After raising Lie Kuang's cultivation to level 80, the next step is to obtain soul rings.

But now Liu Fan has learned the method of sacrifice.

Now Liu Fan no longer plans to let Lie Kuang hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings.

Because hunting a ten thousand year soul beast can only obtain a ten thousand year soul ring.

A ten thousand year soul ring has only one soul skill, even if Liu Fan can upgrade the soul ring to a hundred thousand years later.

But since it was a ten thousand year soul ring when it was first absorbed, even if the subsequent age is increased to a hundred thousand years, it still has only one soul skill.

So after bringing Lie Kuang to the Xingdou Great Forest, Liu Fan first took Lie Kuang to find a fire attribute, a Golden Flame Blazing Fire Lion with a cultivation of up to eighty thousand years, and used the mirror image of the left leg bone of the Mirror Shadow Beast to copy the soul skill and copy the Golden Flame Blazing Fire Lion.

Afterwards, Liu Fan controlled the mirror image Golden Flame Blazing Fire Lion to sacrifice Lie Kuang.

Because Liu Fan's left leg bone of the Mirror Shadow Beast is as old as three hundred thousand years, and Liu Fan's cultivation is as high as level ninety-nine, copying an eighty thousand year soul beast is naturally a hundred percent copy.

Therefore, after being sacrificed, the soul ring obtained by Lieyang was naturally an 80,000-year soul ring that was almost the same as the genuine Golden Flame Blazing Lion.

After raising Lie Kuang's cultivation to Soul Douluo, Liu Fan used a large amount of evil sea soul beasts' flesh and blood to raise Lie Kuang's cultivation to level 90.

Anyway, with the dozens of tribes that attacked the Sea God Island, the flesh and blood of the evil sea soul beasts, which numbered up to hundreds of thousands, and the sea soul masters of the Sea God Island.

Liu Fan brought a large number of storage soul guides to collect the flesh and blood.

This flesh and blood is enough to raise the cultivation of all the high-level people of the Star Dragon Sect to the limit Douluo, and the consumption is less than one percent.

After raising Lie Kuang to level 90, Liu Fan asked Lie Kuang to wait here, and then went to the Star Dou Great Forest.

This time, Liu Fan chose to copy the three-headed red demon mastiff that was absorbing and refining the Tianmeng ice silkworm with other fierce beasts in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

The cultivation level of the three-headed red demon mastiff was as high as 300,000, and Liu Fan just copied it perfectly.

After returning to Lie Kuang, Liu Fan summoned the mirror image of the three-headed red demon mastiff and sacrificed it to Lie Kuang, directly turning Lie Kuang into a Titled Douluo with a 100,000-year ninth soul ring.

After that, Liu Fan directly raised Lie Yang's cultivation level to level 99, and then all his soul rings were raised to 100,000 years, and finally brought Lie Kuang back to the Star Dragon Sect.

After bringing Lie Kuang back to the Star Dragon Sect, it was discovered that Lie Kuang had actually become an Extreme Douluo with all soul rings of 100,000 years, and the ninth soul ring was a true 100,000-year soul ring, with two soul skills. Other high-level people couldn't help but be excited, and they all expressed that they wanted to be the second to upgrade in Liu Fan's hands.

After that, Liu Fan successively raised the cultivation levels of the high-level people above the Soul Saint realm, such as the Peerless Dragon Snake Couple, Dugu Bo, Ye Zhilan, Shi Nian, Lei Hongtian, Niu Gao, and Yang Wudi, all of whom were all above the Soul Saint realm, to Extreme Douluo, with all soul rings of 100,000 years, and all of them had at least one true 100,000-year soul ring.

While Liu Fan turned all the high-ranking members of the Star Dragon Sect into Extreme Douluos with all soul rings of 100,000 years, Qian Renxue finally successfully trained several musketeers, and the Spirit Hall's soul master corps was also ready.

So, one day.

Qian Renxue suddenly announced with Juegui Douluo sent by the Spirit Hall that the Heavenly Dou Empire will cooperate with the Spirit Hall to unify the Douluo Continent.

From then on, the continent was under the jurisdiction of the empire, and the soul master world was under the jurisdiction of the Spirit Hall.

When the court heard the news, the whole court was shocked.

After the news spread, the soul master world of the entire Heavenly Dou Empire was also shocked.

