Douluo Dragon Emperor, the beginning of revenge against the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect

Chapter 276 Liu Fan begins mass production of powerful people

With Ah Yin, Liu Fan returned to the Star Dragon Sect.

Because when he left the Star Dragon Sect to go to the Endless Sea, Liu Fan did not tell anyone that he was going to overthrow and destroy the Sea God Island.

So everyone in the Star Dragon Sect only knew that Liu Fan was going to the Endless Sea, but they didn't know what he was going to do.

Seeing Liu Fan bring back such a beautiful woman like Ah Yin, people like Ning Rongrong and Meng Yiran couldn't help but feel a little sour in their hearts.

Both of them were from big families, but they were not from aristocratic families like Zhu Zhuqing.

Because the female relatives around them were married, their husbands didn't dare to marry again when their families were strong, so the two women hoped that their future husbands would only be women.

However, they fell in love with Liu Fan, a man whose strength and status were far stronger than their families, and this hope would obviously be in vain.

The two women also knew about this and had already accepted it, but they must still feel a little sour in their hearts.

But after following Liu Fan for so long, Ning Rongrong had already controlled her emotions.

Claiming to be a "big wife", she absolutely does not allow herself to be sarcastic and petty outside, which would damage her image.

But seeing Ah Yin, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"Brother Liu Fan, who is this sister?"


Facing the curious eyes of Ning Rongrong, Meng Yiran and Zhu Zhuqing, Liu Fan couldn't help but smile faintly.

Hearing Liu Fan's words, Ning Rongrong, Meng Yiran and Zhu Zhuqing naturally guessed, but unfortunately they all guessed wrong.

"To some extent, she is actually the mother of Tang San's body. You can just call her Sister Ah Yin."

Because the three women had never guessed it, Liu Fan couldn't help but finally smiled and slowly told the truth.

But Liu Fan's words were obviously very confusing.

What is the mother of Tang San's body!

And Liu Fan did not hide this. With a faint smile, in front of Ah Yin, he told the three women about Tang Hao's hypocrisy and shamelessness in designing Ah Yin as his wife in order to become the youngest Titled Douluo on the mainland.

There are also Tang San and even the undead from another world, occupying the body of Ah Yin's original son.

The three women were shocked when they heard this.

"Is that Haotian Douluo Tang Hao so shameless and despicable? He even harmed his own wife just for the title of the youngest Titled Douluo on the continent. This is too shameless!"

Ning Rongrong couldn't help but feel indignant.

Hearing Ning Rongrong and the other women complaining for her, Ah Yin's gentle and quiet face was also quite complicated, but she still smiled gently and expressed her gratitude to the three women.

"Thank you for speaking for me. I already know Tang Hao's true face, so I chose to leave him and follow the young master."

After handing Ah Yin over to the three women and asking them to take Ah Yin to visit the Xinglong Sect, Liu Fan also convened the highest meeting of the Xinglong Sect again.

At the highest meeting, Liu Fan asked about the current situation of the Tiandou Empire. Has His Majesty "Xue Qinghe" successfully controlled the empire?

In this regard, Dugu Bo couldn't help but look a little uncomfortable and sad.

Because according to Liu Fan's instructions, after Qian Renxue wrote to Liu Erlong, expressing her intention to eliminate Prince Xuexing and the fourth prince Xue Beng, Liu Erlong found Dugu Yan and gave Dugu Yan the inner pill of the ten-headed scorching sun snake that Liu Fan had given her in advance to refine.

After successfully refining the inner pill of the ten-headed scorching sun snake.

At that time, Dugu Yan, who was still a soul sect, suddenly raised his cultivation to level 50, and his martial soul evolved from a green phosphorus snake to a nine-headed red phosphorus snake.

This naturally made Dugu Bo overjoyed, and he took his granddaughter Dugu Yan to hunt for the fifth soul ring.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he came back, Dugu Bo heard that Prince Xuexing and Xue Beng had been captured and executed by Qian Renxue, who had ascended the throne.

This made Dugu Bo feel a little guilty.

