Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1044: , A blow of glory

The vigor around Qi Ling's fist formed a vortex-like existence when he punched it, attached to his arm, and his fist was the tip of this vortex.

The shape of the vortex is a conical shape, and because of its power, the tip of the vortex seems to be constantly being polished again. This is a more concentrated way of releasing power than any other method!

As soon as Qi Ling's fist was swung over, Escano felt his body as if being drawn by this force. He had to hit Qi Ling's fist and finally stabilized his body. !

But this was not what Qi Ling did deliberately. It was just a little bit of power attached to his own power when he was exerting it. This also made Escano change his face in an instant and began to think about whether he really did something. wround choose.

Qi Ling's fist only went through a short period of time from slamming to hitting! This kind of power began to play its role as soon as it came into contact with Escano.

Escano's proud muscles are as vulnerable as a water bag made of water. Under the traction of Qi Ling's power, it seems that there is no body from the beginning. Horrible changes.

As Qi Ling's power came into play, Oscarno's whole person seemed to be changed by the whirlpool. He only felt like a boat on the sea, under the raging force of this kind of power, about to be torn to pieces.

The scene at the scene was strange and funny, because Escano seemed to have lost his human shape, and the real person seemed to be stretched into a whirlpool-like object, and the chest cavity completely collapsed, looking terrifying. .

After the punch, Escano's body was restored to its original state very strangely, but the whole person seemed to be paralyzed, lying on the ground for a long time, unable to move, he could only open his eyes, and even couldn't understand it. , What happened just now.

"You, what did you do?" Escano looked at Qi Ling on the side and couldn't help asking. He couldn't figure out how he had become that form just now, and now he is completely fine.

"Ah? You ask me, I don't know." Qi Ling stretched out his hands helplessly, "To be honest, this is the first time I have used this trick, and I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Maybe it was my power that changed the structure of the space around you just now, turning the space around you into a whirlpool shape, so your body will change accordingly, but in fact it hasn't changed its shape. "

But even so, the damage Escano has been steadily withstood, and he has received it all without fail, so he can feel it now, as if his body is no longer his own, and he can't stand up at all. .

"How could it happen? Even so, how can you change the structure of the space around me? Doesn't that mean...Your power has completely surpassed me! This makes no sense!" Ace Kano still seemed unable to accept it, and couldn't help but say.

And Qi Ling smiled and said: "The merits deceive the truth, if you really resist it, you won't change like this."

"Well, ten seconds have come, do you still want to continue playing?"

Escano exhausted all his strength, but he couldn't stand up. He never expected that he would not even follow Qi Ling's move. This result was too desperate.

But when Qi Ling was about to leave, Escano suddenly said: "Wait, wait a minute! Qi Ling!"

Then, in Qi Ling's surprised gaze, Escano actually struggled to stand up. Although the muscles all over his body twitched very unnaturally, he did stand up again.

"If this battle is over in this way, I'm afraid I will die." Escano said, "So, no matter what, I will attack you again! This is also my last blow. !"

Qi Ling looked at Escano who was struggling to stand up. He could feel that it was not only his strength that supported Escano, but also the belief, or rather, pride!

The other party has made such a realization, then no matter whether he can do it or not, Qi Ling should give him enough respect! So Qi Ling faced Escano, solemnly said: "Okay, come on, I will take your attack with all my strength!"

"Hehe, then I will show my ugliness." Escano said, raising his **** axe again, "the **** axe... Glory!"

At this moment, the magic axe in Escano's hand suddenly burst into a violent light, as if it had become a dazzling sun, and the axe head glowed as a whole.

But although this axe had such a dazzling light, it did not emit a trace of temperature. In other words, the source of this light was not heat, but something else.

"This" Qi Ling looked at the shining axe over there, and couldn't help being surprised. "Is it his own strong belief, the power generated? Is this too beyond understanding?"

Facing such an attack, Qi Ling also had to be cautious, because he had never resisted such a force, so he didn't know how to resist it.

Just like the name of this trick, what Escano poured into it was his own glory! This is his full blow, and also his most proud blow!

The axe fell, seemingly tore through Qi Ling's defense very easily, and then cut into Qi Ling's body, splitting his body into two parts!

But when Qi Ling came back to his senses, he found that there were no scars on his body, nor any feeling of being hit by an attack, as if everything that happened just now was just an illusion.

When Qi Ling looked at Escano again, he found that he had fallen again. Only this time, there was a smile of comfort on Escano’s face. In any case, he had already played. Strength, even if you lose.

And Qi Ling looked at the fallen Escano, and said with helpless emotion: "It seems that the difficulty of this game is greater than I thought! They are the best in every world. Everyone can’t care about it.”

At the end of the first game, Qi Ling had already scored a point, but when Qi Ling planned to move towards the clock tower in the town according to his previous decision, he suddenly ran into a problem.

The clock tower that was supposed to be in the middle of the city is gone! In this way, he has no choice but to rely on it to reunite with everyone.

Qi Ling didn't know if the clock tower was destroyed or the landforms in the city were changed. In short, Qi Ling could only search aimlessly towards the center of the town.

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