Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 604 Finally meeting, Tianhun Palace

Hearing this, Wei Lin's pupils suddenly shrank.

A trace of panic rose from the bottom of my heart.

He had never felt this feeling since he ascended the throne.

"His Majesty!"

Lu Chengkun reminded in a deep voice.

If we don't withdraw now, it will be too late.

Wei Lin waved his hand to interrupt first, then took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said in a deep voice: "How is the situation of our army?"

The guard immediately replied: "Reporting to your majesty, the enemy's soul guide army launched an artillery attack and our army suffered heavy losses. However, the Sun and Moon army did not attack in a large scale and only sent two envoys to guard the gate."

"That man claimed to be the leader of the Sun and Moon Army outside the city. He said that he would represent the Sun and Moon Empire to negotiate with your Majesty about this war..."

"Haha, negotiation?" Wei Lin said coldly: "This is how the Sun and Moon Empire negotiates? With the army approaching the city, what else do you need to talk to me about? Are you really trying to bully me?"

"They, they also said..." The guard hesitated to speak.

"What else can you say?"

The guard swallowed his saliva and continued tremblingly: "If your Majesty refuses to negotiate, then they will destroy Tianhun City..."


Wei Lin laughed angrily.

He took a deep breath first to suppress the anger in his chest. Then he turned to look at Lu Chengkun and said, "Mr. Lu, bring them up. I want to see what they want to do!"


After Lu Chengkun hurried away with his guards, Wei Lin stood with his hands behind his hands after giving all the instructions, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

A quarter of an hour ago, after surrounding Tianhun City on all sides, the Soul Guide Corps launched an artillery bombardment as planned.

The effect was obvious. The military morale that Tianhun City had finally gathered was completely destroyed by this round of bombardment. Morale fell completely to the bottom.

How to fight this battle?

Who can block their artillery fire?

Although the soul guide army has not yet attacked the city, the entire Tianhun City seems to be shrouded in a layer of gloom. The city's fall is destined to fall, and everyone's heart is covered with a layer of gloom.

After doing all this, Su Luoheng stood still and led the Snow Emperor to attack Guan Tianhun City. The two of them were the messengers of the sun and moon army that the guard said.

As for the thousand-man army outside the city, they are temporarily under the command of Xu Tianyuan.

This person is the former leader of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group and a member of the royal family. Loyal to the Sun and Moon Royal Family. Now serves as Su Luoheng's deputy.

Said to be his deputy, in fact most military activities are under the command of Xu Tianyuan. It's not that there is any conspiracy to oust Su Luoheng, but that he

The gate of Tianhun City slowly opened.

In front of the city gate, Lu Chengkun led the Royal Knights to wait.

The Royal Knights have a long history, and can be traced back as far as the Tiandou Empire before the split.

This knighthood is the elite among the elites of the Heavenly Soul Empire, and the selected members have at least the second level of soul power. Only following the orders of His Majesty the Emperor is the most loyal fighting force.

At this moment, the two sides faced each other in the air, and the atmosphere was tense.

Whatever the purpose, aggression is a fact.

To the Tianhun Empire, Su Luoheng was invading. No one would welcome the invaders. Resentment and hatred were the true reflection of their hearts.

At this time, Lu Chengkun's expression became solemn.

Although the two people opposite looked young, no matter how much he probed, he could never clearly see their soul power realm.

The woman just stood there without making any extra moves. But the chill radiating from his whole body made even him, a ninety-fifth-level super Douluo, feel timid and afraid.

That man was even more frightening. Although he didn't release any pressure in particular, just standing there was terrifying, and he didn't dare to look directly into his cold, deep eyes.

He sensed a sense of extreme danger from these two people. This was not an illusion.

Lu Chengkun decisively gave up the idea of ​​testing.

Then, he turned sideways and raised his hand.

Immediately, the Royal Knights quickly lined up on both sides and lined up in a fan shape to make way for the two of them to lead into the city.

"You two, please."

"Your Majesty is waiting for you."

Then, Lu Chengkun made a 'please' gesture towards the two of them.

Seeing this, Su Luoheng nodded slightly, then strode forward with steady steps.

The city gate is closed again.

Outside the city, Xu Tianyuan withdrew his gaze.

"Send the order, before Marshal Su returns, the entire army will be on alert. If there is any movement in Tianhun City, attack immediately."


Immediately, Xu Tianyuan turned and left.


At the same time, accompanied by Lu Chengkun, the group walked into the inner city of the Tianhun City Palace.

At this time, the Tianhun Palace was heavily guarded. The Royal Knights had taken over the palace's guarding and inspection duties, and were fully armed guarding every corner of the palace.

Approaching the main hall, the fellow sergeants stopped one after another, turned around and bowed their hands to Wei Lin, then retreated and returned to their original positions. Only Lu Chengkun led the two of them into the hall.

"The messengers of the sun and moon have arrived."

Amidst the call, Lu Chengkun led Su Luoheng and Snow Emperor into the palace hall. Then he returned to Wei Lin's side.

The eyes of the monarch and the minister met, and Wei Lin saw Lu Chengkun's fear of the two sun and moon messengers.


Wei Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two of them.

It's him?

Or her?

Or, the two of them?

Is strength the reason why they dare to come to the palace?

If Mr. Lu is not his opponent, then if he lets them come to Tianhun Palace, wouldn't he be... luring the wolf into the house?

Thinking of this, Wei Lin's expression changed slightly.

They really have the ability to flatten Tianhun City.


At the same time, Su Luoheng was also looking at him.

He looked at the emperor who his father had once served and regarded as his confidant.

"The Sun and Moon Empire is really full of talents..."

Wei Lin suddenly sighed.

He is so young, but can rival a Super Douluo... Why doesn't their Heavenly Soul Empire have such talents?

How lucky is the Sun and Moon Empire!

Wei Lin's eyes flashed with admiration.

Completely forgetting his dispensable attitude when facing talents.

The Tianhun Empire once had people, but they were either killed by him or left their hometowns.

If you don’t invest, how will you gain?

But the aloof emperors never realize their mistakes, they always have reasons to make excuses for themselves.

he asked.

"What are the identities of the two envoys in the Sun and Moon Empire?"

Su Luoheng only found this ridiculous.

Lots of talent?

You pushed this out with your own hands!

Wei Lin didn't know that the young man in front of him, wearing the Sun-Moon Empire's battle robe and the gold-sun-silver-moon badge, was supposed to belong to their Heavenly Soul Empire. But he was pushed to the Sun and Moon Empire by his own hands.

I wonder how Wei Lin felt when the truth was revealed?

regret? Or ashamed and angry, or shocked?

You will never reflect on yourself and will envy others.


Thinking of this, Su Luoheng suddenly didn't want to reveal his official identity to Wei Lin so soon.

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