Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 605 The king of a country dies for the country

So, facing Wei Lin's inquiry, he said: "Xu Tianyuan, the commander-in-chief of the Sun and Moon Army outside Tianhun City, she is my deputy."

(Note: I checked the information and found that the Dou Ling Royal Family is the bloodline of Tian Dou, so I changed Xuelin’s name to Wei Lin according to Princess Wei Na’s side, and the Super Dou Ling Royal Family of the Tian Hun Royal Family. There was a name in Luo's original work, so Lin Quanyuan also changed it to Lu Chengkun).

The surname is Xu...

Should be a member of the royal family.

Wei Lin calmed down and spoke again.

"Commander Xu."

"Your Sun and Moon Empire is really clever..."

"This invasion must have been planned for a long time, right?"

Before Su Luoheng could respond, Wei Lin continued: "Restart the Soul Fighting Competition to attract attention and confuse the outside world. Secretly assemble the army to prepare for war, break it into pieces and infiltrate the Heavenly Soul Empire."

"When the Soul Fighting Competition begins, you will gather quickly and attack the weakest defense of Tianhun City with thunderous force."

"With such a complicated design, even if you don't hesitate to break the treaty, I think what you are planning is not as simple as occupying a city." After Wei Lin finished speaking, he looked at the two of them intently, his eyes deep.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Su Luoheng asked.

"You have great ambitions."

"For example, unify Douluo Continent. And Tianhun City is just the first step in realizing your plan."

"Commander Xu, am I right?"

Wei Lin spoke calmly and stared at him.

For some reason, the young man in front of him named "Xu Tianyuan", whom he had never seen before, made him feel inexplicably familiar, like facing an old friend for many years.


"It seems I guessed it right."

After a while, he smiled and said, "It seems that you have the confidence to declare war on the three empires at the same time."

"That's right."

Su Luoheng admitted frankly.

The unified purpose of the Sun and Moon Empire is not difficult to guess.

If one move can affect the whole body, it is impossible for the Star Luo Empire and the Dou Ling Empire to sit back and watch the Tianhun Empire be destroyed.

Knowing this, insisting on starting a war...

The purpose can be imagined.

It's not difficult to think of this, it's just a matter of time.

What really surprised him was the Heavenly Soul Emperor in front of him.

Under the coercion of the Sun and Moon Empire, Su Luoheng originally thought that Wei Lin would be panicked, angry, and resentful, but what was unexpected was that he turned out to be so calm and composed.

In such a short period of time, the purpose of the Sun and Moon army's siege on Tianhun City was guessed.

Although there are slight differences in details, they do not affect the overall situation.

After all, who would have thought that Su Luoheng held a semi-undead plane that could carry an army of thousands of people.

Facts have proved that Wei Lin seems...not as unbearable as he imagined.

Be wiser and more decisive than you think.

That's right, this is the style of a heroic leader of a country.

If he was really that kind of cowardly and incompetent emperor who only wanted comfort and enjoyment and allowed his power to fall by the wayside, how could his father choose to assist him in achieving great imperial achievements?

He just lost his way in the ocean of power and desire.

"Whether it's Tianhun, Dou Ling, or the Star Luo Empire, the national strength alone is not as good as your Sun Moon Empire. Even if three fronts start a war at the same time, you all have the confidence."

"And if the war starts on the third front, even the sun and the moon will inevitably suffer heavy losses, the national power will decline significantly, and they will fall into a long post-war recovery period to recuperate. This is not what you want to see."

"But if one of the three empires, Tianhun, Douling, and Xingluo, gives up resistance or falls into chaos, then for you, you can speed up the pace of unification and reduce consumption."

"So, the real purpose of your Sun Moon Empire's first step in choosing Tianhun City is to persuade them to surrender, or... to get rid of me as an obstacle." Wei Lin's eyes narrowed dangerously, and his voice was calm.

"What about your choice?" Su Luoheng said calmly.

"The soul fighting competition, the siege of Tianhun City, and then the negotiations... So far, your plan only has one final step left."

Seeing Su Luoheng's noncommittal attitude, Wei Lin paused, stared directly at the other party with a pair of sharp and cold eyes, and mocked: "But unfortunately, your plan chose the wrong target from the very beginning."

"Your threat has broken the backbone of those in the Dou Ling Empire. The stubborn old stubborn may still succeed. But I, the Tianhun Empire, will never be swayed by your threat!"

Wei Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a hint of contempt.

"I am the emperor of the Tianhun Empire."

"It is natural for the king to die in the country."

Wei Lin stood upright proudly, with a burning gleam in his eyes!

"You, the Sun and Moon Empire, underestimate me, the Heavenly Soul Empire."

"Four Thousand Years, you are preparing, and we are also preparing. Although Shrek Academy has been destroyed, the three major empires no longer need an academy to be combined."

"Even if I die here today, the Heavenly Soul Empire will not surrender. All our soldiers from the Heavenly Soul Empire will join forces with the Douling Empire and the Star Luo Empire to continue fighting!"

"Even if the Sky Soul Empire is wiped out, even if the name of the Sky Soul Empire no longer exists, and the land is divided between Xingluo and Dou Ling Empire, I will never compromise with you!"

"You, the Sun and Moon Empire, want to take over the Heavenly Soul Empire without any bloodshed. You are just talking nonsense!"

The Sun and Moon Empire seemed to be keeping to itself in recent years, but the three empires were not fooled by their performance.

They knew very well that the reason why the Sun and Moon Empire was calm was that it was hiding its strength and biding its time, accumulating strength and waiting for good opportunities.

The lessons of fighting on their own four thousand years ago are still fresh in their minds. Facing the powerful enemy Sun and Moon, who is eyeing them eagerly, how could they make the same mistake?

Although the nobility and royal family are corrupt and profit-seeking, they are not stupid. When it comes to their own rights and interests, they will abandon all prejudices and grudges and unite as one.

"Xu Tianyuan, do you still think that your Sun and Moon Empire will win this time?" He looked at Su Luoheng, his golden pupils seemed to be burning with dazzling firelight!

The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

The two parties were dozens of steps apart, staring at each other in silence.

Although Su Luoheng's face was still calm. But Wei Lin's courage and determination really shocked him.

He deserves the name of Heavenly Soul Emperor.

"Then we'll see."

Su Luoheng paused and said calmly: "His Majesty's declaration is wonderful, and his determination is equally admirable."

"It's just that your majesty's impassioned declaration of war is for the common people living in the Tianhun Empire, or for the interests of the nobles and the so-called royal family?"

"I am fighting for the Heavenly Soul Empire. We are facing a powerful enemy. No matter nobles or civilians, they are all subjects of the Heavenly Soul Empire. We should fight for our country. This is what we should do." Wei Lin said calmly.

"So, ordinary people are the bargaining chips you use to weigh the pros and cons."

"The nobles have their obligations, and the common people have the obligations of the common people. The Tianhun Empire will not treat every citizen who fights for the empire badly. To them, this is fair."

"I am worthy of anyone."

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