Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1021: , Youhou and Shenghou XINshuHAiGe.CoM

Fortunately, Ning Rongrong’s room is completely soundproofed, and there are usually many important matters that need to be negotiated here, so Ning Rongrong’s blushing and heart-beating cry was not heard in the room, otherwise I am afraid Her image in the minds of all Guangmingguantang disciples was about to be shattered.

After the clouds collected the rain and calmed down, Ning Rongrong and Qi Ling appeared in front of everyone again. Looking at everyone's curious eyes, Ning Rongrong's face blushed, but he still said, "This People can be trusted. He is our ally and comes to help us."

Although everyone was surprised, since the hall master had already made such a judgment, they couldn't say anything.

And Yang Qianqiong said happily at this time: "Yeah! Hall Master is wise! I said Qi Ling is a good person."

After seeing Qi Ling, Ning Rongrong's first thing to do was nothing else, but to take Qi Ling to find someone.

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" Qi Ling couldn't help but wonder.

"Who else can I find? Of course it is Zhuqing!" Ning Rongrong said, "She must also think that you are going crazy, of course I will take you to see her as soon as possible."

"Ah, by the way, mentioning Zhuqing and Rongrong, is she not with you? Why can't I find out about her?" Qi Ling couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course, with Zhuqing's character, how can she do the work of Guangming Guantang, she can only kill." Ning Rongrong laughed, "So, the organization she joined is also very simple. It is a city that never sleeps. The same killer organization, named Blood Hall, is now the most powerful expert in it."

"Huh? So powerful?" Qi Ling suddenly remembered, and said, "So, what I heard in the rivers and lakes, you are the two of You Empress and Saint Empress?"

Rumors about the rivers and lakes are always the fastest spreading, and the folks are also willing to use them as post-dinner talks. Among these rumors, people naturally talk about the beauties on the rivers and lakes the most.

Among them, it seems that everyone has reached a consensus. The underworld forces are the most beautiful with the No. 1 killer of the Blood Hall, the “Queen”, and the decent strength is the most beautiful, the “Holy Queen” of the three halls of the Guangguan Hall. This is a good story in the arena.

"That fellow Zhuqing, as a killer, naturally needs a code name." Ning Rongrong said, "In the beginning, she gave herself the code name Nether, but she didn't know how to pass it on, so she became a queen. "

"And after those decent disciples knew her title, they were not reconciled. They insisted on giving me the title of Saint Queen, which made me feel helpless."

Saint Empress and You Empress, these names are really stylish when they hear them. This group of people in the rivers and lakes really do nothing every day, so they wondered if they were missing.

After that, Ning Rongrong put on a disguise, changed his appearance, and then took Qi Ling to look for Zhu Zhuqing. The disciples of Guangming Guantang were naturally uneasy about their own chief traveling alone with this strange man, and they spoke to stop them.

"It's okay, don't worry." Ning Rongrong smiled and said to everyone, "The man next to me is the most secure man in the world!"

As a killer organization, the Blood Hall naturally cannot be found by everyone. They have their own set of unique connection methods, and Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing have a unique set of contact methods that belong to them.

Under the leadership of Ning Rongrong, the two came to a ruined temple outside the wilderness, and then Ning Rongrong exchanged special secret words with the people inside to get a red wooden lottery. Then he left with Qi Ling.

Afterwards, Ning Rongrong also explained that if you want to see the people in the Blood Hall, you must find a way to get this red wooden lottery. Otherwise, even if you find their gathering place, it will be useless.

What Qi Ling did not expect was that the place where the blood hall was located was actually where he was before, that is, Fuzhou! In this most prosperous and prosperous city, there is also a group of most terrifying killers in this world.

However, since it is the most prosperous city, it must be the most well-informed place and the most crowded place! If you want to hide a tree, the best place is of course in the forest, so here is the ideal place to hide.

"Looking at your appearance, you must have guessed the reason why the blood hall is here, right?" Ning Rongrong looked at Qi Ling's appearance and said, "Then guess again, the blood hall's base will be Where is it?"

Qi Ling thought about it a little bit. Judging from the style and thinking of their hiding in Fuzhou, this place may not be difficult to guess, so Qi Ling smiled and said, "I guess it should be in the brothel in the city, isn't it? "

This time it was Ning Rongrong's turn to be surprised, and said, "Oh? How did you guess it, Qi Ling?"

"It's very simple, because others can't think of it, so I can think of it." Qi Ling smiled, "and this place is the most well-informed and it is convenient for them to do things."

"That's right, when Zhu Qing said that," Ning Rongrong said, "Not enough, when she said it, there was another reason."

"Because she hates women who bully people the most, so if someone bullies those girls forcibly, regardless of their willingness, maybe the next day, they will appear in the river in the city inexplicably!"

"Really, this is something like Zhuqing would do." Qi Ling smiled, "Let's go, let's go and see her as soon as possible."

The two walked into a lively brothel in the city, and a group of girls surrounded them with joy. After all, guests like Qi Ling are willing to receive guests even if they don't need money.

Only after Qi Ling took out the red wooden sign from his body, someone immediately dispelled them, and then took Qi Ling and Ning Rongrong out of the back door to a very hidden basement.

Hearing that the two were about to see Zhu Zhuqing, the people in the Blood Hall couldn't help being cautious. After all, the first assassin in the Blood Hall was not seen by anyone, and Zhu Zhuqing was famous, but many people saw her not for business.

So afterwards, Ning Rongrong handed a jade pendant that he had with him to the other party, and said: "Give this to the queen, she will meet me."

The man went in to report the suspicion, and it didn't take long before he came out again, invited the two in, and then carefully closed the door again.

Everyone believes that as the largest organization of the two realms of justice, Guangmingguantang and Xuetang must be indifferent, but in fact they are not, because the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, even if the relationship between the two parties is not good, at least it is a good one. The water does not violate the river water.

After entering the Blood Hall headquarters, there is nothing surprising about the various furnishings inside, and you can even see it in ordinary people, and you can't see where the strongest killer organization is.

However, from Qi Ling's eyes, it can be seen that these seemingly ordinary furnishings actually have other secrets, hidden innumerable deadly traps.

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