Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1284: , Huanglong XiNShUHaiGe.CoM

After getting rid of the 5 opponents, Bena said very easily: "Huh! You can't stand a blow, based on your level and what you think, you dare to participate in such a competition."

Qi Ling said with a smile: "Their strength is not weak, but unfortunately, they can be regarded as a professional hunting squad, not good at fighting others, otherwise, there is no need to rely on the power of traps."

"Well, Bena, let's go find other people as soon as possible. After being separated from everyone for so long, they must have begun to worry."

It has been a long time since the two fell into the trap of Johnny's Silver Hand, and Qi Ling can basically conclude that everyone must have not found where they were missing, and should be in a hurry now.

But what made Qi Inspiration depressed was that without Luna's guidance, in this Pachi Forest, he had no way to judge the direction. To find the place of everyone, he could only groping forward based on his feelings.

Regrettably, Bena is a typical girl with developed armed forces and insufficient intelligence, so there is no way to rely on Bena, even Bena keeps asking Qi Ling: "Hey, Qi Ling, what should we do? ?Where shall we go now?"

The two were groping forward in the forest, and Qi Ling had been injured before and used the magic flame, so now he became weaker, and the speed of his advancement has also slowed down.

As the two of them were moving forward, suddenly, there was a roar from a distance. The two of them were shocked, and Qi Ling couldn't help saying: "Listening to this voice, it is full of breath and full of power. It should be A level 6 monster that is not easy to deal with! I hope this guy didn't come to us."

Bena said with her hands on her hips: "Huh! Isn't it just a level 6 monster? This is nothing. If it really comes to us, I will kill it!"

Qi Ling couldn't help but smiled helplessly. He really didn't know what was good about this girl, it seemed that this girl was always full of fighting spirit.

But then Qi Ling listened carefully, and soon discovered that the voice of this monster was full of anger, and I was fighting with someone.

People who can deal with level 6 monsters are definitely not ordinary people. Only the strongest squads have such strength. Qi Ling couldn't help but gain interest. Who is fighting in front?

"Let's go, Bena, let's go ahead and see who is fighting this monster." Qi Ling said, "Knowing more about the opponent is definitely good for us."

So the two followed the sound of the monster, and quickly found the position of the opponents. To Qi Ling's expectation, the monster fighting there was not a small team, but a separate one. The player is Shixiang who was with Kuang San before.

At this time, Shixiang, holding a purple heavy sword, was inextricably fought with a huge monster. His light body flew up and down, avoiding the attacks of the monster.

Looking at the monster that Shixiang was facing again, Qi Ling couldn't help but cried out in surprise: "Pangolin?"

It’s no wonder that Qi Ling is so surprised, because the appearance of this monster is really like a pangolin, covered with khaki scales, with these 4 short and thick claws, a thick tail, and A long and thin tongue.

But it is a pity that a pangolin can't grow such a big head, and this guy is not a pangolin at all, but a kind of dragon, called a barren dragon.

With the blood of a dragon, it is destined that this guy is a bit stronger than ordinary beasts, and can be reduced to level 6 beasts. It is also a relatively advanced type, and the strength is quite powerful.

And from the thick scales on its body, it can be seen that this guy’s defensive power is amazing. Shixiang uses his own epee to launch several attacks on it, leaving only a shallow surface on it. Scars, there is no way to break through its defenses.

But for Shixiang, every attack of Huanglong seemed heavy and deadly, and he had to avoid all of them, otherwise, it was very likely that he would lose his combat effectiveness in a single blow.

"Qi Ling, what a big lizard! And it looks so amazing!" Bena couldn't help but said excitedly, looking at the situation in front of her, "She seems to be unable to beat that lizard, do we want to help?"

"This..." Qi Ling hesitated, "Of course it's okay to help, but if the other party misunderstands us and wants to **** her prey, that's not good."

"Moreover, in my current state, if I want to fight, I can only rely on the two of you to come. I can paddle by the side."

"Okay, go to fight!" Bena seemed to have not listened to what Qi Ling said. All she thought was fighting. The spear in her hand shook, and the battle **** armor appeared again, and she was already in a fighting state.

Then Bena took the lead, rushed first, rushed directly to the wild dragon, after a set of attacks, successfully knocked this guy back, but still did not cause any harm, in Qi Ling's view, it seemed that it was just scared.

Shixiang was also stunned when he saw someone cross his hand. He didn't know what happened, let alone whether the person who appeared was an enemy or a friend.

