Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1045: ,Summoner

As Qi Ling was advancing, various fighting voices continued from around the town, reminding Qi Ling that the match was still going on.

As a building in the demon world, this town is more explained than Qi Ling imagined, but even so, under the attack of these superior people, it quickly became dilapidated.

Moreover, everyone's battle can be completed within a day. Except for the position of his opponent, where everyone else is, I don't know.

So this has led to many people starting to observe other people's games after completing their own games, so that they can understand the strength of their opponents and learn combat skills from them.

Although this game is really red, Kuangsan, Qianjiyin did not participate, there will be some regrets, but other people's competitions are also very interesting, at least people such as Cang Yue and Chu Ling are very useful for reference. Value.

But at the same time, there is still a problem, that is, the strength of these two men is obviously much higher than that of the others, so the game often ends quickly, making it too late to find their place.

During this period, something happened that made Qi Ling very concerned! Although before the game, Alice deliberately told everyone that except for her opponent, no fights with other players are allowed, otherwise they will lose their qualifications for the game.

However, the players in these competitions not only have high self-esteem, but also have various grievances between each other. As the so-called enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, and coupled with each other's ridicule, no one can bear it. Shot.

And Qi Ling just happened to see that both players should have finished their own game, and one of them was ridiculed after losing and couldn't help but want to take action.

But at this moment, when no one had time to reflect, the two of them were already lying on the ground, their bodies twitching, not knowing what happened.

After that, Xiluo's voice appeared beside the two of them, and said helplessly to the two of them: "Really, I have already told you that you are not allowed to fight with each other? Why are you not obedient! "

"Since you are the first offenders, I will let you off once, but if you are caught by me, you can't be spared!"

Afterwards, Shiro's figure disappeared again, making everyone who saw all this surprised. He was able to subdue the two players in an instant, and no one could see clearly. This in itself already shows Shiro's strength, no wonder Alice would say that if anyone can beat the referee, let them pass the level directly.

In the end, Qi Ling did not find Xiaoye, Luna and others, so he had to rest in a inn on the side of the road. What surprised Qi inspiration was that after waking up the next day, the one was destroyed yesterday. The defeated town has actually been restored to its original state!

Both the roadside furnishings and the appearance of each house are the same as yesterday, without any errors. This shows that these houses are not rebuilt, but they are the original houses.

Although I don't know exactly how this is done, but since this is in the devil world, then it is not surprising, Qi Ling only needs to continue to pay attention to his own game.

In the morning of this day, Qi Ling knew his opponents this time, and also knew the approximate location of the opponent, so as to make it easier for everyone to find their opponents so that the game could go smoothly.

Regarding his opponent, Qi Ling knew very little information. He only knew his name was Celeste. He didn't know anything about his opponent, and he didn't know what his opponent's abilities were.

"I don't know, I don't know. This way, there is a feeling of opening the blind box. This is interesting." Qi Ling thought to himself, "I don't know what kind of ability this opponent will have?"

According to the opponent's location guidance, Qi Ling quickly came to the forest in a town. It seemed that his opponent was here. 80% of this was a favorable battle location for him. He was here specifically to defeat Qi Ling. Waiting.

"Hey? Is the battle location in the forest? It seems that his ability is likely to be related to plants." Qi Ling couldn't help thinking, "After all, if the environment is complicated, the forest is indeed more troublesome. ."

So Qi Ling walked toward the depths of the forest like this. He also tried a little bit before entering the plants here, and found that they were just the most ordinary trees, which could be easily destroyed under his own attack.

Although it is not environmentally friendly to do so, Qi Ling really intends that if the battle situation is really too complicated, he will first attack these trees and destroy the opponent's favorable terrain to ensure his victory in the battle.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo." A strange cry came, and then an owl fell on a tree and looked at Qi Ling passing by under the tree.

At the same time, in the depths of the forest, a man was covering one of his eyes. In his field of vision, everything that the owl saw was appearing in front of him in full, and he could observe it all the time. The situation of Qi Ling.

"It turns out that this is the heir chosen by the Demon God himself, and is it the most watched player in this competition?" The man said while looking at Qi Ling, "Sure enough, there is something extraordinary, domineering!"

"But it's a pity that in this forest, I am the real uncrowned king! Those who oppose me can only have one end, and that is the dead without a dead body!"

Then, this person waved his hand, and a group of hornets of considerable size were summoned from his hand and arranged in an array in the air, as if they were following his orders.

"Go, my soldiers! Give him a stab at first!" Celeste said.

Qi Ling never thought that the enemy he was going to face this time would actually be a "summoner" who could summon various creatures to fight for him, and even win victory without showing up at all.

Such a person is naturally the most suitable for combat in the forest, as long as he hides his figure and manipulates these animals from a distance.

When he saw a group of wasps rushing towards him, even Qi Ling felt a tingling scalp. Although he didn't know whether these wasps could break his own defense, it was definitely not a thing worth trying.

So before the wasps approached him, Qi Ling shot them down one by one, and after they landed, they disappeared without a trace.

While Qi Ling watched this scene, he thoughtfully said: "So that's it, my opponent's ability is like this!"

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