Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1038: , Qian Renxue

Qian Renxue said, although she didn't say anything, she didn't endure it anymore.

The whole night passed like this. When Qian Renxue reappeared in a formal outfit the next day, she looked heroic, but there were still some inconveniences during the action. Qi Ling couldn't help but smile and said, "Axue, today You don’t want the Temple of the Knights anymore, just take a day off."

Qian Renxue insisted: "No, if I don't show up for a day, everyone will know that I'm being you... Although I don't mind, I can't help but consider my mother."

Bibi Dong said at this time: "What are you afraid of, Axue, if someone wants to say it, let them say it, but for a good woman like you, who dares to say that he is worthy? They can only be jealous. Little brother."

"So, as the pope, I will issue you a special mission: today, no, in the next three days, you can't do anything, you must stay with the little brother, do you understand?"

What Qian Renxue wanted to say, but Bibi Dong pretended to be serious: "Axue, this is the order of the Pope. As the knight, are you going to defy the order of the Pope?"

Qian Renxue couldn't help but blushed and glanced at Qi Ling, then knelt in front of Bibi Dong on one knee and said, "Qian Renxue, commander of the Knights Templar, accept the order!"

"Well, that's good." Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Well, you two, hurry up to go to your own two-person world! Also, Axue, you can't wear this clothes, go, let me take You go change it!"

As Bibi Dong said, she took Qian Renxue and left. The direction she was walking was her own room, and Qi Ling could only wait outside.

Before long, Bibi Dong showed up again with Qian Renxue, and Qi Ling saw the same Qian Renxue, and was stunned, because Qian Renxue replaced her knight armor with a white one. The skirt suddenly changed the whole person's temperament.

As the saying goes, people depend on clothes. Qian Renxue put on this white dress, and even Qi Ling couldn't help it anymore. It was a far cry from her previous personal settings.

"Okay, good-looking? Qi Ling..." Qian Renxue said awkwardly. This is the first time she has tried this kind of clothes.

Qi Ling said in a daze, "It's beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

"It's pretty! I picked this specifically for Axue!" Bibidong said at this time, "Axue, this kid, has been too strong since he was a child, so he lacks a lot of experience that belongs to girls! Qi Ling, you these few days, But I have to help her make up for it!"

"No problem, promise to do it!" Qi Ling smiled.

So then, the people in Wuhun City were surprised to find that the heroic knight commander in the past also had such a side, this kind of different demeanor, so that everyone who saw her fell into a dullness.

Qian Renxue also became uncomfortable from the beginning, and became accustomed later. The most important thing is that with Qi Ling by her side, Qian Renxue felt enough to look at his smiling face.

So, three days passed without knowing it. After Qi Ling stayed in Wuhun City for a few more days, he set off again, and he should also be ready to go to the Demon Realm.

"Brother, you must pay attention to your safety. Axue and I will be here waiting for you to come back!" Bibi Dong said to Qi Ling when Qi Ling was leaving.

Qi Ling gave the two a kiss and said, "Don't worry, sister, Axue, when I come back again, you will be surprised!"

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