Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1037: , A gift from Bibi Dong

After the fierce exercise, Bibi Dong lay on Qi Ling's chest panting. Although she is now a god-level in terms of strength, she was always bullied by Qi Ling in this respect and had to surrender.

After taking a rest, Bibi Dong suddenly put his face in front of Qi Ling, staring at Qi Ling's face and said, "Brother, not only will it take a lot of time for you to go this time, but there is also a lot of danger. Are you ready?"

Qi Ling confidently said: "It's okay, sister, I'm fully prepared, no matter what the problem is, I won't be bothered by it."

"Really? Sister knows that you have always been very helpful, so I have nothing to give you. Why don't I give you a gift." Bibi Dong said as he looked at Qi Ling, with a hint of sly in his eyes.

"Okay, sister, what are you going to give me? No matter what, I will be very happy." Qi Ling said.

"Hehe, you must like the gift I gave you." Bibi Dong said, "I want to...send Axue to you!"

"Haha, okay, Axue is...Axue is...huh? Axue?!" Qi Ling suddenly reacted. Bibi Dong said that Axue should not be a pet's name. , But it is worth Qian Renxue!

"Sister, what...what do you mean? What do you mean by giving Axue to me?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking.

Bibi Dong smiled at this time: "Hehe, brother, don't pretend, I can see that the relationship between you and Axue is not so simple, but a kind of relationship that is no less than what you do to me. Feelings!"

"You like Axue, and Axue likes you too! No, maybe you don't just like it anymore, it's love, right? It's love that you can only get when you admire and understand each other!"

Qi Ling didn't expect that Bibi Dong knew this so clearly. Yes, as early as Qian Renxue took the Angel Nine Test, when Qi Ling passed the true love barrier with her, the hearts of the two parties had already been determined. There was no doubt about each other.

But for a long time, because both parties were too busy to express their feelings, and Qian Renxue's personality was too slow to care about such things at all, so there was no progress between the two.

And there is another reason, perhaps the key to Qian Renxue's delay in responding, and that is the relationship between Qi Ling and Bibi Dong. I want to know how depressed and embarrassing Qian Renxue will be.

"Brother, I know that you and Axue are in love, but maybe it is because of me that will create a gap between you." Bibi Dong said, "But, I know, once a woman falls in love with a man, there is no way to change it. It can't change either."

"So, since the cause is mine, let me solve it. I don't want to see either of you sad."

Qi Ling didn't expect that Bibi Dong would be so enlightened, and even if he didn't stop the matter between the two, he would even take the initiative to match the two of them! This really surprised Qi Ling.

Unexpectedly, Qi Ling hugged Bibi Dong tightly and said, "Sister, in this case, do you really not care?"

Bibi Dong smiled and said, "You care, you care too much! But brother, you tell my sister, if you let you give up Axue, can you do it?"

"I can't do it, I can't do it anyway." Qi Ling said honestly. At this time, there is nothing left to keep. Naturally, it is better to express his intentions directly to Bibi Dong.

"Yes, in that case, treat it as a gift to you before you leave. You must come back safely!" Bibi Dong smiled.

Qi Ling suddenly felt very speechless. This gift was special enough. Others gave flowers and wine. The generous gift gave him. But it was the first time that Qi Ling, who gave his daughter, heard of it. It was Bibi Dong, and what he did was beyond imagination.

"Sister, to be honest, it's impossible for me to be unmoved, so can you tell me what you plan to do?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking.

Bibi Dong smiled mysteriously and said, "Just leave it alone, just do what I said! Now, save it and save your energy for Axue!"

Qi Ling smiled, then rolled over and pressed Bibi Dong under him and said, "I'm great, don't you understand sister? Don't you want to run away!"

So in the evening of the second day, something unexpected happened to Qian Renxue. Her mother unexpectedly invited herself to take a bath together. This was something that hadn't happened for a long time.

Although surprised, Qian Renxue was very happy. So in the evening, in the bathroom, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong soaked in the bath together, and Bibi Dong gently helped Qian Renxue clear her hair.

"Mother, why do you want to wash with me today?" Qian Renxue couldn't help asking, because she felt very keenly that Bibi Dong definitely did this not just to get close to herself.

Bibi Dong freshened Qian Renxue's smooth blonde long hair and couldn't help but smiled: "It's nothing, Axue, I just want to wash it with you."

Hearing Bibi Dong say this, Qian Renxue didn't say anything, but after a while, Bibi Dong asked unconsciously, "By the way, Axue, do you like Qi Ling?"

"Oh? I, I..." Qian Renxue was startled, but after hesitating for a while, she still said, "Well, yes, mother, I like Qi Ling."

"Really? That's good, that's good, I finally did nothing wrong." Bibi Dong smiled, and then said, "Okay, Axue, close your eyes, let me rinse your hair."

After the rinsing is over, Bibi Dong smiled and said, "Okay, Axue, you lie here first, I will help you cleanse your body."

After Qian Renxue got ready on her stomach, Bibidong smiled, then stood up and slowly opened the door. Outside the door, Qi Ling stood there with an embarrassed expression, and asked, "Sister, do you really want to do this?" Snow won't be angry, right?"

"You two are in love, how can Axue get angry? Really, come on you!" Bibi Dong said, pulling Qi Ling in gently.

So what happened next went smoothly. Perhaps it was the relaxation of being with her mother, which made Qian Renxue less vigilant, so she didn't notice that there was one more person in the bathroom.

"Mother, your massage technique is so powerful, I don't know, you know so much, you even know every acupuncture point on a person." Qian Renxue said while enjoying Qi Ling's massage.

Bibi Dong was covering her mouth and snickered, then sat in front of Qian Renxue, and smiled: "Really? But it's a pity that I don't have that kind of self. You know, I have never done anything like this before. ."

"Huh? Mother, you..." Qian Renxue was taken aback, and she also reacted at this moment. Bibi Dong was sitting in front of her with her hands on her side, who was there? Do you massage yourself?

"Don't move, Axue." Seeing that Qian Renxue had reacted, Bibi Dong said with a smile at this time, "You know who he belongs to, don't worry, just relax, just enjoy it."

When Qian Renxue heard Bibi Dong say this, she naturally reflected who was behind her. Except for Qi Ling, there would be no one being killed, and the familiar touch also made Qian Renxue confirm her thoughts.

Involuntarily, Qian Renxue's face turned red, like a cooked crab, she didn't even dare to look up at her mother's face, even if she knew that these eight achievements were arranged by her mother.

Qian Renxue didn't make a sound like this, so Qi Ling didn't know what to do, so she turned to Bibi Dong for help, and Bibi Dong signaled Qi Ling with her eyes: Increase your efforts!

So Qi Ling simply let go, and the massage technique became smoother and smoother. Soon, under Qi Ling's skills, Qian Renxue couldn't help making a slight noise.

"Axue, just call out if you want, no one else will hear you." Bibi Dong smiled, "I have been holding it, but it's not good for my health."

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