No one thought that the Heavenly Dou Empire, which had been very hostile to the Spirit Hall, would one day cooperate with the Spirit Hall and want to unify the continent together?

Does the current emperor have such a big courage?

After hearing the news, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi in the Star Dragon Sect were very anxious and immediately found Liu Fan to ask what was going on.

They all knew that Liu Fan had a good relationship with Qian Renxue, and that the Xinglong Sect and the Qibao Liuli Sect were both supporters of the Tiandou Empire's royal family.

But now, why did the emperor of the Tiandou Empire suddenly cooperate with the Spirit Hall to unify the continent without saying anything?

What should they do?

Anyway, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi both had a blood feud with the Spirit Hall, and it was difficult for them to accept that their sects and countries suddenly cooperated with the Spirit Hall.

However, Liu Fan had been prepared for this, and explained to Niu Gao and Yang Wudi earnestly that Qian Renxue's cooperation with the Spirit Hall was not really sincere.

The Spirit Hall was ambitious. After unifying the continent with the Tiandou Empire, would it really follow the agreement and only take care of the soul master world, and continue to hand over the main world to the Empire?

This is definitely impossible!

Anyway, in Liu Fan's explanation, the Empire and the Spirit Hall will have a war after unifying the continent in the future.

This is just to unify the continent, and to seek the skin of the tiger with the Spirit Hall first!

After listening to Liu Fan's explanation, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi calmed down and chose to believe Liu Fan.

In response, after watching the two leave, Liu Fan couldn't help but smile faintly in the study.

He spent so much energy to raise the cultivation of a group of high-level people to the limit of Douluo, and then upgraded all the soul rings to 100,000 years. Is he really so generous and selfless?

Although as the leader of the Star Dragon Sect, it is normal to improve the strength of his subordinates.

But now after offending the Shura God, Liu Fan is ready to stand with the Spirit Hall.

The reason why Liu Fan did not exclude Niu Gao and Yang Wudi was that he still raised the cultivation of the two people who had a blood feud with the Spirit Hall to the Extreme Douluo, and all their soul rings were raised to 100,000 years.

The main reason was that Liu Fan found that with his help, people who had improved their cultivation and soul ring age.

It may be that the pure soul power and life force he provided contained his spirit and life imprint.

This made people who accepted his soul power and life force naturally have a good impression of him, and this good impression would become deeper and deeper with the subtle influence of time.

In addition, Liu Fan could also disrupt the soul power and soul rings in the bodies of these soul masters who had improved their cultivation and soul ring age with his help, so that their soul power would be blocked and their soul skills could not be activated normally.

This made Liu Fan willing to raise the cultivation of Niu Gao and Yang Wudi to the Extreme Douluo, and all their soul rings were raised to 100,000 years.

After Qian Renxue announced in the court that the Tiandou Empire would cooperate with the Spirit Hall to unify the continent.

Soon, Qian Renxue, who had been prepared for a long time, issued an order.

The musket army, cavalry army and border army of the Tiandou Empire, together with the soul master army of the Spirit Hall, immediately launched an attack on the kingdoms and principalities belonging to the Tiandou Empire.

To resist foreign aggression, we must first stabilize the internal situation!

This is also a consensus among military strategists on the Douluo Continent.

And because many of the kingdoms and principalities that split from the two empires were done by the Spirit Hall.

From the novel, we can know how deep the Spirit Hall's penetration of these kingdoms and principalities is when the Spirit Hall united these kingdoms and principalities to establish the Spirit Empire.

So with the help of the Spirit Hall, the coalition forces of the Tiandou Empire and the Spirit Hall quickly annexed all the kingdoms and principalities belonging to the Tiandou Empire, such as the Kingdom of Barak, the Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs and the Kingdom of Silves.

Immediately afterwards, the coalition forces went straight to the border and began to attack the Xingluo Empire and the kingdoms and principalities located on the border of the Xingluo Empire.

Facing the attacks of the Sky Dou Empire's musket army, knight army, and border army, as well as the Spirit Hall's spirit master army, the armies of the Star Luo Empire and the kingdoms and principalities on the borders of the Star Luo Empire were no match for them and were beaten back step by step.

Basically, the coalition forces of the Sky Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall conquered the border provinces of the Star Luo Empire and several kingdoms and principalities on the borders of the Star Luo Empire like a whirlwind.

For a time, the continent was shocked. (End of this chapter)

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