Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1027: , The nine-tailed clan XiNShUHaiGe.CoM

Although Qi Ling was at a loss at this time, but fortunately he was not dizzy by the beauty, but continued to slowly say: "Xiao Xiaosu, can I ask? Why are you doing this?"

"It's very simple, Qi Ling, didn't I just say it?" Su Daji continued, "You are their fate, but my calamity! If I continue like this, I can't get through this calamity."

"So, I can only let it fall when this robbery arises, and then let it become fate!"

Qi Ling suddenly felt stunned. Although Su Daji spoke lightly, but turned the catastrophe into fate, can this kind of thing really be done? Even if it is really possible, why is she so sure that this is her robbery?

"You just believe in your own judgment, and even give up the plan you have prepared for such a long time?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"However, in your world for several decades, it is not more than ten months, and in our world, it is even more than ten days." Su Daji smiled, "Moreover, I have been playing very happily during this time. ,it's nothing."

"Have a lot of fun?" Qi Ling raised his eyebrows. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing thought every day, what should they do to complete the task, but in Su Daji's place, they seemed to be just having fun?

"Oh, of course, don't you think it's very interesting to watch the masses of sentient beings rushing around under your own random guidance and trick each other?" Su Daji couldn't help but laugh.

"It's like a child watching ants fighting. For these ants, this child is a god, and the only thing they can do is to please him! It's really sad and ridiculous."

Qi Ling said helplessly: "Your character is really bad."

"Hehe, I'm like this, so why hide it." Su Daji smiled, "but naturally, these words are only for you."

"I still don't understand, why do you have such big expectations of me? How do you judge?" Qi Ling asked again.

"Want to know? I can tell you that if it is not enough, you have to promise me one thing too!" Su Daji smiled.

"What's the matter? It's too difficult for me to leave!" Qi Ling said.

"Don't worry, you won't be embarrassed." Su Daji smiled, "As long as you help me press my feet, beat my legs, and squeeze my body every week! How about it, isn't it a good deal?"

Qi Ling hesitated, this is equivalent to a massage master who has been working for two years! Although giving Su Daji a massage is also a kind of enjoyment, there is always a feeling of being squeezed by the industrious employees.

"Okay, I promise you that." Qi Ling said, "but I don't often stay in the palace, so if I go back to the palace, I will come to you."

"Hehe, it's a deal!" Su Daji smiled, "Before answering your question, there is one thing left in my concubine to show the adults."

Afterwards, Su Daji stood up from the chaise longue and came to Qi Ling with her back facing him. And just when Qi Ling didn't know what she wanted to do, suddenly, Concubine Su actually dragged her dress down, and the gorgeous silk fell on her feet, fascinating infinite reverie.

What's not disappointing enough is that Su Daji is still wearing a close-fitting coat, and she quietly turned her head and watched Qi Ling staring at her body. shocked."

Then, in Qi Ling's surprised gaze, from behind Su Daji, several white tails gradually grew! After these huge tails appeared, they almost wrapped Su Daji's body. They were fluffy and spectacular.

In fact, Qi Ling was expecting Su Daji to be a fox. She was worried that she would be scared, but it was superfluous. The fox herself had seen more, and one of them even abducted Luna.

And looking at Qi Ling's face, Su Daji couldn't help but smile: "It seems that the adults are very knowledgeable and know our nine-tailed fox family, but I don't think about it."

"Nine-tailed fox? But you have only eight tails..." Qi Ling couldn't help asking.

When Su Da heard this question, her face changed slightly, and she immediately said, "This question, please don't ask your sir. It's related to some of my privacy."

"Then, since the adults know our Nine-tailed clan, they must also think that our clan is famous for its charm, and is best at bewitching people's hearts and showing off grace, right?"

Qi Ling nodded honestly, honestly, he thought so.

"The lord, you were wrong." Su Daji said, gathering her tail, and then stretched out her hands. Vaguely, Qi Ling seemed to see a little starlight flashing between her hands.

"Our group is best at stargazing and divination, and distinguishing evil and good fortune." Su Daji smiled, "In this regard, not many people are better at it than us."

This made Qi Ling quite surprised, and couldn't help but say: "So, you feel from this, I am you..."

"Hush—" Su Daji said, reaching out a finger and touching Qi Ling's lips, and said playfully, "Don't reveal the secret of heaven, my lord, don't dare to talk falsely!"

Qi Ling couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. Didn't you just say this? Why is it not a secret secret to you, but a secret secret to me that cannot be revealed?

"Some things are not considered secret before they are said, but if they are said, they are terrific." Su Daji smiled, "I don't know if you understand?"

Qi Ling helplessly shook his head, and said, "I don't understand!"

"If you don't understand, it's okay, the lord should continue like this." Su Daji said, "Well, it's too early. If the lord does not go out again, I am afraid that people will really gossip."

"Please don't forget, my lord, if you are still in the palace tomorrow, you can continue to massage me."

Qi Ling raised his eyebrows and said, "Su Guifei..."

"Huh? What does the lord call me?" Su Daji smiled and looked at Qi Ling and said, "If the lord calls me like that, I won't say anything."

"...Little Su, I have another question." Qi Ling said, "Do you just leave things here? So what should you do with your mission?"

"This is not for the adults to worry about, for a short time, how can it be compared with the chance of a lifetime." Su Daji said, "Moreover, even if I no longer intervene in the affairs here, you adults want to achieve your goals. I am afraid it will not be too simple."

"Huh? What does this mean..."

Before Qi Ling finished speaking, he was pushed by Xiao Su and pushed to his door: "Well, Qi Ling, one question has already been answered, if you have any questions, then come to me tomorrow. Right, I am waiting for you here."

After leaving the imperial concubine’s palace, Qi Ling couldn’t help thinking about it. Now it’s a great thing to be able to let Su Daji not participate in it. He directly changed this person’s task from "absolutely impossible" to "or The difficulty of "possible".

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