "

"I was originally given to your predecessor, His Majesty the Dragon God, in charge of the nursery of God Realm, so I know them best. I have a way to make them all cultivate to the **** level. Of course they are willing to go with me. And I took them If taken away, the Eternal Tree will also reduce a huge burden, and the life energy absorbed by the planet can feed itself back. As long as the life energy is enough, it will continue to evolve to another level. "

"That can't be taken away!" Wang Tianyu couldn't help but said, almost roaring.

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