Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Chapter 317 A poisonous plan to trap the parliamentary army!

Obviously, the parliamentary army came with overwhelming anger. If the city was breached by the parliamentary army, there would be no grass growing in the entire city!

With the current strength of the army, Zhang Wuliang really didn't think of any way to withstand the "city destruction" of the seventh-level soul cannon, the siege of a hundred thousand pistol regiment soldiers, and the wrath of a Super Douluo and a Titled Douluo !

Retreating is undoubtedly the wisest thing to do.

Make retreat in order to advance. After giving up a city to ensure the complete combat strength of the army, make another plan.

At that time, the anger of the Parliamentary Army will not be as strong as it was at the beginning. After all, people will enter a cooling-off period after a period of impulse, and the Parliamentary Army is no exception.

"Yes!" Mr. Di had no choice but to nod his head and fly out of the mansion to convey the order.

Watching Mr. Di leave, Rou'er said in despair: "Husband, did I get into trouble..."

Zhang Wuliang shook his head and said: "No, you took action to kill Matthew Ismail and weakened the high-end combat power of the parliament, which is undoubtedly beneficial to the empire. And the siege of the parliamentary army will only arrive sooner or later. It’s just the price of a city, we can still afford it!”

A quarter of an hour later, Mr. Di flew in again. He cupped his hands to Zhang Wuliang and said, "General, the army has been reorganized and can retreat at any time."

"Okay." Zhang Wuliang nodded. He adjusted his armor, and then said, "Follow me. Pass the order. The entire army will leave the city and retreat. The target is Guanglu City."

"Rou'er, you and Tianxing Douluo and the others should return to Mingdu. Here...I am!" Zhang Wuliang said with firm eyes.

Phantom Douluo Rou'er hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay!"

So Rou'er called up the three people of Tianxing Douluo and returned to the Mingdu, while the commander-in-chief Zhang Wuliang led his army to abandon the city and retreat to Guangluo City.

With Rou'er's four titled Douluo-level speeds, they returned to Mingdu in just one day.

"Your Majesty, that Zhang Haisheng has reached the Super Douluo realm, and we cannot kill him, so we used the Ghost Douluo to lure Zhang Haisheng and Marcia Agular out of the city, and we tried our best to kill Matthew Ismail. However, Ghost Douluo was defeated by Zhang Haisheng and the two of them, and unfortunately died during the operation. And after assassinating Matthew Ismail, he failed to achieve the goal of causing chaos in the parliamentary army. Please atone for your sins!" Phantom Douluo Rou'er said. Kneeling in front of Xu Zheng, Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire, he reported.

Hearing that Zhang Haisheng had reached the level of Super Douluo, Xu Zheng frowned first, and then said: "What are you guilty of? Killing Matthew Ismail and weakening the strength of the parliament, you have both merit and demerit!"

Xu Zheng didn't know that the parliamentary army would attack the city occupied by the royal family with overwhelming anger. Because of this incident, Zhang Wuliang, as the commander-in-chief, had single-handedly suppressed it and spread it back to Mingdu. It was nothing more than the news that "the emperor's army lost to the parliamentary army and lost another city, but under the effective command of the commander-in-chief Zhang Wuliang, the emperor's army did not suffer many casualties."

Otherwise, Xu Zheng would not have spoken so calmly.

Meanwhile, on the war front.

After Zhang Haisheng and Marcia Agular led their troops into the deserted city, they were not very happy.

Marcia Agular frowned and said: "I heard that the emperor's army has replaced a new general. This general is really powerful. He uses retreat to advance. Although we won the city without any blood, the soldiers were holding back their hearts. The energy is almost exhausted."

Zhang Haisheng said decisively: "Immediately issue an order to leave a thousand people to guard the city. The remaining people will continue to advance with me, targeting Guangxu City. Marcia Agular, we must let the energy in the hearts of the soldiers come into play." To play a role, Matthew Ismail must not be allowed to die worthless!”

Marcia Agular nodded and quickly issued orders one by one. A thousand parliamentary soldiers stayed to guard the city, while the remaining people continued to follow the steps of Zhang Haisheng and Marcia Agular to the final goal. At a fast speed, they marched towards Guanglu City day and night.

Such a non-stop battle, and the breath that the Parliamentary Army soldiers were holding because of Matthew Ismail's heart made them not as tired as they imagined. They were able to endure this non-stop running day and night. Come down.

At this time, on top of the city wall of Guanglu City.

Since the temporary residence of the commander-in-chief of the army in Guanglu City had not yet been repaired, the commander-in-chief Zhang Wuliang rested and ate together with the soldiers on the top of the city wall.

This made the soldiers of the Imperial Army closer to and more trusting of him.

"General, the spies from the front came to report that the parliamentary army did not stay too long in the city we abandoned, and they headed towards Guanglu City. In two days at most, the parliamentary army will arrive at the city." A title in the army. Luo said to Zhang Wuliang.

Zhang Wuliang nodded and said, "Mr. Wu, I understand. You can go down and rest first."

Mr. Wu was another titled Douluo who protected Zhang Wuliang together with Mr. Di in the mansion of the Generalissimo. Mr. Wu had a level 94 cultivation level and was only a short moment away from reaching the realm of Super Douluo.

This is also the reason why Zhang Wuliang is so respectful to him. If Mr. Wu, who has the potential to become a super Douluo, can be taken under his command, then his safety will be sufficiently guaranteed.

Wu Lao heard this, but did not go down directly. He said: "General, do you have a way to deal with these more than 300,000 menacing parliamentary troops?"

Zhang Wuliang smiled slightly and said: "Our parliamentary army came to Guangsu City three days ago to get ready for a makeover. The whole army has a completely new look. And the parliamentary army rushed here day and night. If it weren't for the soldiers holding back their hearts, With that tone, they have already collapsed to the ground and cannot move. When the parliamentary army arrives at Guangluo City, how much combat power will they have?"

"What's more, the new weapon does not have the ability to automatically lock on the target. Being awake for several days has a great impact on the mental state of those soldiers. You know, those soldiers are ordinary people, not soul masters! How accurate can the exhausted parliamentary army be?"

"And the leaders of the parliamentary army, Zhang Haisheng and Marcia Agular, will definitely be thinking of forcing an attack on the city with the tone in the hearts of the parliamentary army. Then they will act very anxiously and in a hurry, and will no longer look around cautiously. . If we arrange three soul master camps a few miles outside Guanglu City and bombard the parliamentary army that controls new weapons at the beginning of the battle, then the parliamentary army will definitely suffer heavy casualties, and we can even annihilate the parliamentary army. Some of the troops will stay forever!”

A sheepskin scroll appeared in front of Zhang Wuliang. On the scroll was drawn a map of Guangnu City and the defensive areas several miles outside Guangnu City. He used his soul power as a pen to keep marking on the scroll so that Mr. Wu on the side could listen. Understand what he said.

There was a weird smile on his face. Anyone who looked at this smile would have a creepy feeling.

A poisonous plan, this is definitely a poisonous plan!

If Zhang Wuliang's strategy succeeds, a large number of parliamentary troops will die under Guangruo City, and the parliament will be in ruins!

Thanks to book friend Tang Men Yutian for the 100 book coin reward, and to book friend (Ye°3°)- for his monthly pass, thank you Xiaobai!

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