Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 612: Level 9 custom-installed soul missile, it’s very scary if the poison doesn’t kill you

"The Noumenon Sect listens to the order!"

"The target group of Sun and Moon Soul Mentors, follow me to kill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Du BuShu stood up, turned into a stream of light, and rushed forward first.

The members of the Noumenon Sect immediately swarmed into action and quickly followed the sect leader Du Busheng, rushing into the battlefield like a torrent.

Seeing this, West breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of joy on his face. The Noumenon Sect's attack must be a thunderous force. It is not easy for the Sun Moon Soul Master, who is at the end of his strength, to resist?

The difficulties in Tianhun City will surely be solved.

As the powerful men of the Noumenon Sect joined the battle one after another, the Sun and Moon Soul Mentor also shifted the target of artillery fire away from the defeated Sky Soul Legion. The Tianhun Legion finally got a chance to breathe and hurriedly evacuated the battlefield, trying to keep themselves as far away from the enemy's artillery fire as possible.


"Boom, boom, boom..."

Violent explosions resounded across the battlefield.

Poisonous Buxie took the lead, his true form opened, and the giant with dark green flames burning all over his body faced the cannonballs flying in the sky and rushed towards the location of the enemy soul master group with incomparable courage.

Although he also endured a strong collision, Du Bushui was a strong man at the Super Douluo level, and he did not suffer much substantial damage even when he was baptized by a cluster of artillery fire.

Following closely behind Du Bushu, the eight titled Douluo elders of the Noumenon Sect filed out. They also activated their respective martial soul avatars and entered the battlefield with the most direct and domineering attitude.

Titled Douluo took the lead, using his martial soul avatar to cover the Soul Saint and Soul Douluo behind them as they charged forward. This kind of fighting method can only appear in sects like Noumenon Sect that focus on inheritance and the future.

Soul guide shells flew towards them one after another. Although the soul guide regiment's artillery fire never stopped, both the firepower and coverage range were significantly lower than at the beginning. Unable to stop the charge of Noumenon Sect.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, but the artillery fire from the Sun and Moon side is getting weaker and weaker. Judging from the defensive strength, it seems that it has really reached the end of its strength and is unable to follow up.

In the blink of an eye, Du Buushi had already approached the Sun Moon Soul Mentor Group a hundred meters away. Dark green flames surrounded the whole body, and the terrifying pressure contained in the true form made even the dark clouds in the sky seem to dim a bit.

The dark green giant palm shot out, and a huge shadow covered the enemy camp. The violent wind fired a vacuum cannon. Wherever it passed, it crushed all the soul-guided cannonballs it encountered, and the debris flew everywhere.

This is the poisonous fighting method, simple and crude.

As the name suggests, the main body martial spirit uses the body as the martial spirit. Every soul power upgrade is a strengthening and tempering of one's own physique. In the process of transformation, the strength of the physical body is also constantly increasing. This is also the power of the original soul master.

The poisonous immortal who has reached the super Douluo level has a physical strength comparable to that of a hundred thousand year old soul beast. Legs, elbows, knees, shoulders, etc., any part of the body can be used as a weapon.

Each punch and palm contains terrifying power.

No matter how many moves you have, you can defeat them all with force.

After Poison was dead, the other powerful men of the Noumenon Sect took action one after another, whether with fists, palms, or claws. Each blow had strong destructive power. Helping Poisonous Death's offensive become even more powerful.

Seeing that the battle situation took a turn for the worse, the Sun and Moon side remained as calm as water, with no sign of panic at all. The defensive posture has not changed even a little.

"Marshal, Du Buxie took the bait."

"The ninth-level custom-installed soul missiles and shock bombs are all ready."

Xu Tianyuan stood beside Su Luoheng and whispered.

Su Luoheng slowly closed his eyes, his expression was unusually calm, and could even be said to be indifferent.

After being silent for a while, he opened his eyes, and a ray of cold light shot out from his eyes.

"let's start!"

There was no fluctuation in Su Luoheng's cold voice.


Just when West thought the victory was certain, suddenly, a ball of golden light suddenly lit up from within the Sun and Moon Soul Instructors.

Immediately afterwards, brilliant rays of light rose up, forming circles of dazzling golden ripples.

As soon as the golden light reached it, everything became a little slower. The dark green giant palm stagnated in mid-air, and the other Noumenon Sect strongmen seemed to be frozen in place. Everything, even the air seemed to be silent.


Du Buushi screamed in his heart that it was bad, he had been plotted!

Such a method cannot be accomplished in a hurry, and the Sun and Moon must have been prepared in advance. And this preparation is definitely for the Noumenon Sect. It is even very possible that even the previous lack of soul power was acted out to them, just to invite you to enter the urn.

This feeling is all too familiar. I think that when the Noumenon Sect was competing with Shrek Academy again, the previous sect leader Du Bidi fell into a trap and mistakenly believed the rumor that Munn was seriously injured and died at Shrek.

Just when the poisonous immortal was about to retreat, a strange feeling of danger suddenly came to the back of his mind. It made his hair stand on end instantly. He looked up almost subconsciously.

The next moment, his pupils suddenly contracted.

[Level 9 custom-installed soul missile, launch! 】


The sky and the earth roared, and three golden-red cannonballs were fired straight towards the Poisonous Immortal from three directions: due south, due north, and due west. That Xuanhe aura was like three towering mountains, causing the air to distort.

How can it be?

He swore that even the sense of oppression brought by Moon was not as terrifying as it is now! Du Bushui felt that his entire soul seemed to be suppressed by this terrifying aura.

However, there was no room for him to think any more at this moment. The golden-red halo expanded rapidly, reaching 100 meters in an instant, leaving them with less than five seconds of buffer time.

There were only two ways in front of him: either bet that he could resist these three level nine fixed soul missiles, or avoid them.

Among this group of people, only a handful can do it. If the poison doesn't kill you, it can take away at most one or two people. But all the remaining 100 people in the Noumenon Sect have to be accounted for here. The sect was completely in decline.

For Du Bushit, who values ​​his sect more than his life, if the sect is gone, then even if he survives, it will be meaningless. So he only had one choice from beginning to end.

"Everyone get behind me!"

There was a loud shout. Immediately afterwards, the poison drove the soul core in the body regardless of the cost, and the majestic soul power of the ninety-eighth-level super Douluo surged out like a torrent and spread all over the body in an instant.

In an instant, the real body once again rose by more than three feet, and the muscles in its arms, waist, abdomen, and legs swelled. Dark green flames burned violently on the body surface, and a layer of dark green mist lingered around the body.

At the same time, everyone in the Noumenon Sect also retreated behind Du Busui, their expressions also unpredictable and solemn. It's not that they don't want to hide, it's that they can't.

Life or death is in the hands of the immortal poison.

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