Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Chapter 318: At the end of the strong crossbow, a hundred thousand troops were killed

Wu Lao heard this and said with great admiration: "As expected of a general, if this plan can succeed, then the parliamentary army will definitely suffer heavy losses! And then, you will also be the hero of the Sun and Moon Empire!"

Zhang Wuliang just smiled and said nothing more.

Two days passed quickly. As the spies came back with news again and again, Zhang Wuliang also began to order the soldiers guarding the city to prepare.

The city wall of Guangnu City is very wide and can even accommodate more than 3,000 people. More than 3,000 archers from the Imperial Army are arrayed on the city wall. In front of them is a two-meter-high stone wall. This stone wall is Zhang Wuliang temporarily sent people to repair it in the past two days.

Based on previous confrontations with the parliamentary army, Zhang Wuliang understood that the new weapons of the parliamentary army could only attack in a straight line, but the crossbow could make the bow and arrow cross an arc and then fall to the ground.

As a result, the two-meter stone wall came into being. With the protection of this stone wall, the pistolers of the Parliamentary Army would not be able to directly shoot the soldiers of the Imperial Army, but the archers of the Imperial Army could shoot arrows from the stone. It shot out from above the wall and then fell towards the parliamentary army's camp.

It has to be said that Zhang Wuliang is simply a genius in commanding the war. Whether it is strategizing or utilizing everything, he does an excellent job.

"Mr. Wu, have all the three soul mentor groups I asked for been sent out?" Zhang Wuliang turned his head slightly and looked at Mr. Wu beside him.

Mr. Wu nodded and said: "Yes, General. The three soul mentor groups are currently located outside Guangnu City. They have put on camouflage uniforms coated with paint that isolates soul power detection. Under normal circumstances, they will not Discovered by the Parliamentary Army."

Zhang Wuliang said: "Okay! However, once these three soul mentor groups launch an attack, their location will definitely be discovered by Zhang Haisheng and others. Mr. Wu, would you please go to the temporary soul building where the soul mentor group is located?" Mentor position, protect them.”

Elder Wu was startled and said: "General, my duty is to protect you!"

Zhang Wuliang smiled slightly and said, "I already have Mr. Di to protect me, not to mention her..." He said, looking directly in front of him.

Mr. Wu followed his gaze and saw a slender figure suddenly appearing from the sky.

The person who came was none other than Rou'er. After Rou'er returned to Mingdu, she rushed here day and night. After all, her husband Zhang Wuliang was still here commanding the battle!

"Phantom Douluo? Okay, let me go then." Mr. Wu hesitated for a moment, then nodded, saluted Zhang Wuliang, then took off into the air and flew out of the city.

Two hours later, faint shouts of killing could be heard.

Zhang Wuliang's expression condensed. Although he was nervous, he was not afraid at all. He murmured: "Here he comes!"

In the distance, a pale golden figure and a pink blue figure were seen flying a hundred meters high in the sky, slowly heading towards the direction of Light Crossbow City.

And below those two people is the parliament's army of more than 300,000 people!

The one at the front is naturally the pistol regiment of the Parliamentary Army. Each of these pistolists is holding a P9 pistol. After many battles, they have become fluent in using this weapon in their hands.

Although this 300,000-strong army seems to be menacing and everyone shouts angry slogans, if you look closely, it is not difficult to see a trace of tiredness that is difficult to conceal in their eyes.

After all, how could these ordinary soldiers without soul power be able to endure three whole days of not sleeping, and three whole days of running around day and night?

Zhang Wuliang was several kilometers away from the parliamentary army. He could not see this at all. All he could feel was the murderous intent and arrogance of the parliamentary army.

However, facing this 300,000-strong army, the corners of Zhang Wuliang's mouth raised slightly.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the parliamentary army forced the soldiers to rush to the battle, and these soldiers were already at the end of their strength. And our soldiers have gone through three days of recuperation!" Zhang Wuliang laughed wildly. , there was a bit of unruliness in his eyes.

Rou'er looked back and saw that just as Zhang Wuliang said, the soldiers of the Emperor's Army looked in high spirits at this time. Their original tiredness had completely faded away. What they had was masculinity and confidence!

"The order goes down, the sun and moon empire belongs to the crossbowmen, draw the bow and hold it full!" Zhang Wuliang shouted.

"Yes!" Mr. Di bowed slightly and passed on his order within a minute.

Three thousand archers drew their bows at the same time, pointing toward the sky at a forty-five-degree angle.

At the same time, the 100,000 pistol regiment soldiers of the Parliamentary Army had entered within 100 meters of Guangnu City.

However, they were at a loss. The guns in their hands were hanging in the air, but they could not find a target to shoot at.

Because in their field of vision, there was only the high city wall, but there was no one behind the wall.

Zhang Haisheng and Marcia Agular, who were flying in the air, naturally saw the situation below. They frowned and planned to order the parliamentary army to temporarily retreat.

But at this moment, Zhang Wuliang spoke, his voice suddenly turned cold, and his right hand raised high suddenly waved down: "Let go!"

This time, there was no concealment in his voice, and it spread throughout the entire army in an instant. Even Zhang Haisheng and everyone in the parliamentary army could hear his words.

However, even if the parliamentary army heard it, it was too late to prepare.

Three thousand archers quickly fired arrows in their hands, and kept nocking, drawing, and shooting arrows!

The scene where arrows rained out from the sky, and thousands of arrows were fired in unison, was simply shocking. The terrifying rain of arrows fell overwhelmingly in the direction of the Parliamentary Army Pistol Regiment!

As for the Pistol Regiment, due to their confidence in new weapons, their army is not equipped with so-called heavy shield bearers. In other words, if no soul master is willing to resist, these soldiers must use their own flesh and blood. body to resist these sharp arrows!

Faced with this situation, Zhang Haisheng took action without hesitation, releasing the power of the moon martial spirit. With the release of the moon's light, a large amount of moonlight swayed out and rolled into the rain of arrows in the sky.

Wrapped in the moonlight, a large number of flying arrows slowly stagnated in the air, no longer posing a threat to the parliamentary army.

On the city wall, when he saw Zhang Haisheng blocking the arrow that was fatal to the parliamentary army, Zhang Wuliang did not feel a trace of anger.

Instead, he smiled coldly.

Blocked it? Haha, that's just a useless thing to attract your attention!

"3, 2, 1, the game begins!" Zhang Wuliang sneered.

As his last word fell, thousands of soul power rays burst out from a place outside the city at the same time. Each of these soul power rays was fired by at least a third-level soul guide cannon!

These level three soul cannons are naturally nothing to the soul masters in the parliamentary army, but the targets of these soul power rays are the soldiers of the pistol regiment without soul power!

Thousands of soul power rays fell into the pistol regiment's formation, and the lives of countless parliamentary army gunmen were wiped out. All their vitality was turned into ashes with the explosion of soul power.

In just the first round of volleys, tens of thousands of soldiers from the parliamentary army were killed!

Although there are only a thousand soul power rays, after they explode, the residual power can often engulf the bodies of more than a dozen people, and the residual power of the third-level soul guide cannon is absolutely fatal to ordinary people!

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