Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1046: Opportunities for big bosses

More than one hundred! This is more than one hundred hundred thousand years of plant soul beasts. This is the foundation of the college. Each one has an energy level above the title Douro. It can also be said to be the foundation of the life school.

"Xiaowang, you have finished listening to it." Just then, an old voice sounded, the blue light flashed, and there was one more person beside Wang Tianyu. It is the helm of the contemporary life school who grows old.

"Tree old." Seeing the tree old, Lan Xuanyu hurriedly saluted.

Shu Lao nodded with a smile, turned to the treasure hunter, and said, "Bao Ye, you continue."

Although Wang Tianyu still frowned, Shu Lao, the helm of the life school, kept the treasure hunter going on, and he had no reason to stop it. After all, if these big botanists are taken away, the biggest loss is the life school.

Treasure Hunt Beast Road: "They want to evolve into a god-level powerhouse, and they need very large life energy. It is very important to absorb life energy from where. Now there is a suitable place. It is enough for them to complete the evolution."

Lan Xuanyu moved in his heart, "Are you talking about Dragon Star?"

The treasure hunter nodded and said, "That's right. That's right there. Although the dragon star doesn't have the spirit spirit of the **** realm, but the life energy there is extremely abundant. It is actually constantly evolving. If you give it hundreds of thousands of years Time, maybe it can really evolve to the level of God Realm. As long as the spirit of fairy spirits is born, there is such a possibility. The life energy there, the number of god-level strongmen that can be supported is far more than the mother star. Now your The strength is not enough to find the core of the life of Dragon Star. But we can use this way to plunder some of the life force there. The life force can be transported back and fed to Douro. "

Listening to it saying that Wang Tianyu had calmed down, his face surprised.

Lan Xuanyu said: "You mean, let all seniors use the body as a carrier? Transport the life energy back?"

The treasure hunter nodded and said, "Yes, that's what it means. Before reaching the **** level, their life characteristics did not enter the **** level, and it was not easy to be discovered. Simply absorbing vitality should be very good in the cultivation of the dragon. Common. As long as they are scattered, do n’t concentrate too much, there will be no problems. God-level ones ca n’t go, God-level has its own traits, and it ’s different from God-level traits over there, it will be discovered. In the process of energy, they can cultivate and improve themselves. In fact, they must be restrained in the cultivation of the Eternal Tree, and they must not absorb too much, so as not to affect the Eternal Tree. But there is no such concern there. Moreover, their bodies are also huge life energy carriers, while practicing, they can also be filled with life energy to bring back. This pure life energy is also a big supplement to the eternal tree, which in turn enhances Douro ’s The level of life. It ’s like a leech, go back to sucking blood, and replenish the blood of the tree of eternity. The amount of one time may not be too large, but if the number of times is too large, it is still very impressive. In the process, they will continue to evolve until promoted to become god-class, you can not go again. "

Lan Xuanyu looked at the treasure-hunting beast and communicated with it mentally, "What if these plant-based soul beasts don't want to come back over there? After all, that's a better place for them."

"Master who won't." The treasure hunter smiled mysteriously, "You didn't find out, did they call you Lord too? I told them your identity. In the future, you are going to create a man of God Realm. Where is it? More attractive than God Realm? Moreover, they want to break through to the **** level, with my help, they can go smoothly. I can condense their life energy into the spirit of fairy spirit, only when they break through the **** level. It's a matter of course. And this process of breaking through to the **** level is not enough here? After breaking through the **** level, they can't go back to the dragon star. So, no matter from what angle, they will always be loyal to you. "

After listening to it, Lan Xuanyu had fully understood the meaning of the treasure hunter. "There is still a problem. We are here to obtain the treasures of heaven and earth to help everyone practice. What should my partners do?"

Treasure Hunt Beast Road: "This does not affect. It just does not sign a contract. The life energy they absorb, it takes time to transform itself. But it can purify the life energy. Purify to the life in the lake close to the previous life That ’s the energy. Would I let them provide this kind of life energy to you and your partners for cultivation? Would n’t it be more than a hundred? Each person provides a few drops per month, which is also a very considerable amount. It ’s enough for you to use. This It ’s better than signing a contract with them, directly improving the level of life. It ’s not possible at Douro, because Shrek Academy is definitely reluctant. But at Dragon, anyway, it ’s the life energy over there.

Lan Xuanyu said: "Can you be sure that there will be no danger there?"

The treasure hunt beast said: "Dragon Stars are too big, they are not weak themselves, as long as they are in groups of three or five, and then go deep into the forest, the chance of danger is very small. It is enough to avoid the god-level strongman over there. And You can communicate with each other. It ’s hard to be discovered if you are not at the **** level. They must have a way to cover their breath, otherwise they will not be able to practice at this level. "

Lan Xuanyu nodded slightly. The latter of them are alone and treasure hunt. The big bosses in the plant are no longer able to hear.

Jin Lao couldn't help but anxiously said: "Lord, let's take us. Here, we may never be able to break through to the **** level. If we don't reach the **** level, we also have the risk of dying. We are willing to move for the tree of eternity. Life energy. Can also serve you. "

Lan Xuanyu looked at Wang Tianyu, "Master Pavilion, do you want to report to the Patriarch? You see ..."

Wang Tianyu looked at Shu Lao, who nodded to him, "Theoretically it is possible. I think it can be tried. If it succeeds, the benefits for the Eternal Tree are huge, even for our college. The inner courtyard will surely give birth to more eternal tree houses and allow more disciples to enter the inner courtyard for cultivation. For the college, this is a very important opportunity. Moreover, our cooperation with Sen Luoxing also needs life Energy as support. Now one of the important reasons that troubles our construction speed is in this respect. Let ’s go, let ’s apply for another meeting of Poseidon Pavilion to study this matter. ”

Wang Tianyu nodded and looked at Lan Xuanyu strangely. He found that as long as the kid was there, there would be no normal time. If it wasn't for beating his dad, I really had the idea of ​​beating him out of breath.

Wang Tianyu said to Lan Xuanyu: "That's the case today. The college will discuss it and will reply to you as soon as possible. Then you should first practice in the college yourself."

"Just practice here, we can assist them." Jin Lao said quickly.

The corner of Wang Tianyu's mouth touched it. Not everyone in the fairy land can come to practice. It is not a small number to exchange the Shrek badges needed to practice here once.

Shu Lao said with a smile: "Okay, let's practice here. Please trouble you."

Lao Jin smiled and said, "No trouble. For us, this opportunity is really rare. You can talk to the cabinet master, Xiao Shu." Although Shu Lao is a thousand years old, he is still young in front of him. very.

Lan Xuanyu said: "Then I will go to Haishen Pavilion to find Uncle Le to practice first."

Wang Tianyu said: "You follow us. You must participate in this meeting. If you really want to implement it, then you need to make a detailed plan."


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