Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1283: , Johnny Silver Hand

Qi Ling looked at Luna and said in surprise: "Luna, you still have such ability? It really surprised me, when did you learn it?"

Luna blushed and said: "Actually, maybe because of my natural talent, my sense of smell is very keen. With the blessing of this artifact, this effect can be achieved, using taste to track."

"But this is not such a powerful ability. Only with a strong taste like blood can I finally get it, so I haven't used this ability too much."

"This is enough. For the current situation, it is really helpful." Qi Ling said with a smile, "Let's go, so that the other party knows that being our enemy is not a wise thing!"

So everyone under the guidance of Luna, everyone immediately chased in the direction where the enemy was fleeing at full speed. Although they were already prepared to escape, they were more than one step behind in speed, and they were gradually drawn closer. distance.

The other party obviously also felt that someone was chasing them, so they thought of many ways, either changing directions, or hiding their tracks, but under Luna's ability, they all did nothing.

So soon, everyone caught up with the team. They were five middle-aged men. One of them was holding his arm, obviously the injury he had just received.

Although they possessed a shocking long-range attack ability, after being promoted, they seemed very vulnerable. After a few moves, they were all brought down by everyone.

"Huh, really, it's revenge now!" Xiao Jiu said with a sigh of relief at this time, "Qi Ling, what do we do with them...Qi Ling, Qi Ling?"

At this time everyone discovered that Qi Ling had disappeared without knowing when it started, and Bena was the one who disappeared together.

"Damn it, what's the matter, how could the two of them disappear together!" A Su said anxiously at this time, "This fellow Qi Ling, maybe he kidnapped Bena, do something shameful! "

Where are Qi Ling and Bena now? Although he didn't do anything shameful like what A Su said, Qi Ling felt that he was really shameful now, because now he and Bena have fallen into a trap of others and been caught. Up!

As a hunter, he fell into a trap of others, which is really embarrassing. But Qi Ling also had to admit that the person who made the trap was indeed a very clever trap master. Before he was hit, he didn't find any clues at all.

"Damn it, let me go, put me down quickly!" Bena said angrily, while struggling hard, trying to break free from the net that restrained her, but it didn't work at all.

At this time, the two of them were hung up by a net and hung on a tree branch. They looked a little embarrassed, and their appearance always seemed to be no different from other prey caught.

"Give up, Bena, the material of this net is very special. It must be made for level 6 monsters. It is impossible to break free with our strength alone." Qi Ling said helplessly.

Since traps are to be arranged, of course the maximum benefit that can be obtained must be considered, so this kind of trap is obviously prepared for level 6 monsters. In terms of physical fitness alone, Qi Ling and Bena certainly can't be compared with Level 6 monsters.

"It's really despicable. Who on earth is making such a trap is too much!" Bena said angrily.

Qi Ling smiled and said, "If I'm not mistaken, there is a hunting group that is very good at making traps. Their captain is named Johnny Silver Hand, so it should be them."

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" After Qi Ling said this, there was a round of applause. Then, a group of 5 people, who didn't know where they came from, walked out and came to the two of them.

The head of the person, all left hands are silver white, I don't know if it is a prosthesis or some other special technique, but presumably he should be the captain of this team, Johnny Silver.

"The Demon God's Successor really deserves its reputation. It's really not easy to guess our identity so quickly." Johnny Yinshou said with a smile.

Qi Ling felt helpless in his heart. Only you among all the people would do this. But anyone with a normal IQ would be able to guess your identity, and he really couldn't figure out what to boast about.

"It's easy to say, everyone has never seen each other, and there should be no holidays. We are really embarrassed to fall into the trap." Qi Ling said, "Please let us both out. If there is any loss, I Also willing to compensate."

What Qi Ling said was extremely polite. After all, in this situation, Qi Ling was unwilling to provoke more enemies.

But unfortunately, the other party didn't think like Qi Ling. Johnny put his arms around his chest and said confidently: "Qi Ling, Qi Ling, I just praised you as a smart person, why are you confused again? "

"In this game, there are no friends at all, everyone is an enemy! How can I let the enemy fall into the trap, increasing the uncertainty of the game?"

