Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 611 Tragic Battle Situation

Encouraged by West, the soldiers of the Heavenly Soul Empire worked together as one, and they all burst out with a fierce fighting spirit that looked back upon death.

However, no matter how loud the slogans are shouted and no matter how surging the morale is, it cannot change the huge strength gap between the Sky Soul Legion and the Sun and Moon Soul Instructor Group.

All members of the Sun and Moon Soul Mentor Group are equipped with soul guidance devices, and the lowest level among them are all sixth-level soul masters.

On the other hand, looking at the soul master formation formed by West, the one with the highest soul power is only the Fourth Ring Soul Sect, which is not even as good as the average of the Sun and Moon Soul Master Group.

When they entered the attack range, the soul mentor group immediately took action.

Each soul engineer can use two to three soul weapons at the same time. The group of thousands of soul engineers attacks at the same time, and nearly 3,000 attack points are constantly spraying artillery fire on the Tianhun Empire's military formation.

Countless soul-guiding rays and soul-guiding cannons radiated rays of light, causing large energy storms to rise in the sky.

At this time, the firepower deployment of the Sun and Moon Soul Guidance Group is mainly based on soul guidance cannons, supplemented by soul guidance rays.

Although the accuracy, penetration and power of soul-guiding rays are higher than those of soul-guiding cannons, they are far from comparable to soul-guiding cannons in terms of attack range.

Therefore, long-distance attacks are still based on soul-guided cannons. Once an enemy breaks into a certain range, they will be strafed by soul-guided rays.

Although the soul master army formation was huge in number, it could not stop the intensive rain-like attacks of the Sun and Moon Soul Master Group.

The soul-guiding cannon and soul-guiding rays complemented each other, and the barrier held up by the defensive soul masters instantly shattered. The first thing to bear the brunt was the soul masters' military formation. Beams of light fell from the sky and fell into the military formation.

The originally neat soul master formation suddenly became chaotic, and many soul masters were killed on the spot before they even used their soul skills. A cloud of blood mist exploded.

For a moment, screams could be heard endlessly. Due to the huge disparity in strength, there was no room for resistance. For them, soul-guided weapon attacks would cause death upon contact.

Large numbers of soul masters fell to the ground. The soul master legion of nearly two thousand people did not even touch the edge of the soul master group, and the number of casualties among the soldiers exceeded two-thirds.

Immediately afterwards, the formation of ordinary soldiers suffered. They couldn't withstand the bombardment of soul-guided weapons at all. In an instant, blood spurted out and corpses were everywhere.

The smell of blood and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air. Dozens of soul masters died almost every second. Under the crushing force of the soul-guided weapons, the Tianhun Soul Master Legion suffered a linear increase in casualties.

The attack of the Sun and Moon Soul Instructors Group continued, covering the Heavenly Soul Legion like an airtight net. They want to destroy the Heavenly Soul Legion in the shortest possible time.

In the sky, various light balls shined, illuminating half of the sky. Every cannonball or beam will kill dozens of lives. This is a kind of war that is completely superior to the Tianhun Empire.

On the battlefield, the Heavenly Soul Legion was beaten and retreated steadily. The soldiers of the Tianhun Empire had no ability to fight back at all. They could only fall down one after another like wheat.

In terms of attack distance, the advantage of the soul guide is too great.

Although West had anticipated this scene, using these soldiers as cannon fodder to attract firepower and consume the soul power of the soul mentor group was a plan that he personally finalized.

But to say that there is no wave in my heart is definitely a lie. Even if there is no emotional factor, these people are trained by Tianhun Empire with real money.

But this is war!

There is no mercy or mercy, only victory or defeat.

Because the nature of war is cruel.

Although the human sea tactic of charging hard is cruel, it is the only place where the Tianhun Legion can show its value now.

Regardless of the battle situation or other aspects, before the soul masters of the Noumenon Sect come on stage, if the Heavenly Soul Army can advance an inch and consume one point of the soul master group's soul power, it will increase the chance of winning.

Without soul power, no matter how sophisticated the soul guide is, it is just a decoration.

In order to ensure that the previous preparations are not in vain, no matter how great the sacrifice is, we can only bite the bullet and fight on.

The dead soldiers...

The Heavenly Soul Empire will remember their dedication.

West clenched his fists, and the guilt in his eyes was replaced by coldness.

"Send the order, keep moving forward... push forward!"

The flames were raging and smoke was filling the sky.

Hundreds of artillery shells flew through the sky at lightning speed, and each falling shell represented the death of hundreds of people.

Although the morale of the Tianhun army is high at the moment, it lacks real experience after all, not to mention that in this life-and-death situation, it is even more nervous and panicked, and has no power to resist.

He watched helplessly as the Paoze brothers around him were blown to pieces one by one...

As a result, under the overlapping emotions of grief, anger and fear, the originally high morale of the Heavenly Soul Legion collapsed to the bottom in an instant. What's more, some were so frightened that their legs and feet became weak and they turned around and ran away.

However, how can it be so easy to dodge a soul guide attack? Amidst the roar of the soul guide, the beams of light were like locusts passing through, densely covering the entire sky.

"Put it on, give it to me!"

"Anyone who escapes from the battlefield will be shot without mercy!"

"Go back to me for the fuck, who allowed you to retreat?"

The military commanders shouted to stop.

Trying to save the situation of defeat, unfortunately, this situation is not the only one. Moreover, these soldiers have fallen into despair. How can they continue to obey orders?

They rushed out desperately, trying to break out of the enemy fire and stay away from this nightmare battlefield.

Therefore, under the impact of the fleeing soldiers, the complete army formation in the rear began to be in chaos and became increasingly difficult to stabilize. The trend of deserters became more and more intense, and it was only a matter of time before the whole army was defeated.

Even if the Soul Master Corps used those low-consumption soul guides, maintaining such a large range of firepower output would naturally consume a lot of soul power.

This is why Wester continued to order the Heavenly Soul soldiers to advance when he knew that ordinary legions had no chance of winning against soul guides.

As time went on, the Heavenly Soul Corps of nearly 10,000 people, after experiencing rounds of baptism by soul guide rays and soul guide cannons, now only had less than 3,000 remnants.

But correspondingly, the soul guide cannons and soul guide rays sprayed by the Sun and Moon Soul Master Corps to the Heavenly Soul Corps were gradually weakening. It seemed that soul power could no longer sustain the consumption of soul guides.

Wester realized that the opportunity had come.

"Your Majesty, the main body. The enemy's firepower is not enough."

Wester quickly came to the main body Douluo Du Bu Si. "The Heavenly Soul Corps is no longer able to fight. Please lead the strong men of the Body Sect to join the battle immediately and strangle the enemy!"

Du Bu Si narrowed his eyes slightly, "Okay!"

He agreed very readily.

The Body Sect was gathering their strength and waiting for this moment. Even if West didn't come to remind him, he couldn't sit still.

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