Douluo: Double comparison, this Yuhao is too cruel!

Chapter 12 The legendary god? Recruitment of the God of Destruction!

Hear these words of the God of Destruction.

The gods in the divine world also felt a little surprised.

They all looked at the dark thing in the picture.

But after looking at each one for a long time, no one recognized what that thing was.

So at the end.

Although there are many gods at the scene.

But after reading it one by one, they could only look at each other in confusion, and no one stood up to claim it.

"Isn't there anyone claiming it? It seems like it's a lost artifact."

Seeing this, the God of Destruction made some conclusions.

"A lost artifact? Can an artifact be lost?" Rong Nianbing, the God of Emotions, raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

The God of Destruction replied: "God of Emotions, you haven't been in the God Realm for too long, so you don't understand some things deeply enough."

The God of Destruction explained to the God of Emotions: "It is natural that artifacts may be lost. After all, not all gods will enter the divine realm after becoming gods."

Speaking of this, the God of Destruction @looked at Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong and said:

"For example, between the two of them, one is the Rakshasa God and the other is the Angel God."

"If they had gone directly to the God Realm when they first became gods, they would naturally be able to accept the blessings of the God Realm. As long as they do not trigger the laws of the God Realm, even the God of the Sea cannot take action against them."

"But the two of them didn't do this. Because of this, they were killed by the Poseidon before they officially became gods in the God Realm. Now their artifacts are all left on the Douluo Continent, even in our God Realm. , and cannot actively choose the successors of these two divine thrones."

While the God of Destruction was explaining to Rong Nian Bing, he also made insinuations and hit Tang San hard, implying that because of him, their God Realm was missing two gods.

At the same time, he was also hinting that Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, as gods, would be trapped in this trap if they survived this disaster.

Then the two of them can go to the God Realm and even directly join his camp as the God of Destruction.

In this case, even Tang San would be powerless against them.

"Thank you, God of Destruction, for the tip!"

And Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue are not fools, they can even be called extremely smart.

Therefore, after receiving the reminder from the God of Destruction, the two of them understood each other immediately and immediately thanked the God of Destruction.

Tang San's expression changed when he heard this, and he said angrily: "Destruction, you have gone too far!"

The God of Destruction just said lightly: "Did I violate the rules?"

Tang San snorted: "No."

The God of Destruction said: "That's fine. Since it's not against the rules, why not?"

"Does it bother you to have two more gods in our God Realm?"

He mocked Tang San mercilessly. In the entire God Realm, he was the only one who didn't give Tang San any face at all.

But Tang San really had nothing to do against the God of Destruction.

Although I was very annoyed.

But at this moment, he could only swallow this bad breath.

But this time things did get a little troublesome.

The God of Destruction has always been looking for trouble with him, but now he has Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, both of whom are even more heavyweights.

So Tang San felt that even if he could return to the God Realm after this incident, his future life would definitely not be easy.

This made him couldn't help but curse in his heart.

"Damn destruction, you have a way to die!"

The God of Kindness has been staring at the artifact. He said: "But in this case, I don't know what level of god the owner of this artifact is."

"Since the opening of the God Realm, many gods from the first to the third level have been lost, and among them, there is actually a legendary-level god whose artifacts have also been lost."

The God of Destruction raised his brows slightly when he heard this. Facing the God of Kindness, his tone became much better: "Kindness, you mean, the second person who came to the God Realm after the Dragon God?"

The God of Kindness nodded: "Yes! That person's strength is unfathomable, and his artifact is also lost. It's a pity that history has been too long, and we, the gods who came later, only know that there is such a god. That’s all, but I don’t know his specific abilities.”

The God of Destruction added: "But no matter what, he is also very powerful, isn't he? According to legend, if he was still around back then, he might be able to suppress the Dragon God in the war between the gods."

Tang San's eyes on one side became more and more solemn upon hearing this.

Naturally, latecomers like him would not know much about these long-standing things, because even the God of Destruction and the others only knew a little bit about them.

It's just that Tang San could tell from their few words just now that there were many more powerful artifacts lost in the history of the God Realm.

This made him couldn't help but mutter in his mind: "This kid's luck won't be so good, right?"

"if it is like this"

"Isn't it cool for me in another world?"

"No, no, it shouldn't happen."

He exhaled and continued to comfort himself.

And on the other side.

Huo Yuhao not only finished watching the content played on the screen, he also finished watching all the dialogues between the gods.

Because now he has gone through advanced studies at Shrek Academy, so he also knows what the so-called gods and artifacts are.

According to rumors, Master Tang San wanted to obtain the Poseidon Trident, and he killed everyone in the Battle of Jialing Pass, and he became a god later.

Therefore, obtaining an artifact must be a necessary condition for becoming a god.

However, if this is the case.

Doesn't it mean that the person in the parallel world already has the possibility of becoming a god?

This made Huo Yuhao feel very envious and regretful for his previous incompetence.

He took a breath and said:

"Perhaps this is the reward for the brave."

"Back then, I was timid and cowardly and ran away, so I gained nothing."

"But in the parallel world, I was decisive in killing and brave enough to change my destiny, so God also gave him a reward."

"I can only say that the opportunity was given to me, but I didn't take it."

Huo Yuhao regretted it endlessly.

He continued to look at the screen.

And at this moment.

in the screen.

[Huo Yuhao, who had tried many times but still had no results, was too lazy to pay attention to the pitch black thing. 】

[He packed all the elixirs and soul guides, and then rested at home for the night. 】

[Early the next morning, he said goodbye to his mother and rushed directly towards the largest city nearby. 】

[After a long journey, he finally arrived inside the city. 】

[Then Huo Yuhao found a drug store, took out a small portion of the elixir, and asked the store to identify the medicine for him. 】

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