Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

Chapter 11 The God of Destruction was shocked. Huo Yuhao in the parallel world obtained an artifact?

With Parallel Yuhao as a reference for myself

This made Huo Yuhao deeply aware of his own shortcomings.

Maybe before that, before seeing Parallel Yuhao’s deeds

Whenever he thinks of what happened that day, Huo Yuhao can comfort himself - he was still young at that time.

But now that he has himself in another world for reference, how could he still deceive himself?

Therefore, at this moment, Huo Yuhao really hated his own incompetence.

He looked at the content of the picture with regret on his face.

But Wang Donger and Wang Qiuer still love him after all.

I couldn't bear to see him feel so guilty.

So both of them stood up and said:

"Yuhao, let him let go of the past."

"The most important thing is the future, what you want to do in the future, what you can do in the future."

"Let's take a closer look at what Yuhao does in the parallel world and see if we can learn something."

"Although I hate to say this, Yuhao in the parallel world is indeed more powerful and feels a little safer."

Huo Yuhao nodded with approval.

He continued to look into the screen.

And at this moment, in the picture.

[Under the leadership of Huo Yuhao, he and Huo Yun'er have arrived at the border of the Tianhun Empire. 】

[Huo Yuhao is not in a hurry to take Huo Yun'er to the capital or big cities of the Tianhun Empire, because those places are more mixed. 】

[Hao Yuhao had just escaped from the Duke's Palace, but Huo Yuhao actually wanted to be more cautious. 】

[Furthermore, for Huo Yuhao and Huo Yun'er today, they actually don't want to be rich and powerful. They just want to stabilize their lives as soon as possible. 】

[So Huo Yuhao deliberately found a relatively remote place and inspected a nearby village. 】

[Through his investigation, he found that the folk customs here are simple, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and even the number of soul masters is very small. 】

[So Huo Yuhao chose to settle in this place after asking Huo Yun'er's opinion. 】

[He spent a sum of money to buy a small house in the village, and then moved here with his mother. But Huo Yuhao did not reveal that they were very wealthy at the moment. 】

[As the saying goes, wealth should not be exposed. In order to reduce trouble, Huo Yuhao thought it would be better for them to keep a low profile as much as possible. 】

[So they lived peacefully in the village for the next period of time. 】

[However, because there is no shortage of money, Huo Yun'er no longer needs to go out to work. She only needs to be self-sufficient, cook on time every day, and clean occasionally. 】

After seeing this scene, Huo Yuhao, who was in the plane rift, became even more envious.

He really wanted to live this kind of life in his dreams.

Although now he has become a legendary student of the academy because of his rise to prominence in Shrek Academy.

But there are some things that only make sense if you do them with a fixed person.

Huo Yuhao and his mother had been bullied in the Duke's Palace since he was a child, so his biggest wish at that time was to leave the Duke's Palace with his mother to live outside and have enough food and clothing.

Although Huo Yuhao now possesses this ability, his mother has passed away long ago. What is the meaning of all this?

But Huo Yuhao in the parallel world, what he is doing now is exactly what he dreams of accomplishing.

Therefore, when Huo Yuhao continued to look at Parallel Yuhao, his eyes became more determined.

He made up his mind that he must learn from him and become as good a man as him.

In this way, more tragedies can be avoided in the future.

The two daughters, Wang Donger and Wang Qiuer, are also full of expectations for Pingxiang Huo Yuhao's future trajectory.

Wang Donger: "However, if Yuhao in the parallel world left the Duke's Palace so early, he might not meet Sister Tang Ya in the future, right?"

"In this case, he will not join the Tang Sect or Shrek Academy, let alone meet me and Wang Qiu'er."

Wang Qiuer shook his head: "This is not necessarily true. We met Yu Hao. This is destined. Some things, even if the process is different, will eventually reach the same end point due to the pull of fate."

"I just don't know if Huo Yuhao in the parallel world can change his destiny."

Wang Dong'er looked puzzled: "Qiu'er, you know a lot. What is the power of destiny?"

Wang Qiu'er didn't want to say any more. She ignored Wang Dong'er and just continued to look into the picture.

And at this moment, in the picture.

[After completely settling down in the village, Huo Yuhao opened his storage soul guide again one night. 】

[Actually, he has not opened his storage soul guidance device during this period. This is mainly because his soul guidance device contains some gold soul coins, elixirs, and soul guidance devices. 】

[Consumption in such a remote village is actually not high, so the few Silver Soul Coins Huo Yuhao took out before were actually enough. 】

[As for the elixirs and soul guides, they are no longer needed. Huo Yuhao doesn't recognize the elixirs, so even if he got a lot of elixirs, he wouldn't dare to take them randomly. 】

[As the saying goes, medicine is three parts poison. Some pills can indeed help Huo Yuhao improve his soul power level, but at the cost of overdraft potential. Some elixirs simply cannot be taken together. 】

[In short, no matter what the reason is, Huo Yuhao does not dare to take medicine randomly. 】

[But these pills cannot be wasted! So Huo Yuhao's main purpose this time is to count all these things. He plans to go to a nearby town tomorrow to identify them. Of course, the same goes for soul guides. 】

[So Huo Yuhao started to take action at this moment. 】

[After sorting it out, he directly put all the elixirs into a storage soul guide. Then he installed the miscellaneous soul guidance devices in another soul guidance device, planning to take it for identification tomorrow. 】

["What is this?" But at this moment, Huo Yuhao suddenly found a dark thing inside his soul guide. 】

[In fact, Huo Yuhao has no impression of this thing at all. At first he thought it was a piece of wood, but when he touched it carefully, the surface was uneven and the texture was not quite right. 】

[But Huo Yuhao got bored after playing with it for a few times. He originally planned to throw it away, but what he didn't expect was that he had just thrown it away one second, and then it flew back to his soul guide the next second. Guilty. 】

[Huo Yuhao seemed to have tried many times, but found that no matter how hard he threw it, he could not get rid of it. This made him a little dumbfounded: "This is really evil. What the hell is this?\

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