By now, Qi Ling had already understood very well. The other party seemed to be planning to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the two of him and Bena, which could greatly increase their chances of winning.

But Qi Ling sighed helplessly, and said, "Johnny Silverhand, you have to know that sometimes some people will have irreparable consequences just because of their own thoughts, and regret it at that time, but it's too late. ."

"Hahahaha, Qi Ling, don't waste your tongue!" Johnny Yinshou said confidently, "Grabbing your trap net is our proud masterpiece, and it is also my strongest trap net!"

"This net is specially prepared for level 6 monsters. Even the strongest and sharpest level 6 monsters can't easily break away. Even level 7 monsters can be trapped for a while!"

"It is precisely because of this equipment that we have the confidence to participate in this game! If you are in such a trap, you should not be lucky. There is absolutely no way for you to break free."

And Qi Ling calmly said: "Oh? Even if we can't break free, what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple. For the prey that falls into the trap, the first thing to do is of course to ensure that the prey is not able to fight back!" said Johnny Silver, and each of his team members took out one from their hands. Put the spear.

"Qi Ling, there is another unknown woman, you two will die here!"

Qi Ling sighed helplessly again, and said, "Oh, there's no way. They say that, Bena, have you heard?"

Bena nodded and said, "I see, don't worry, Qi Ling, I am also not soft about my enemies."

"That's good, so I can rest assured." Qi Ling said, "I wanted to let you go, but you actually want our lives, so you can't blame us, blame you yourself for bad luck."

Listening to Qi Ling's words, Johnny Silver had a bad feeling in his heart, but he still had absolute confidence in his trap net: "Qi Ling, don't bluff anymore. This is even a level 6 monster. Unable to break free from the trapping net, how could you..."

"Johnny Silver Hand, maybe you haven't fought with me before, so you don't know much about me." Qi Ling said with a smile, "and my enemies all know that if you just treat me like a level 6 monster Existence is a huge insult to me!"

As he spoke, a handful of black flames emerged from Qi Ling's hands. After these black flames were produced, they immediately followed each rope of the net and spread all over the net.

As a trapping net for catching warcraft, Johnny Silverman naturally also considers the patience of the trapping net for flames, so this kind of Johnny Silverman is immune to fire.

But Qi Ling's black flame was not an ordinary flame. It was a demon flame fueled by his own demon blood. At a huge price, it received a powerful destructive power beyond imagination.

And under Qi Ling's control, this kind of flame would not cause any harm to Qi Ling and Bena. After burning through the trapping net, the two fell from the air to the ground.

After arriving on the ground, Qi Ling sat down on the ground with a pale face, and said helplessly to Bena: "Although a man can't say no, Bena, I'm really tired this time, these people, can you leave it to you? ?"

Bena lightly waved the spear in her hand and said confidently: "No problem, just leave it to me."

Qi Ling was able to break free of his trapping net, although it was beyond Johnny Silverhand’s imagination, but now it seems that after Qi Ling used that black flame, he has lost his fighting ability, and the opponent is only left with one that looks very The weak girl.

But on the side of Johnny Silverman, although several people are not very good at fighting, they are five big men with a complete lineup. There is no reason to be afraid of such a girl, so Johnny Silverman snorted and said: "Little girl , Don’t speak big words! Just let you see, we are great!"

Bena threw the spear in her hand to the ground, and then entered a state of battle. The magnificent battle **** armor reappeared, and her whole body was like a Valkyrie, and rushed toward Johnny Silver Hand.

After the battle began, Johnny Silvers quickly discovered his miscalculation. Although the opponent only had a little girl, they were able to fight very well, especially the kind that could fight!

The five of them rushed forward, and they could gain a little advantage at the beginning, but soon, as the battle progressed, Bena's strength became stronger and stronger, and they soon brought them down one by one.

But even so, Bena didn't take their lives. After all, this girl was still kind-hearted. This was also in Qi Ling's expectation, and she should only teach the other party a lesson.

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