Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1022: , Youhou Zhu Zhuqing

Not long after the two of them walked, a short-haired man walked over. There was no sound during the action, showing an excellent smoothness.

The person who led Qi Ling and Qi Ling said respectfully immediately after seeing this man: "Master Bloodblade, these two are the guests who are going to see the Queen of You."

Bloodblade waved to the man, and the man immediately walked down knowingly, then the Bloodblade looked at Qi Ling and Ning Rongrong, and said, "Hall Master Ning, it's been a long time."

Ning Rongrong didn't feel surprised that the other party recognized his identity at a glance, and said, "Bloodblade, I'm here to see Queen You, not to see you."

"Haha, don't say that, Hall Master Ning, you are not interested in me, but I am very interested in you!" Xue Blade suddenly laughed, "The world-renowned beauty, and You Hou named the peerless beauty, there is that Would men not be tempted?"

Ning Rongrong frowned. It was obvious that the other party's words had angered her, and Qi Ling smiled and patted Ning Rongrong on the shoulder, and said to the blood blade: "Take the liberty to ask, between you and the queen, yes what relationship?"

Bloodblade looked at Qi Ling, and said arrogantly: "A face you haven't seen, who are you?"

Ning Rongrong hurriedly said: "He is my friend! I can vouch for him."

"Hall Master Ning guarantees, I can trust it naturally." Xueblade said, "Before answering your question, I want to ask you, do you know why the Blood Hall is the number one killer organization in the world?"

Teacher Qi Ling said: "I don't know."

"It's very simple, because of the existence of You Empress! Because of You Empress, we are the number one in the world!" said the blood blade, "So, don't ask us what is the relationship with You Empress! For everyone in our blood hall, After the secluded, it is supreme!"

Qi Ling didn't expect that these people in the Blood Hall would be such a fanatical fan, but he didn't know if other people were the same.

"Of course, if you want to ask about my strength, I am ranked third in the blood hall." Bloodblade then continued, "only after Youhou and Yinniang."

From the other's expression, Qi Ling finally knew that this should be a good ranking, so he said: "Well, well, in that case, let's see you first, and if you have something, we will talk later."

Although Bloodblade wanted to say something more, he also knew that Empress You should have heard the arrival of these two people. Since she was her guest, she must be coming here too. It would not be good for her to delay any longer, so Walked in with the two of them.

While on the way, Bloodblade didn't forget to strike Ning Rongrong, and said, "I don't know what the relationship between the two is, but Hall Master Ning seems to have a lot to do with this one!"

"I didn't expect that the dignified queen of Guangmingguantang would appear with a man. It's really surprising! I didn't even dream of it."

But Blood Blade didn't know. The sarcasm he thought sounded very pleasing to Ning Rongrong. She didn't care at all about the Holy Queen or the Hallmaster of Guangming View Hall. All she cared about was the person next to her.

"Huh! I want you to take care of it! Nosy and get seriously ill!" Ning Rongrong said, "Also, don't talk about me, maybe you see him in the empress, you are more excited than I am! Maybe you will rush over. Kiss him!"

"Hahaha, the queen can really make jokes, but it's a pity, our queen is not like that, and we will never do anything like that!" Bloodblade said as if he had heard a big joke.

The empress who doesn't allow any man to touch herself, and who never shows a smile to any man, will hug and hug a man again? Just thinking about it, Bloodblade felt that he was about to collapse his faith, which was impossible.

Not long after walking, a few people saw someone walking out of the depths of the blood hall, and seeing this person, a fanatical admiration immediately appeared on the face of the blood blade: "You Empress, the Holy Empress is carrying a stranger The men came to visit, I think they..."

But before the words of the blood blade were finished, the ground suddenly uttered a crisp "Dang Cang", and the dagger, which never left the body in the hands of Youhou, fell to the ground like this!

As for her, even before the sound of the dagger landing, she still turned into a phantom, and she plunged into Qi Ling's arms and hugged him tightly.

Everyone at the scene was surprised and speechless, only Qi Ling smiled and said, "Zhuqing, you don't need to be like this...Um!"

For Zhu Zhuqing, she didn't even care about the opinions of people around her like Ning Rongrong, so she missed it so strongly that she directly kissed Qi Ling's lips, warm and hot.

Ning Rongrong looked at the two of them and couldn't help but snicker. At this moment, she even wanted to know what kind of expression the blood blade would look like, so she couldn't help but secretly look at it. Live, "Pouch" laughed.

Bloodblade's mouth was wide open as if it could be dragged to the ground, and his eyes seemed to be flying out. It even made people think that after a while, he should have snot left on his nose.

It’s no wonder that what happened before him is tantamount to the collapse of faith for the bloodblade. For him, the supreme queen, at this moment, is hugging you with a man, and is still kissing, and more importantly, Or did you take the initiative? You should be dreaming, right? This nightmare is too real!

"You, you are here at last." After finally stopping kissing Qi Ling, Zhu Zhuqing said excitedly, "I knew that you would find me."

From this we can see the difference between Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing. From what they said when they saw Qi Ling, we could see the personalities of both sides, but fortunately, Qi Ling liked them.

"Sorry, I made you wait a long time." Qi Ling smiled, "Don't worry, I will definitely take you all back."

After that, Zhu Zhuqing let go of Qi Ling, but his face still looked terrified, as if he was afraid that everything in front of him was illusory, and Qi Ling would disappear in the next second.

"Crack, squeak!" At this time, a strange noise alarmed everyone. It turned out that the blood blade was clenching his teeth and making a sound, and the expression on his face was terrifying and unspeakable.

"You actually, you dare to defile the queen! This sin, you can only use death to atone for it!" Bloodblade said viciously, and then took out a short knife from his waist, and wanted to rush towards Qi Ling. .

But before the blood blade rushed out, a figure had appeared beside him, Zhu Zhuqing was holding a dagger and was standing on his neck, so that the blood blade did not dare to move any more.

"You are so brave, Blood Blade!" Zhu Zhuqing said coldly to Blood Blade at this time, "My man, you dare to move, don't you want to live anymore?"

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