Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1035: , 白浅

Hearing what Bai Qian said, Qi Ling couldn't help being surprised, because he remembered that this Haolong should be the younger brother of the big boss of the Demon League. He actually broke off his relationship with him like this. It seems that the Demon League is still what he imagined There is a big difference.

"Looking at your appearance, you obviously have some doubts?" Bai Qian smiled, "You must be thinking, this kid is obviously the older sister's younger brother, why was he expelled so easily?"

Although Qi Ling didn't speak, the expression on his face already represented everything. Bai said with a small smile: "Strictly speaking, Hao Long can only be regarded as a member of the older sister's clan. The reason why he has such a status depends on himself. Talent."

Qi Ling couldn't help but nodded, being able to defeat Bai Ling'er, at least has shown that Haolong's talent is indeed not weak.

"More importantly, in the Demon League, betraying one's companion is the number one crime. No matter who commits such a crime, it will only be expelled from the Demon League." Bai Qian said, "Such behavior The eldest sister is especially hated. If it weren’t for the sake of being a fellow clan, I’m afraid the eldest sister has already cleaned the door by herself."

Qi Ling couldn't help but feel surprised. It turned out that Luna said before that this dragon empress was quite harsh, is it true? This is true for her own people, and it is no wonder that she can lead an organization like the Demon League.

"Well, if that's the case, I don't have much to say." Qi Ling said, "But Haolong will still participate in the next Demon God Contest, right?"

"Yes, but at that time, Haolong did not represent the Demon League, but represented him personally." Bai Qian said, "Of course, we also know that he has been closer to Qian Ji Yin recently, but that It is his own choice, and we will not interfere."

Qi Ling couldn't help but nodded. After all, the Demon God Contest was able to pass the previous game through his own efforts. This way, the Demon League undoubtedly made Qi Ling feel good about them again.

Many forces often rush to kill those who expel their forces. The Demon League's accomplishment just proves their magnanimity.

"I already know about Haolong, so this second thing must be related to Luna, right?" Qi Ling couldn't help but said.

"That's right, Qi Ling." Bai Qian said, "We thought, after such a long time, Luna should also be back, so we specially asked her for advice. Hey, the child named Xiluo from the third sister, Tell me about it in two days, and I really can't help it."

"I planned to come before, but at that time I felt that you shouldn't be in this world, so I waited until your feeling reappeared, and then I came right away. How about it? That's sincere enough. ?"

Qi Ling knew what Bai Qian meant. If he wanted to take Luna away, he would naturally have to get Qi Ling's consent, because Qi Ling was a very special existence for Luna.

"Well, I can see that Luna also likes the Demon League very much, and I will not have an opinion on the Demon League because of Haolong." Qi Ling said, "As long as Luna agrees, let her Go back first, anyway, it won’t be long before the game will begin."

"Hehe, thank you, Qi Ling, Luna should be here soon, let's wait." Bai Qian said.

So soon, with the sound of bells, Luna walked in. Looking at the cat bell on Luna's neck, Qi Ling couldn't help feeling very helpless.

He gave Luna the cat bell, naturally because the attributes of this artifact are quite suitable for Luna, it can be said that it was tailor-made for her, and during Luna's battle, it can provide her with a lot of protection measures.

When Qi Ling gave this cat bell to Luna, he had absolutely no other ideas. But in the eyes of other people who don’t know the truth, that’s not the case. Such a cat bell seems to have changed. Become Qi Ling's special hobby.

Qi Ling even felt that every time everyone saw Luna’s cat bell, they would look at him with strange eyes, and he had to explain it. Even after the explanation was clear, few people chose to believe it. .

Bai Qian also covered her mouth and smiled at this time: "I really didn't expect that Qi Ling, you look so serious, but your hobbies are very special."

"I am not, I don't, Bai sister, don't talk nonsense!" Qi Ling said helplessly.

"Just kidding, haha, of course I can see that this is Qi Ling's intention." Bai Qian smiled, "and Luna seems to like it too, doesn't it?"

Luna blushed at this time, and said: "I, I like it very much!"

After that, Luna followed Bai Qian back to the Demon Realm, and when she was leaving, Luna was still very reluctant to Qi Ling, and Qi Ling took a while to comfort her, which allowed her to regain her spirit.

For his teammates in the Demon God Contest, besides Luna, there is another person, Xiaoye, and after about a week, Xiaoye also returned to Longhua City, along with Ye Jiangming and Ye Mingzhu. , Ye Mingyue two sisters.

As soon as he saw Qi Ling, Xiaoye immediately threw himself into his arms and said coquettishly: "Qi Ling! I finally saw you. This period of time is really exhausting me!"

"Hey? Has your business been so good lately? There should be few people you can't kill on this continent, right?" Qi Ling couldn't help laughing.

"Damn it, you're ashamed to say! It's all because of you, now the world is peaceful, how can so many people come to us to do business!" Xiaoye pouted, "We are all about to change business now, we are not doing killer business anymore. ."

"Hey? Really, that's a good thing, but if that's the case, what will happen to you that can tire you like this?" Qi Ling asked.

And Xiaoye said triumphantly at this time: "Qi Ling, I told you before, what our Ye Clan is best at is not killing people, but looking for caves and treasures, specializing in conquering those relics! It can be said that in this regard, People who are more professional than us can only be counted!"

"Well, I know that, after all, without you, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to pass the ruins in the demon world." Qi Ling couldn't help but say.

"Then do you remember the money rat I was looking for when we first met?" Xiaoye said, "and other materials we collected, all in order to open the treasure of the night race and find us The glory of the night dynasty in the past."

"Oh, of course I remember that, Xiaoye, the divine power you obtained, isn't it obtained from that ruin?" Qi Ling couldn't help but said.

"That's right, but Qi Ling, you probably don't know. In fact, we only opened the outermost layer of the ruins. We don't know what kind of existence is there," Xiaoye said.

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