Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1067: , The way to victory xINShuHaIGe.CoM

Qian Xun Ji would naturally not believe what Qi Ling said at this time. After all, for his enemies, Qian Xun Ji always habitually chose to doubt any words they said.

As a result, the three of them did not feel any sway due to Qi Ling's words, but seized every opportunity to try to defeat Qi Ling in this attack. The result naturally ended in failure.

At the end of this round of competition, Shiro suddenly appeared in front of everyone, organized the battle between the two sides, and said: "Everyone, the game is over. Your fight now has no meaning. I am the referee of the game. , You must be organized."

"What? The game is over?" Chihiro Ji asked in surprise at this moment. "What does this mean? We obviously didn't do anything. Why did the game end? Ye Mingzhu?"

"All the Ye Mingzhu have been returned to my hands, a total of forty-eight, no more, no less, everyone's points have also been determined, and this round of competition is officially over!" Xiluo said.

Hearing this result, Chihiro Ji and others couldn't help but laugh, and he himself showed a relieved expression. It seemed that he felt happy that he had won Qi Ling for the first time.

"Xue Qinghe, hurry up and find Shaliwa and the other two!" Chihiro said triumphantly, "I have to share such good news with more people!"

So Xue Qinghe acted immediately, and soon found the other three people, and after Chihiro Ji confirmed it, he also got a definite answer from Shaliwa. Kuangsan was dragged by him, and there was no way. action.

As for the other two, they also said that they had moved all the Ye Mingzhu and divided them evenly among the three teams. Therefore, in this round of competition, each team's points should be higher than Qi Ling.

"Great! Qi Ling, I didn't expect you to have today!" Qianxunji clenched his fists and looked at Qi Ling in the distance triumphantly, as if he couldn't wait to know how many points he earned.

And Qi Ling looked at Chihiro Ji and the others happy, and couldn't help but quietly ask Kuangsan next to him: "You didn't have a problem just now? There was nothing wrong, right?"

"Who knows, maybe I was stopped by them and didn't get a point?" Kuang San smiled at this time, "After all, she is just a weak woman who can't help but can't help but how can she afford such a game."

Originally Qi Ling was not sure, but looking at Kuang San like this, Qi Ling had confidence that she would definitely do things that would surprise everyone.

When everyone gathered and waited for the final points to be announced in front of Xiluo, Xiluo slowly said, "There are forty-eight night pearls, so the points you can get are forty-eight points. Your final score is 8 points, 8 points. Points, 9 points, 23 points!"

Hearing that someone had scored 23 points, Chihiro Ji couldn't help but feel proud. It seemed that the two of them were still somewhat insightful and knew that they could not win, so they gave themselves all the points to please themselves.

But then Xiluo's words completely stunned Chihiro Ji: "Congratulations, Qi Ling, your team is the first place again! Now your points are 43 points!"

After returning to God, Chihiro Ji said incredulously: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible. How can he get so many points? We have already, obviously..."

"Shaliwa! Did you stop that woman? And you two, did you bring all Ye Mingzhu back!" Chihiro couldn't help but question the three people loudly.

But Shaliwa repeatedly stated that he absolutely stopped Kuangsan, and as an archer, he was very sure that it was Kuangsan himself, and it could not be her clone!

The other two also said that they did indeed take Ye Mingzhu back to Xiluo, and told Xiluo that the points should be divided equally among the three teams!

"Damn it, how could it happen, how could it..." Chihiro said in a disintegrating voice, then pointed to Kuangsan and said, "What the **** did you do! Why is this happening!"

"Hate, Qi Ling, you think he is so fierce!" Kuang San also said with a smile at this time, "It's really rude, it scares people."

Just when Qianxun Ji was puzzled by what Kuangsan did, Shiluo suddenly said: "I can ignore other things. After all, it's your player's own freedom of action! But as a player Referee, regarding the rules of the game, I must correct one thing!"

"I never said that your points can be given away! In other words, which team is the person who gets the Ye Mingzhu back, then the points belong to that team, but there is no equal points!"

After listening to Xiluo's explanation, Chihiro Ji still felt puzzled. Even so, these points should all go to the two cannon fodder, and how could they go to Qi Ling?

But at this moment, Shaliwa came to a few people and said to Kuangsan, "I think, I know what you did. The problem is not with me, because I am facing you. It should really be your ontology."

"But what I am facing is the ontology, but it doesn't mean that you can't create a clone elsewhere! If I'm not mistaken, you used the clone to fake the referee Shiluo who delivered Ye Mingzhu?"

After listening to Shaliwa's words, everyone suddenly realized that because the two did not have the ability to observe Shaliwa, they could not distinguish her avatar and changes in the face of Kuangsan who was much higher than them.

So it is equivalent to the two people working so hard to carry the Ye Mingzhu out and hand it to Kuang San's hands, and Kuang San effortlessly changed hands and handed the Ye Mingzhu to Xi Luo, earning points!

All of this is naturally based on Kuang San's understanding of the enemy, and the enemy's contempt for her, so that this conspiracy can be made successful. This is exactly what Qi Ling wants to express-never belittle Kuang San!

"Damn it, Qi Ling, **** it!!" Qianxunji only felt that he was going to vomit blood because of the anger, and he actually lost to Qi Ling again, and the loss this time was so thorough and shameful!

Qi Ling smiled indifferently at this time, and said: "Hey, it's boring, you have won too much to win, and now you have no feeling of winning."

"Chihiro Ji, you still give up, I can't take the initiative to lose to you, right? Hey, it's too difficult to lose to you."

Although Qian Xun Ji wanted to use more powerful words to fight back at Qi Ling, he already wanted to dig a pit to bury him. Who made himself so arrogant before, and thought he would win Qi Ling!

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