Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1034: , Seven Kills Sword

Tang Hao and Chen Xin are undoubtedly above the Douluo Continent. Among those who use Clear Sky Hammers and swords, they are the second most powerful, because the first one is watching the battle next to them.

Although there is a first-level difference in strength between the two, it does not have a great impact on them, not to mention that Tang Hao has two spirit bones, which is enough to make up for this disadvantage.

Looking at the battle between the two sides, Qi Ling was suddenly surprised to find that the Seven Killing Sword in Chen Xin's hand was not a complete sword, but a broken sword from it!

Qi Ling knew that this was the last time Chen Xin's sword was cut off after his duel with Old Ge, but since then, a long time has passed. Why hasn't Chen Xin's sword recovered?

After inquiring about the sword orchid, the sword orchid said, "Master's sword is not that I don't want to recover, but that it cannot be recovered. Because I don't know why, when he summons the spirit again, the seven kills sword is in the state of the broken sword."

After the martial spirit is destroyed, if it is summoned again, it should be restored to its original state. It is undoubtedly extremely abnormal that it has been maintaining the state of the broken sword like the Seven Killing Sword, and it is even something that shouldn't happen.

"Senior Sword's situation has been discussed many times by all of us, but it's a pity that even someone who is as knowledgeable as the teacher doesn't know anything about it." Tang San said helplessly at this time, "Wuhun unexpectedly It will be broken. This is beyond common sense."

Qi Ling watched Tang Hao and Sword Douluo fight at this time. Tang Hao's attacks were as fierce and domineering as usual. He seemed to destroy everything in front of him with his gestures, brave and invincible.

But what was strange was that even though he was using a remnant sword, Sword Douluo didn't let him down when facing Tang Hao. Instead, he appeared to be able to deal with Tang Hao's attack very easily.

"Sword Orchid, after Sword Senior's martial soul, has his strength deteriorated like this?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking, "especially in the cultivation of swordsmanship, how do you think he compares to before?"

Gladiolus said, "This is also what we find strange. Although Master's Seven Kills sword is broken, it seems that both his strength and his own kendo cultivation have improved a lot! Even he himself can't tell this. Because of what."

"So that's it, that's right." Qi Ling smiled, "I already know the reason why Senior Sword's seven kills sword is broken."

Tang San and Gladiolus couldn't help but feel surprised. This is the reason they couldn't find out after studying for a few months. Even the learned elders in the Spirit Hall had no experience. Qi Ling only glanced at it, and already knew the reason?

"Qi Ling, why did the teacher's spirit become Broken Sword?" Jianlan couldn't help but asked anxiously. Regarding her teacher's situation, she was undoubtedly the one who worried the most.

"In fact, the reason is very simple. You all only noticed that the broken spirit of Wuhun is very rare, there is almost no precedent, but another point has been forgotten." Qi Ling said, "That is the evolution of Wuhun, but it is very common! "

"Martial Soul Evolution?" Tang San and Gladiolus couldn't help but be surprised, and even Xiao Wu showed a puzzled expression.

"Yes, because of the broken state of the Seven Kills Sword, you didn't think of this, but this is actually a special kind of evolution." Qi Ling said, "But as far as Senior Sword is from this broken sword, he understands it. What, then only he knows."

After hearing what Qi Ling said, Tang San and Jianlan couldn't help but suddenly open up. Their thinking was indeed restricted by common sense. They felt that it was not good for the spirit to become broken, but they didn't expect that this was because Chen Xin broke the sword from this point. In the middle of the game, I realized something, so I let this sword maintain its broken sword state.

The best proof is that even though Chen Xin is holding a broken sword, her strength has greatly increased, and she has even realized the unique sword intent. In addition to the sharp surprise, there are some different things in the sword technique.

It is these new powers that Chen Xin has comprehended that made him feel extremely relaxed in the fight with Tang Hao. No matter how fierce an attack is, he can easily resolve it, because he has realized that power does not have to collide head-on. To resolve.

"Don't fight, don't fight!" At the end of the fight, Tang Hao said helplessly, "If it gets bigger, I'm afraid I will have to use the Osumi hammer! The Seven Kill Sword is really amazing."

Chen Xin said: "I'm overwhelmed. The courage of the Clear Sky Hammer is what makes people impressed. I just realized the new power. Otherwise, I will have to deal with it very hard."

Afterwards, the two of them exchanged greetings when they saw Qi Ling. Qi Ling said at this time: "Senior Sword, regarding your Seven Killing Sword that has been in a broken state, my guess is this."

So Qi Ling said his conjecture, Chen Xin suddenly realized: "So, it's no wonder that I actually feel that my strength has improved again."

"If Senior Sword hopes, I have a way to help you restore the Seven Kills Sword to its original state." Qi Ling said.

But after thinking about it for a while, Jian Douluo said, "No, thank you for your kindness, Qi Ling, but maybe this state is the state I've been pursuing."

Today's Sword Douluo, breaking into the Limit Douluo is only a matter of time, and it will even reach a higher level in the future. Perhaps in the future, after Qi Ling left the Douluo Continent, Sword Douluo would become the new patron saint of the Douluo Continent.

Then Qi Ling went to see the people in Longhua City again, and then went back to his house. With only two months left before the battle for hegemony of the Demon God begins again, he must also be prepared.

But after walking into his room, Qi Ling, who was planning to rest, was taken aback, and then smiled helplessly, and said, "I remember, people of your level can't come to the world at will, right? But we met for the second time, the second master of the Demon League."

That's right, what appeared in front of Qi Ling was the second master of the Demon League who had taken Luna away before. She looked at Qi Ling at this time and smiled: "Of course others can't, but coincidentally, I can."

"Also, don't call it the second master of the Demon League. It sounds like a lot of life. My surname is Bai, and my single name is a shallow one. Just call me Sister Bai. After all, I'm a few years older than you."

"Well, Sister Bai." Qi Ling said indifferently, "Presumably Sister Bai is here, maybe it's just to chat with me, right?"

Bai Qian smiled slightly and said: "Naturally not, I actually have two things to tell you. The first thing, I want to apologize to you on behalf of the Demon League."

"I already knew what Hao Long did during the game. I didn't expect him to do such a thing, let alone come to this world to join your fight."

"The Demon League has now completely severed the connection with Haolong, and he will no longer be allowed to commit crimes under the banner of the Demon League. I came here to explain to you."

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