Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1066: , The way to deal with Qi Ling

Looking at this scene, Qi Ling couldn't help but said helplessly: "Oh, that's it, this Xueqinghe, it really won't let me down at any time."

"Roar—" The Hundred Eyes Giant, who was awakened from his sleep, found that there were so many invaders in his cave. He couldn't help but furious. After making a roar, he immediately stood up to the gods, and then turned towards the snow. Qinghe slapped it.

Seeing the huge palm of the Hundred-Eyed Giant, Xue Qinghe hurriedly crawled away, finally escaped from the attack of the Hundred-Eyed Giant, but at this moment, the Hundred-Eyed Giant was completely awake, waving herself. His six arms launched a fierce attack on the crowd.

In desperation, everyone had no choice but to use their full strength and began to deal with this fierce beast. As soon as they met, everyone had already seen that although the strength of this hundred-eyed giant was powerful, it was not invincible, and it was even better than the abyssal crocodile king. , Even weaker.

If it is to be divided by the difficulty level of the monster, it should be a level 19 monster, but even so, it does not mean that everyone can easily deal with it, and it may even require more effort.

The reason is that everyone can’t trust each other at all. What everyone thinks at this moment is not how to fight the enemy together, but how to grab the attention of the Hundred Eyes giant. The remaining Ye Mingzhu.

It can be said that, apart from Qi Ling, no one else has the ability to block the Hundred-Eyed Giant frontally, and it's just blocking it.

Therefore, under the freaks of the crowd, they were instantly defeated by the Hundred Eyes Giants, and there was no way to form combat effectiveness. They were all injured soon, instead of taking away any Ye Mingzhu.

Chihiro Ji thrust a shot into the eyes of the Hundred Eyes Giant, but was seen by its sight without blind spots, and then knocked it back with a palm. Under the impact of the huge power of the Hundred Eyes Giant, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then Chihiro Ji looked at Qi Ling and found that the other party looked so neat and had no intention of participating in this battle. He couldn't help but say: "Qi Ling, you are not going to do it now, when do you plan to do it?"

Qi Ling laughed and said: "Chihiro Chi, you know, this thing can't be dealt with by one person, now everyone can do their own things, and then wait for the end of the game, or everyone can no longer **** the Ye Mingzhu. Join forces to kill it! Which one do you choose?"

"Stop talking nonsense, we promise you that during the time you take action, you will never take action to **** Ye Mingzhu, is this okay?" Chihiro Chi said.

"Well, it's pretty much the same." Qi Ling said, and then summoned the demon halberd, activated his own **** and devil body, and greeted the Hundred Eyes giant, "Chihiro Ji, you go with me, and others remotely assist!"

With Qi Ling as the main force, the situation on the battlefield suddenly became completely different. The Hundred-Eyed Giant's attack could be resisted, and everyone's attack could also cause effective damage to it.

After Qi Ling had the potential to live with the Hundred Eyes Giant, he didn't go all out to fight with him, but instead gave this task to others! In this way, his consumption is greatly reduced, and even if everyone regrets later, he has enough strength to cope with the change.

Under such efforts, Qi Ling finally got a blow "all in all directions" and knocked down the Hundred Eyes Giant. As its tall body fell, Qi Ling said: "Well, now we can go on...what do you mean?"

In front of Qi Ling, Qian Xun Ji and others stopped in front of him, apparently not planning to let him pass.

Faced with Qi Ling's doubts, Qianxunji sneered and said, "Qi Ling! I'm sorry, you have been used up by me. What we have to do now is to stop you, and then get the remaining points and lay the foundation for victory! "

Qi Ling looked at Qian Xun Ji, Duo Long and Xue Qinghe standing in front of him, and smiled: "You three, stop me. This deal is not very cost-effective, right? Are you not going to worry about it?"

Chihiro Ji smiled and said, "No, of course we wouldn't do this. So, that woman will be handed over to Shaliwa. Anyway, all he has to do is to hold her back! The rest is with us. After you finish grabbing the points, the game will naturally end!"

"Hehe, it's really funny, Chihiro Chi, it seems that after so much time, you still haven't learned your lesson. At this time, you still want to fight against me!" Qi Ling laughed, "In that case, I want to come. Come on!"

Afterwards, Qi Ling waved the Demon God's Halberd in his hand, and an extremely powerful aura suddenly radiated from his body. Although he had just used the "all directions", but even in this state, Qi Ling was still not afraid of them.

Chihiro Ji's original plan may be able to take advantage of the opportunity of the three to join forces to solve Qi Ling! Because he thinks that he has now gained the power of the Fallen Magic Spear, and he is no longer weaker than Qi Ling.

However, after the fight, he found that Qi Ling is still so invincible. No matter how powerful an attack he uses, he can resolve it in conversation and laughter. No matter how subtle and ingenious tactics are, it is also a play for him. Family is generally naive.

He even has a feeling that whether he has ten or a hundred helpers, it is useless when facing Qi Ling. His invincibility does not seem to change at all because of the strength of his opponent.

And Duolong finally knew at this time why Qian Xun Ji was so afraid that Qi Ling would enter his bones. The scene now clearly saw the three of them besieging Qi Ling, but Qi Ling’s incomparable aura made him feel that he was trapped. The desperate people are the same as them.

Although tens of thousands of people, I am going! What Qi Ling most despairs of his enemies is his terrifying aura, and this is what makes his friends feel at ease the most.

So after the fight, Chihiro Ji had no hope and could solve Qi Ling. He only hoped that he and others could hold Qi Ling in order to buy time for others and earn points.

After all, Qi Ling's helper is "only" a woman who can use a little trick. Such a person should be more than enough to deal with Shaliwa.

Looking at Chihiro Ji's expression, Qi Ling clearly understood his thoughts, and couldn't help but smile: "Chihiro Ji, maybe this is one of your biggest mistakes! Don't think that Kuang San is a good deal. Oh woman!"

"She may be more difficult to deal with than me, even a woman who makes me feel helpless!"

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