At this time, Qi Ling appeared next to Shixiang and said with a smile: "Hello, we should have seen it before? Don't get me wrong, we are not here to **** your prey, we just want to help you. ."

Shixiang looked at Qi Ling and didn't know what was thinking in his mind. After thinking about it, Shixiang said, "The way you are now, how can you help me? It's better to be careful of your body."

After speaking, Shixiang rushed towards Huanglong again, and launched a fierce attack on it with Bena.

The two of them each performed their best attack, but no matter what kind of attack method, after falling on the scales of the wild dragon, it seemed that they would not have any effect.

"It can't go on like this. Its scales are too thick and our attacks won't work." Shixiang said at this time, "We must use more powerful attacks to truly change the form of combat."

"Then what should we do?" Bina asked.

Shixiang said to Bena: "I have a way to hit this guy severely, but it takes time. Can you delay this guy for 10 seconds?"

Beina confidently patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, it's okay, it's just 10 seconds, just leave it to me."

After temporarily handing the Barren Dragon to Bena, Shixiang immediately began to prepare. The purple epee in her hand began to emit a dazzling light, and like crystals, the sword body continued to expand outward, extending to the sky. .

At the same time, further changes have taken place on Shixiang's body. Her version of the clothes has also become an armor-style gauze skirt. At the same time, a powerful aura is also exuded from Shixiang's body.

As Shixiang's aura rose sharply, Huanglong seemed to perceive the danger of the woman in front of him, which was strong enough to penetrate his defense and pose a threat to himself.

Faced with such a threat, any creature will choose to eliminate it first, and Huanglong is no exception. After making a low roar, it shook its head and rushed towards Shixiang, intending to defeat her first.

But at this moment, Bena held a spear and stopped in front of the wild dragon, and said with a smile: "Stop me, big lizard, there is me here, don't think about going there!"

Huanglong glanced at Bena, and didn't care about Bena, but planned to continue to move towards Shixiang. Obviously, in its eyes, Shixiang at this time was a more dangerous existence.

But of course Bena would not let the wild dragon succeed in this way. With a spear in his hand, he instantly hit 7 positions on the wild dragon, and after every hit, a colorful color would be produced behind Bena. Photosphere.

The color of each ball of light is different. Although these 7 attacks did not cause any damage to the wild dragon, or even let it stay for one second, Bena didn't care because her goal had been achieved.

"You fellow, don't underestimate me!" Bena said, raising her spear, and at this moment, her spear seemed to have turned into a big long knife, and it pierced directly at the wild dragon. .

This huge long sword is not a real existence, but an existence similar to an energy body. After attacking the wild dragon, it is not bounced off like a physical sword. Instead, it is like a kind of energy net. The barren dragon was bound.

At the same time, the 7 colored light **** behind Bena hovered and flew towards the wild dragon. The 7 light **** sensed each other, and the power became stronger during transmission, and then directly formed a halo, enclosing it. On the neck of Huanglong.

Huanglong wanted to break free, but although its actions were not hindered in any way, there was no way to get rid of this kind of attack composed entirely of energy from its own body.

Not only that, the halo composed of 7 **** of light is not a single power form, but an aperture composed of 7 power attributes, so it is constantly causing completely different damage to the wild dragon.

"Hmph, see if you dare to underestimate me!" Bena said very proudly.

But Bena's pride didn't last long. After Huanglong let out a loud roar, a shield like ice crystal spread from his body, covering his whole body in it.

These earth-yellow crystals, after spreading out, have been emitting a yellow light, Bina's power gradually weakened under the light of these lights, and finally disappeared.

"Hey? What kind of ability is this?" Bena said in surprise.

But before Bena could figure out what was going on, Huanglong had broken free of Bena's speed, rushed towards her again, and after Bena counterattacked, instead of being injured, he directly took Bena aside.

Although Bena himself was not harmed, Huanglong had already broken through Bena's defense and rushed towards Shixiang. If he succeeded, Shixiang would not only give up all his efforts, but would even be hurt as a result.

At the critical moment, a rope suddenly fell from the sky, binding the limbs of the wild dragon, and directly tripped the wild dragon, causing it to fall face down heavily.

This rope, of course, is Qi Ling's immortal binding rope. Bena couldn't help looking at Qi Ling and said loudly, "Wow! Qi Ling, thanks to you."

But Qi Ling smiled miserably: "I only have so much more, Shixiang, are you not ready yet?"

"Okay." Shixiang's voice came at this moment.

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