Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1026: , Su Daji

"I'm just worried. If the king knew that I was so intimate with the concubine, then it would be a bad thing." Qi Ling said, this is also the question in his heart at this time.

After all, the world says how King Zhou dotes on Concubine Su, but if that is the case, how could such a thing happen?

Concubine Su Gui heard Qi Ling's words, but couldn't help but smile: "Haha, do you know your lord, how many times does the king see me every week?"

Qi Ling shook his head honestly, and then Concubine Su continued: "Haha, not once...not at all!"

Qi Ling was startled and said, "How can this be possible? With the great king's faith in your noble concubine, I am afraid that I will lose my soul if I don't see you for a day, so how can I not see you again?"

"It's very simple. The king thought he would have fun with me every day, but in fact, all around him are just the maid I sent." Su Guifei smiled.

"He thought he knew me completely, but in fact, the king never even touched my hand." Concubine Su Gui's eyes wandered and she looked at Qi Ling and said, "So, the scenery that your lord sees now, but even The king has never seen it before, and what the lord is holding now is something the king has never encountered before."

Qi Ling only felt that there were more and more doubts in his heart. Even if it was true that Concubine Su Gui said, King Zhou had never had any contact with her, but why did she tell herself? More importantly, why would she let herself do this?

"Is it very curious for adults, why would I let adults do this?" Su Guifei smiled about this matter. "Perhaps in the eyes of adults, I am a very slutty woman who can easily make people frivolous, right?"

Qi Ling hurriedly said: "Don't dare, I have never felt this way."

"Haha, it's a pity that apart from you, other men have never had such close contact with me." Su Guifei said, "I ask you another question, you know, how many times have you been here? Are you in my boudoir?"

"This...I don't remember." Qi Ling said helplessly, he really didn't know.

"It's the first time." Su Guifei said with a smile, "Lord Qinglong had something to report before, but he left after reporting in the living room."

"Then sir, do you know why I let you come into my boudoir this time?"

"This..." Qi Ling had to say honestly again, "I don't know."

"It's very simple." Su Guifei suddenly withdrew her feet from Qi Ling's hands, then sat up and lay on Qi Ling's body, "Because you are not Qinglong at all."

When his identity was revealed, Qi Ling was also taken aback, but he didn't take any other actions. Instead, he said slowly: "Su Guifei can really be joking. I am not Qinglong, so who can I be."

"Who are you, I don't know, but it's definitely not the blue dragon." Su Guifei said, touching Qi Ling's chest with one hand. "The blue dragon is just a bug. You are a real dragon!"

At this moment, Qi Ling could no longer pretend to be confused. His own identity was obviously exposed, so he said, "It seems that the lord noble concubine already knew my identity, but why didn’t he expose me? , Let me come here?"

"Women’s thoughts, don’t guess, you can’t guess." Su Guifei smiled, "Don’t feel that you are the one who has the upper hand now. Actually, you should be yours in my control. right."

As Concubine Su said this, Qi Ling suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He looked down in surprise, and saw that his body, which was unharmed under the sharp dagger, was easily used by Concubine Su's nails. Pierced the skin, and then drew a cross on it.

This is undoubtedly Concubine Su telling herself that her power is enough to cause damage to Qi Ling, so if Qi Ling wants to use power to solve the problem, she should give up temporarily.

Qi Ling felt helpless for a while, so just talk about it. What does it mean to give yourself a double stroke? If this is for others to see, what should I think?

But immediately, Qi Ling did give up the solution to this matter with strength. The other party was able to break through his defenses so casually. Obviously, Concubine Su's power was beyond his imagination.

"Well, then I don't know what Concubine Su you plan to do with me?" Qi Ling said helplessly, "Are you going to expose my identity and let the soldiers arrest me? Or do you want to solve me just like this? "

Concubine Su Gui smiled at this time and said, "After all this, I still don't know your real name, Sir."

"My name is Qi Ling." Qi Ling said honestly.

"Qi Ling? It really is a good name." Concubine Su Gui said with a smile, "Concubine Su Daji, please take care of you."

Hearing this name, Qi Ling couldn’t help but the corner of his eyes jumped, but then Su Daji slowly let go of Qi Ling, then handed his feet over here, and said: "My lord’s massage just now, I still I haven't enjoyed enough, I wonder if adults can continue?"

Helpless, Qi Ling had no choice but to continue to massage Su Daji, and while closing his eyes to enjoy, Su Daji said, "I will not expose your identity, my lord. From now on, you will still be the commander-in-chief of Qinglong."

"After you go out later, Qi Ling, you can go to Master Zhao, tell him the information you have learned, and then gain his trust. As for other things, I won't bother about it."

Qi Ling couldn't help but said at this time: "Why? Isn't your task to guard the Shang Dynasty for ten years?"

By now, Qi Ling had fully understood that with such power, Su Da could not be a person in this world, but could only be a person from other worlds who went here to be tested.

And Qi Ling finally knew that what the blood demon said was a test that had no hope of passing. What did it mean? With such a person here, the Shang Dynasty was indeed invincible.

"My adult guess is correct, my mission is indeed to guard for ten years." Su Daji smiled at this time, "I didn't understand why this mission is so simple. I seem to do nothing for ten years. Time, no one can destroy this dynasty."

"But when I saw you today, I seem to understand the reason." Su Daji looked at Qi Ling and smiled, "My lord, you are the fate of other people, but it's mine."

Although Qi Ling has always been very confident in himself, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly at this time: "Su Guifei, you don't have to make fun of me. In this situation, I don't think I can easily change the situation."

"You don't think so, but I can tell you for sure that you can." Su Daji smiled, "In addition, I still prefer the name you called me at the beginning. Can you call me like that again?"

"Um...Little Su?" Qi Ling said tentatively.

"The concubine is here." Su Daji leaned slightly and smiled, "By the way, I will tell you one more thing. This is the name, but only you have called it."

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