Because if he was still in the Xinglong Sect at that time, he would definitely go to plead for Prince Xuexing if he heard the news.

In that case, Prince Xuexing and the fourth prince Xue Beng might not have to die.

Even if his cultivation was abolished and he became an ordinary person and was exiled to the northern border, he would be executed!

Because Dugu Bo was in a gloomy mood, it was finally Lie Kuang, the husband of Ye Zhilan, the patriarch of the Nine Heart Begonia Family, who also had extensive connections in the Tiandou Imperial City, who informed Liu Fan of the recent situation in the Tiandou Empire.

During the days when Liu Fan was away, Qian Renxue had successfully controlled the court by various means, using both kindness and force, pulling one faction and beating another, and also successfully took control of the army of the Tiandou Empire.

Now, Qian Renxue is organizing and training musketeers.

According to Liu Fan's suggestion, the musketeers were formed by farmers and miners in the countryside.

These people are generally hardworking and able to withstand pressure. Because of their work, they naturally have a certain degree of organizational ability, are easier to train, and are of low origin, easier to subdue, and have great awe of the imperial power.

After learning that Qian Renxue had successfully taken control of the Tiandou Empire, Liu Fan began to prepare war materials, forge flintlock rifles, and train musketeers with the power of the Tiandou Empire. Liu Fan could not help but prepare to improve the combat power of the Xinglong Sect.

At the meeting, Liu Fan told the senior leaders that he met the Wolf Bandits on the way to the Endless Sea.

Then he studied the method of sacrifice through the Wolf Bandits. Before that, he also studied the method of improving the age and cultivation of soul rings, and he obtained a large amount of evil sea soul beast flesh and blood from the Endless Sea.

Now he can raise everyone's cultivation to the level of Ultimate Douluo at once!

When they heard the news, the senior members of the Star Dragon Sect in the conference room were shocked and full of disbelief.

Because this was just like a dream!

Titled Douluo, especially the 99th level Ultimate Douluo, has always been the inherent domain of top geniuses, evildoers and monsters.

Only such existences can enter the realm of Ultimate Douluo.

And improving the age of soul rings has always been the domain of gods.

Liu Fan actually said that he could help them improve their cultivation to the Ultimate Douluo, not to mention the age of soul rings, plus Liu Fan has helped people evolve their martial souls more than once.

Is the sect master a god?

For a moment, whether it was the Peerless Dragon Snake couple, or Dugu Bo, Lie Kuang and Yang Wudi, they couldn't help but be shocked.

As for the reactions of his subordinates, Liu Fan had fully anticipated them. He directly called a group of senior members out of the conference room and came to a quiet forest and asked.

"Who will come first?"

Everyone also understood what Liu Fan meant.

After looking at each other, Lie Kuang stood up first and said, "I'll go first!"

Among all the male senior executives, Lie Kuang was still a Soul Saint, with the lowest cultivation.

Now that he finally had a chance to become the strongest, Lie Yang naturally didn't want to miss it.

He believed that Liu Fan would not lie to him anyway.

After Lie Kuang signed up first, Liu Fan asked Lie Yang to stand in front of him.

Then he took out a pile of blood and flesh of evil sea soul beasts as big as a hill from the storage soul guide, and used the soul devouring skill of the external soul bone, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger Tail Hook, to start devouring the flesh and blood and transforming it into pure soul power, which was input into Lie Kuang's body, so that Lie Kuang could refine it with the basic inner strength of the Tang Sect.

Because he had obtained the Tang Sect's unique skills from Tang San, Liu Fan naturally used Xuan Tian Gong for himself and the people closest to him first.

But there was no need to cherish the basic inner strength of the Tang Sect that Tang San practiced when he was an outer disciple.

Liu Fan passed it on to all senior executives, and even the most talented true disciples had the opportunity to learn it.

With the help of Liu Fan, Lie Kuang continued to practice the Tang Sect's basic internal skills, refining the pure soul power that poured into his body, and soon raised his cultivation to level 80. (End of this chapter)

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