Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 615 Tianhun City is broken!

As the Noumenon Sect was defeated and fled, the suspense of the victory over the fate of the Tianhun Empire came to an end.

Su Luoheng stood quietly on the edge of the battlefield.

His mental power enveloped the whole place, feeling every detail.

Although he has not left this place, everything that happens on the battlefield is under Su Luoheng's control.

He saw the death of Poisonous Death, the defeat of the Noumenon Sect, and saw thousands of Heavenly Soul soldiers melting into the golden-red explosion. But his eyes were calm, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"Marshal, I'm waiting for a fight!"

Su Luoheng turned around and saw four middle-aged men striding out.

The leader was Xu Tianyuan, the deputy captain, and three ninth-level soul masters who belonged to the soul master group. Paired with the soul guide, they both have super Douluo level combat power.

The previous three level nine fixed soul missiles were released by these three people.

Su Luoheng nodded and said, "Xu Tian is responsible for pursuing the remaining soul masters of the Noumenon Sect and must annihilate them all. The remaining three troops set off and follow me to attack Tianhun City!"

The Noumenon Sect, which has lost its poisonous immortality, has become a mess. Even if there is a titled Douluo, it will not help. Xu Tianyuan can handle it alone.

"This battle must be over."

"As you command!"

The answers from the four people were sonorous and powerful.

Xu Tianyuan quickly assembled a team of soul mentors and flew out of the air, overlooking the battlefield. Chase down the remaining soul masters of the Noumenon Sect. The flying soul guide flew rapidly through the air, like silver snakes wandering around.

The remaining troops of the soul mentor group were divided into three groups. Three other ninth-level soul mentors each led a group of troops to advance towards Tianhun City from the northeast, southwest and northwest.

Along the way, anyone who stands in the way will be shot to death.

Although the Noumenon Sect withdrew from the battlefield first, no matter how fast the soul master was, how could he be faster than the flying soul guide?

Soon, Xu Tianyuan led his team to catch up.

With the death of Du BuShu, the morale of the Noumenon Sect was low and they no longer had the will to fight. There is no way to stop the soul master group from pursuing him.

Amidst the sound of steel, several gun barrels emerged from behind Xu Tianyuan. A blue luster flashed, and two cannon barrels as thick as arms grew on his shoulders.

The other soul mentors also completed their soul guidance arming in the air, raised their cannon barrels, and aimed at the enemies on the ground.

"Boom boom boom——"

Suddenly, light flashed, and dozens of blue rays of light shot out, shooting rows of holes into the ground.

Xu Tianyuan pursued him all the way, using soul-guiding rays. Facing these Noumenon Sect soul masters, soul guidance rays with higher accuracy, penetration and power are perfect.

"Lock the target and fire!"




Round after round of concentrated light, as dense as rain. It intertwined into a large net in the air and poured out downwards.

Under such dense and terrifying artillery fire coverage, even a titled Douluo would have difficulty resisting. What's more, there is a ninth-level soul master like Xu Tianyuan.

Although the Noumenon Sect still had eight titled Douluo, they had been severely depleted in resisting the explosion. At this time, they were attacked by the soul master group in the air, and the Noumenon Sect's formation was suddenly in chaos.

The noumenon sect soul master was almost in despair. They wanted to break out, but found that there was no way out. There was no way to hide, so he had no choice but to hold up his martial spirit body and resist.

Determined to die, the remaining strong men of the Noumenon Sect fought back wildly. The fire of life burns in exchange for a short-term increase in combat power. One after another, figures shot straight into the sky like shooting stars.

They will use their lives to forcibly tear out a way out.

However, Xu Tianyuan's expression remained as usual and he locked onto the target.

On the shoulders, arms, legs, and waist, the eight gun barrels extended with a burst of mechanical sound and gathered in front of the chest. With the injection of soul power, energy continues to gather and compress, ready to go.

Finally, with a bang, it suddenly spurted out.

The huge blue beam of light, like a giant sword, carrying the terrifying power of destroying the world, slashed down towards the eight titled Douluo elders headed by the Noumenon Sect.

Under this blue light, the eight Noumenon Sect Titled Douluo who burned the fire of life instantly turned into nothingness without even leaving any screams, leaving no bones left.

This scene will become their nightmare.

The soul guide cannon barrel was closed, Xu Tianyuan's face turned slightly pale, and he was holding a milk bottle in his hand to restore his soul power. The blow just now consumed almost all his soul power!

However, the effect is also excellent. The remaining eight titled Douluo from the Noumenon Sect all died. The remaining crowds were leaderless and fell into chaos.

"Leave no one alive, destroy them all."

The soul mentor group is on full fire.

For a time, blood mist filled the air.

The soul masters of the Noumenon Sect fell one by one.

Some figures were torn apart, with blood sprinkling under the sky.

Some figures turned into dust and disappeared into the sky.

Some figures were covered in blood and flesh and fell to the ground dead.

The bright red blood dyed the entire battlefield red.

The strong and pungent smell of blood wafted in the wind.

This battle has evolved into a unilateral massacre of the Noumenon Sect. From Titled Douluo to Soul Emperor, nearly a hundred noumenon sect soul masters were all killed here. The last wish of being poisoned to death was never fulfilled.

This is war.

The winner lives, the loser dies.

No one will show mercy to the enemy. Because your kindness to your enemies is a sharp sword thrown at yourself or your companions.

"Bang bang bang——"

"Boom, boom--"

Outside Tianhun City, artillery fire continued.

The deafening roar of the explosion resounded throughout the city.

In the sky, the Sun and Moon Soul Mentor Group was suspended in mid-air, and the soul guidance cannons were spitting out from their muzzles. Continuous artillery fire bombarded the Tianhun City Wall one after another.

On the Sun and Moon side, the strength was obviously much stronger than that of the Heavenly Soul Guards, and they were completely helpless against the artillery fire of the size of the Sun and Moon Soul Guidance Group. There is simply no way to compete with it.

With just one salvo, more than half of the originally small defense force in Tianhun City was damaged. It took a lot of effort to organize a defense line, but it was instantly defeated.

The role of soul mentors on the battlefield is much higher than that of soul masters.

Especially a group of top soul instructors like the Sun and Moon Soul Instructor Group that are all elite and well-equipped. The attack power is so strong that it is completely a dimensionality reduction strike on the battlefield at this stage.

Streams of artillery fire kept pouring down. Every attack would cause violent tremors, and the solid walls of Tianhun City would be blasted with gaps one after another.

Gunpowder smoke curled up, and Tianhun City was crumbling.

The originally thick Tianhun City Wall was now riddled with holes and desolate areas. Numerous gaps appeared on the city wall, and signs of collapse were already showing.


Finally, with a loud noise, the Tianhun City Wall was finally overwhelmed and collapsed under the endless downpour of artillery fire. The gravel and soil rolled down.

Tianhun City is broken!

A majestic ancient city was destroyed.

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