Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1046: , The three-headed dog of hell

Now that it was confirmed that the various animals that the other party had summoned were not living creatures, but merely dead creatures created by the opponent's abilities, it was much easier for Qi Ling to deal with them.

"I haven't used this for a long time. I don't know if my hand has been born." Qi Ling said, took out the bow of Houyi from his body, aimed at the dense flying insects and walking ants in the air, opened the bow and shot. One arrow.

In an instant, countless bright spots of light were emitted from Qi Ling's Houyi bow and directed towards those flying insects in the air. Each spot of light hit a target with incomparable precision and then shot it down.

There are a large number of these poisonous insects, and they act like real animals. There is no regularity at all. However, Qi Ling can shoot them all down with one arrow. This terrifying ability is a comprehensive combination of many aspects. What can be possessed only after ability is amazing enough in any respect.

And after discovering that his summons had been wiped out in an instant, Celeste was also surprised. Although his attacks were only tentative attacks, Qi Ling's displayed strength was still beyond. My own imagination.

"Damn, this Qi Ling, it really is not just a name." Celeste said to himself, "but don't be too proud, my ability is more than that!"

Afterwards, Celeste took out a magic wand from his backpack. Borrowing this magic wand can greatly reduce the power he needs to use the summoning spell and increase the power of the spell.

With the support of this magic wand, all kinds of summons were summoned by Celeste with little effort, and then various huge beasts rushed towards Qi Ling.

Seeing the various tigers, leopards and jackals rushing towards him, Qi Ling couldn't help but smiled helplessly: "Do you actually compare me with this animal? This is too sad, at least summon some powerful guys."

After that, Qi Ling did not launch his own attack, but just stood there. Just before all the animals attacked him, Qi Ling suddenly opened his mouth and let out a dragon chant, and a powerful aura came out, instantly bringing all the All the animals settled, and then disappeared in ashes.

Seeing the result of the battle, Qi Ling couldn't help feeling satisfied, but just as he was about to find his enemy, he slowly walked out of the forest with a huge dog.

Saying "one head" is actually not standard strictly speaking, because this dog has three heads on its neck, and the appearance of each head is different, even the color of the coat is different, which makes people feel Three different dogs put their heads together.

"I'm going, the three-headed dog from hell? Cool!" Qi Ling couldn't help but said as he looked at this unique monster.

The three-headed dog didn't wait for Qi Inspiration to finish, but opened his mouth and rushed towards Qi Ling. Qi Ling flew to Kongzong, looking at it condescendingly, looking for a chance to defeat it.

But without waiting for Qi Ling to find a suitable opportunity, the left and right heads of the three-headed dog suddenly opened their big mouths, followed by a burst of ice energy and a burst of flame energy, and they attacked Qi Ling.

Facing such an attack, Qi Ling hurriedly avoided, but was it still rubbed by the flames and frost on the clothes? Even half of the clothes were frozen and generally scorched, making him look quite embarrassed.

"I'm going, my clothes are very expensive! You can afford to pay!" Qi Ling suddenly felt depressed, "Forget it, what else can you know about the summoned creature? I'll send you back to the original. Place it."

Afterwards, Qi Ling summoned the Demon God's Halberd and stab at the head in the middle of the three-headed dog, because no matter how you think about it, you should think that the middle head is the main body.

And at this moment, the head in the middle of the three-headed dog suddenly opened its big mouth, and a black flame spurted out, colliding with Qi Ling's Demon God's Halberd, and for a time actually resisted Qi Ling's attack.

But don’t forget that the three heads of the three-headed dog can attack independently, so when the middle head entangled Qi Ling, his two heads sent out an ice attack and a flame attack again, pushing Qi Ling once again. Went back.

"Well, this guy, it's really tricky." Qi Ling couldn't help but said, "It seems that at least one has to attack it once and confirm whether the attack has an effect on it!"

So Qi Ling put away the Demon God's Halberd, then took out the Houyi bow, and shot one at the three-headed dog. Then Qi Ling was speechless. Houyi bow's attack directly penetrated the three-headed dog's body. Cause any harm.

"Phantom? No, its entity should be right here!" Qi Ling couldn't help thinking, "So, because there is no life, it is more necessary to solve its heart completely at once?"

"No way, it can only be this way, but don't think, only you can play with fire!"

Qi Ling said, summoning a black flame from the palm of his hand. Compared with the black flame of the three-headed dog, Qi Ling's flame is undoubtedly much more terrifying, because this is the powerful black flame of the world. inflammation.

After seeing Qi Ling summon the Black Flame of Destroying the World, even if there is no life, the keen intuition of the three-headed dog still tells it that this is not something that he can deal with, so please step back.

Celeste, who was working hard to cast the next summoning spell, suddenly muttered to himself in surprise: "Huh? Strange, the three-headed dog is obviously not alive, but is afraid of something? How is this possible!"

Without thinking about it, Celeste immediately changed the three-headed dog's will, forcing it to attack Qi Ling, and continue to attack.

"Oh, it's so pitiful, I think you didn't fight me willingly?" Qi Ling easily escaped the attack of the three-headed dog and said, "In this case, I believe that death is also a kind of death to you. Free yourself? Although you never lived."

Afterwards, Qi Ling waved the Desire Black Flame in his hand, the Desire Black Flame that originally had only a cluster of flames. At this moment, it seemed to become a monster in an instant, and he opened his mouth and swallowed the three-headed dog in one bite!

The violent world-destroying black flames swallowed the three dogs before long, and Qi Ling closed his eyes afterwards. If he entangled with that guy's summons like this, there would be no end, just now. His top priority is to find his position.

Therefore, Qi Ling used the special skills learned on Dragon God Island. After closing his eyes, his senses became more acute. At the same time, as his mind was immersed in it, Su's perception of the world became more and more appropriate. , Gradually, everything in the entire forest gradually unfolded in front of him.

"I found you!" Qi Ling said with a sudden smile at this time.

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