Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 603 Heavenly Soul Palace

There are still ministers who know military skills in Tianhun City.

Therefore, under the coordination of professionals, the defenders of Tianhun City quickly put in place various defensive measures and remained on alert. But they still don't know what the Sun and Moon Empire wants to do by besieging them.

Time passes slowly.



"Has the Sun Moon Empire's army reached Tianhun City?"

"Who can tell me how this army of nearly a thousand people crossed the frontline defense zone, how did they cross hundreds of kilometers silently, and how did they appear at the foot of Tianhun City without anyone noticing?"

"Is it possible that they can still appear out of thin air?"

"With so many people sneaking in under their noses, are all the guys on the front line just doing it for free? Is it because they haven't discovered it or is there someone who is collaborating with the enemy?"

"A bunch of losers, how come you have been able to raise such a bunch of losers with the salary that I, the Heavenly Soul Empire, gave you!"


In the palace, angry roars could be heard.

In the court hall, Tianhun Emperor Wei Lin was so angry that his eyes were red, veins popped out on his forehead, and his chest was heaving violently due to extreme anger, showing his strong emotional fluctuations.

After learning that Tianhun City was besieged by the sun and the moon, Wei Lin became a turtle in a urn. In anger, Wei Lin became furious and cursed in the court. He doesn't even care about the majesty of the royal family, which shows how angry he is.

For the emperor of a country, it is a great shame and humiliation to be beaten to the capital and still be trapped there!

But at this moment, he was helpless.

"His Majesty……"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The Holy Body is the most important thing."

The civil and military ministers knelt on the ground and earnestly persuaded. But no one answered the sensitive topic raised by Wei Lin.

An army of more than a thousand people came to Tianhun City so quietly. No one knew where these people came from beforehand. The problems here are really terrifying if you think about it.

This is not the time for party fighting. When Your Majesty is so angry, he will get burned if he is not careful. If you're not sure, you can't label your political opponents as usual.

"Calm down?"

Wei Lin glanced at everyone coldly: "Now Tianhun City is in chaos. The armies of the Sun and Moon Empire have been killed before my eyes. How can you let me calm down? Huh?"

"You guys should come up with a solution for me!"


Facing the furious Wei Lin, all civil and military officials in the court lowered their heads and remained silent, daring not to say a word.

If you want soldiers, you won't have soldiers, if you want generals, you won't have generals.

What can they do?

Looking across the group of ministers kneeling on the ground with their heads lowered and saying nothing, Wei Lin's anger that he had finally suppressed surged up again.

"Are you all mute?"

These guys, when they are talking nonsense, they all talk, but when they really encounter problems, they all shrink their necks and don't dare to let out a fart.

With a sweep of his palm, all the memorials on the desk were swept to the ground, and they fell to the ground. "They are all trash, they are all trash! Get out! Get out of here!"

Looking at the messy documents all over the palace, the civil and military ministers looked at each other.

Finally, amid a burst of messy footsteps, the originally crowded hall quickly became empty.




In the palace, there were muffled sounds from time to time.

Wei Lin sat on the dragon chair, holding his hand on the support, breathing heavily.

For a moment, he took a deep breath and calmed down.

At the same time, a figure appeared in the hall.

The person who came was wearing a black robe, with white beard and hair. He appears to be in his sixties and has a slim build.

However, at this time, his old face was covered with wrinkles, and his whole person seemed to be weak. Only one pair of eyes, sharp, firm and wise.

This person is one of the four major worshipers of the Tianhun Empire, Tianwu Douluo Lu Chengkun.

Apart from the Noumenon Sect, he is also the only Super Douluo-level worshiper in the Tianhun Empire. He has served as emperor for three dynasties and has a high status in the Tianhun Empire. It exists like a sea-fixing needle.

In the past, before Wei Lin ascended the throne, he also asked him for advice.

"His Majesty."

Lu Chengkun bowed slightly.

Wei Lin hurriedly asked: "Mr. Lu, how is the situation?"

"The city defense has been organized."

"However... the Sun and Moon Legion outside the city is very strong. Although there are only more than a thousand people, less than one-tenth of a legion, they are all composed of sixth- and seventh-ring soul masters."

Lu Chengkun paused and looked solemn, "Moreover... I also detected four waves of Title Douluo level fluctuations. It is very likely that they are the ace soul mentors of the Sun and Moon Empire. And... there are more than one!"

"Four Titled Douluo!"

Wei Lin frowned and gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, the soul master army composed of a thousand high-level soul masters, the Sun and Moon Empire has indeed been preparing to invade our Heavenly Soul Empire for a long time."

After a moment of silence, he said again: "What about us?"

"Your Majesty, although the Sun and Moon Legion outside the city has no intention of attacking for the time being, in my opinion, once they launch an attack, Tianhun City will definitely fall within half a day."

Hearing what Lu Chengkun said, Wei Lin felt even heavier, "The defenders of Tianhun City and my Royal Knights are all going to attack us. How long can we hold them back?"

"I know what your Majesty is thinking, but with all due respect, I can only hold on for one day at most. It will not be able to sustain the army that King Qin rescued." Lu Chengkun said in a heavy tone.

Wei Lin was unwilling to ask: "Can't you stop me?"

Lu Chengkun shook his head, "Your Majesty, the titled Douluo of the Sun and Moon Empire are all equipped with level nine soul guides. Although I am a super Douluo, I can only deal with two people at most..."

"Damn it."

Wei Lin slapped the armrest of the dragon chair hard, his face turned livid.

"Your Majesty, withdraw."

Lu Chengkun advised: "Tianhun City has been surrounded by the army of the Sun and Moon Empire. Although there is no intention to attack yet, life and death are in their hands."

"If you stay here, you will only be slaughtered by others."

"I'm opening the way, and those people outside can't stop us."

Wei Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly: "I am the king of a country, how can I go to Tianhun City and ignore the fire and water with tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians?"

"Your Majesty has a body of thousands of dollars and will not sit in danger. This move of the Sun and Moon Empire is obviously aimed at you. Don't be fooled! Just listen to my words and let's go." Lu Chengkun said urgently.

"Don't mention this matter again!"

Wei Lin suddenly stood up and shouted: "Tianhun City is the foundation of my Tianhun Empire. If I lose the capital, how can I have the face to meet my ancestors? No matter what, I will never leave."

"How can the Lord of Heavenly Soul be greedy for life and afraid of death?"

In a desperate situation, Wei Lin, who had been eroded by the desire for power for a long time, finally showed the determination and courage of his former Dingding Heavenly Soul, a generation of emperors and heroes.

"I understand."

Lu Chengkun sighed softly, turned and left.


At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then a guard quickly ran into the hall and knelt down on one knee. "Your Majesty, the Sun and Moon Army is coming from outside the city to hold the gate!"

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