Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1028: , Suzaku xiNShUHaiGe.COM

But even so, the situation is still very difficult for Qi Ling. After all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Shang Dynasty was decayed, it was a hero in troubled times, and it was not easy to dismantle it.

This feeling became stronger after Qi Ling saw the so-called Zhao Guoshi. In any respect, he was a very powerful person. With him as the commander-in-chief of the army, it was almost impossible to destroy the Shang Dynasty. The index rose.

Especially, when he knew the other party's real name, the expression on Qi Ling's face could be said to be so weird and weird. He originally thought that the surname was Zhao, but at best it was Zhao Zilong, right?

"Master Qinglong is really forgetful. When you are next to Zhao Gongming, you must not forget it again." Fenglang Shenjun's Zhao Guoshi smiled and said with an indescribable calm and calm attitude.

And Qi Ling patted his forehead at this time. Yeah, Zhao Gongming, isn't this taken for granted?

"Oh? Why did Master Qinglong do this?" Zhao Gongming asked, looking at Qi Ling, puzzled.

"Ah, ah ha ha ha, nothing, hit the mosquitoes, I'm hitting the mosquitoes." Qi Ling said helplessly, "Guo Shi is really a good name, it looks like a lot of money when you hear it."

"How dare you, everyone is sharing the worries for the king, so how dare you have any selfishness?" Zhao Gongming smiled.

After telling Zhao Gongming of the information, Qi Ling left there. The situation is really getting more and more critical now, and he can't tolerate himself not hurrying.

Since Su Da no longer intervenes here, it undoubtedly shows that she has become the highest command among Jin Yiwei, and if she can persuade Jin Yiwei to surrender, then it will undoubtedly be an important turning point in the war.

The other three commanders in Jin Yiwei, Bai Hu Qi Ling had already met, they were stupid and naive, and had no loyalty to the Shang Dynasty. All he cared about was brotherhood, so he should not be difficult to persuade.

As for Xuanwu, Qi Ling has also seen it. Generally speaking, the situation is similar to that of Baihu, so now there is only one Suzaku. Qi Ling has not added it yet, and she will be the last obstacle for Qi Ling to control Jinyiwei.

Through other people, Qi Ling also learned about the person Suzaku. If you want to compare it, Qinglong is the heart of Jin Yiwei, and Suzaku is the brain of Jin Yiwei. Almost all arrangements are made by Suzaku after integrating all aspects of information. Qi Ling is responsible for his strategy, only to provide general direction.

Such a person must be very difficult to deal with, because she is different from Baihu and Xuanwu, but she can't just say a few words to the past.

Even when necessary, Qi Ling could only take special measures, and it was not difficult for him to kill.

So after returning to Jinyiwei's headquarters, Qi Ling went to see Suzaku. The place where Suzaku lives is in the deepest part of Jinyiwei's headquarters, and even here itself is a restricted area in Jinyiwei, so there is no one at all, and no one knows what Suzaku is doing here.

This may be to keep secrets and prevent some of the information here from leaking out, but at this time it is just convenient for Qi Ling to act. In such a place, I am afraid that no matter how much noise is made, no one will find it.

So Qi Ling came to the room where Suzaku lived, and after knocking on the door handle, a red sign on the door immediately turned green, indicating that Qi Ling could enter at this time.

This was also the special operation Suzaku did, because the iron door was extremely thick and airtight, and no sound could pass through it, so if you want to enter, you can only use this special mechanism.

Pushing the heavy iron door open and then closing it again, the mechanism on the door was also locked again at this time. After Qi Ling came into the room, he finally saw the mysterious Suzaku.

As others have said, Suzaku is a very iconic beauty, with long red hair that is very eye-catching, but her character is meticulous, extremely calm and serious.

"Master Qinglong, why are you free to come to me? Our action plan seems to have just been worked out." Suzaku put down the book in his hand and said to Qi Ling.

Qi Ling smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I don't know much about some places, so I want to come and ask you for advice, so I might be more fully prepared."

"Oh? Really? Your lord doesn't understand something, just ask me, I must know everything." Suzaku said.

"Well, I don't understand, there are actually these few." Qi Ling said as he walked to Suzaku, planning to at least take her down first, and then decide what to do with her.

So Qi Ling found out some narratives he had thought of before, and asked her, Zhuque also answered Qi Ling's answers all the time. When Qi Ling wanted to do it, Zhuque suddenly said, "Is your lord planning to do it? Is it a bit too hasty?"

Qi Ling was shocked, how did she see it? I couldn't help but cautiously asked: "Suzaku, what are you talking about? What are you doing?"

"I mean, my lord is planning to do something with me now, it's a bit too hasty." Suzaku said, "Kill me, you won't be able to master Jin Yiwei, it may even be counterproductive, and you will lose everything you have now. "

Qi Ling was suddenly shocked when Suzaku revealed his thoughts at this time, but at this moment, Suzaku suddenly came to him, opened his arms and hugged Qi Ling, and then fell back with him.

If Suzaku Qi Ling had any attack actions, Qi Ling could even react by his own instinct. After all, these were all written in Qi Ling's bones, and he didn't even need to think about it.

But facing the opponent's throw and hug, Qi Ling suddenly didn't know how to react, and when he fell to the ground and the sound of the mechanism activation was heard from the ground, Qi Ling secretly said a bad sound, and he was tricked.

"Sure enough, a person with superb martial arts and responsiveness like an adult will be at a loss when the opponent does not attack." Suzaku got up from Qi Ling and said, "This may be a common problem for men."

At this time, Qi Ling's hands and feet were all **** by organs. Obviously, this position was carefully calculated by Suzaku, and it was specially prepared for Qi Ling.

These organs are very ingenious. Not only are the materials used are very strong, but the place where they are located is also carefully calculated, so that Qi Ling cannot smoothly exert his force. Now that he cannot use his power, Qi Ling cannot break free with the strength of his own body alone. Of these agencies.

In other words, Qi Ling originally wanted to subdue the opponent, but now the opponent has subdued himself, and the situation reversed instantly.

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