Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 620 Kidnapping the Emperor

Hold the hair...

Snow Emperor's fingers unconsciously increased their strength.

Su Luoheng felt her emotional fluctuations, slowly raised his head, and met those slightly reddish blue eyes.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Su Luoheng sat up and raised his hand to gently wipe the tears that were about to overflow from the corners of his eyes.

"How nice it is to have white hair~" Su Luoheng deliberately joked, with a slight smile on his lips. "Look, you have white hair and I also have white hair. Wouldn't it be better for us to stand together?"


Snow Emperor did not answer, but raised his hand to stroke his temples.

Su Luoheng took her hand, suddenly got close to her, and placed a gentle kiss on the corner of her glossy lips, like a dragonfly dripping water.

Immediately, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Sister Xue, I'm a little tired, let me lean on you for a while~"

After saying that, he rested his head on Snow Emperor's lap and closed his eyes.

In fact, Su Luoheng had no worries.

It is true that many people died in this battle, but these were expected before the war started. War is destined to be cruel, and Su Luoheng has already been prepared for this.

He is not a saint and will not bear all the casualties caused by the war on himself. He will feel sorry for this, but he will not let guilt and condemnation affect him, and he will not have time to feel sad.

After experiencing so many things, Su Luoheng is no longer the young man who doubted himself whenever he had a problem, fell into confusion and needed help from others.

He will do his best and be true to his heart. As for what other people think, that's their right. He won't care about it, nor will he care about it.

Su Luoheng is just a little tired...

Maybe it was Snow Emperor who gave him great relaxation and peace of mind. Su Luoheng, who originally just wanted to lean on him for a while, gradually fell asleep without realizing it.

Snow Emperor looked at him quietly.

His eyes were soft, with a complex emotion flashing in his eyes.

She knew very well that Su Luoheng's path was very difficult.

Yi Lao said that he has witnessed countless revolutionaries who have changed the isolation of the world. It is undeniable that these people are heroes and the most dazzling stars in their era. But in the end, no matter whether they succeed or not, most of these people end up in tragedy.

But the Snow Emperor didn't care about these.

He only knew that this was Su Luoheng's choice. As a partner, what you have to do is to accompany him all the way.

With the introduction of a series of measures such as the puppet emperor, Tianhun City has gradually returned to the right track.

And Su Luoheng also started the second step of the plan.

This time, he did not lead the Sun Moon Soul Instructor Group, but acted separately from the Snow Emperor, heading to the Star Luo Empire and the Dou Ling Empire respectively.

Xu Tianyuan is in charge of the Sun Moon Soul Instructor Group that remains in Tianhun City, and will cooperate with the Tianhun Empire to complete the post-war resettlement. The corpses outside the city were uniformly disposed of to prevent the plague.

There had just been a heavy rain that day. If not handled properly, plague could easily breed.

Although soul masters and soul mentors are not affected, ordinary people are most afraid of this.

As for the collapsed walls of Tianhun City and the holes left on the ground during the war, Su Luoheng did not repair them. Instead, they stay there, and their purpose is related to the next plan: arresting people!

That's right, Su Luoheng and Emperor Xue had a very clear purpose of going to the two empires, which was to arrest people, use their top strength to break into the palaces of the two empires and forcibly take the two emperors with them.

And only Su Luoheng and Snow Emperor can do this kind of thing. The former activates the unlimited sword system, even the ultimate Douluo. And the latter is the only one with three soul cores that can coexist, enough to sweep the Dou Ling Empire.

Even if others knew the plan, it would be difficult for them to replicate it. Let’s not talk about whether we can bring Dou Ling and the emperor of the Star Luo Empire with us. Even entering the palace will be a big problem.

Titled Douluo enshrined by the royal family are not just for free. Even a super Douluo would find it difficult to break into the palace, let alone take away the emperor? Those people who worship Douluo have to risk their lives?

Maybe self-protection is a problem. Even if you bring along a group of soul engineers, the same principle applies. The strength of the soul mentor group lies in large-scale combat, and individual soldiers cannot achieve the desired effect.

For Su Luoheng and Snow Emperor, it doesn't mean much whether they bring the soul mentor group or not. It may even be counterproductive.

Therefore, the second step of the plan to capture the emperors of the two countries can only be guaranteed to be successful if Su Luoheng and Snow Emperor take action on the Sun and Moon side.

Besides, he wasn't going to attack the city, he just wanted to invite the emperors of the Star Luo Empire and Dou Ling Empire to come to Tianhun City to drink tea and have a chat. There was no need to engage in such a big battle.

Star Luo Empire.

Su Luoheng rushed straight into the Xingluo Palace. In front of all the civil and military officials in the court, Su Luoheng swung out a sword, shattering the illusion and destroying the royal offerings.

Then he grabbed Xu Jiawei and rushed out of the heavy smoke, and left gracefully.

The Heavenly Soul Palace was in chaos, and when the royal ministers who had been blown away by the explosion recovered and chased them out, they couldn't even touch the wake of Su Luoheng's flying soul guide.

That night, the news that Xu Jiawei had been kidnapped spread throughout the Star Luo Empire, causing an uproar in the whole country!

They couldn't hide this kind of thing even if they wanted to. After all, Su Luoheng was the emperor who was kidnapped in public. So many pairs of eyes were watching, and they couldn't even seal it.

Although Su Luoheng didn't see it, he could guess that the top brass of the Star Luo Empire looked ugly.

The emperor was kidnapped in the palace. It could be said that the face of the Star Luo Empire was pressed to the ground and crushed and rubbed repeatedly.

They originally thought that they could make some profit from the war between the Sun Moon Empire and the Heavenly Soul Empire. But now, not only did they not get any benefit, but their emperor was also kidnapped. This time it was really embarrassing, I was thrown into grandma’s house.

The top brass of the Star Luo Empire were absolutely furious and wished they could send troops to declare war with the Sun and Moon Empire right now.

But this is just a thought.

Let’s not talk about whether we can survive the fight or not. Now that His Majesty the Emperor is in the hands of others, even if he has grievances, he does not dare to vent them. Xu Jiawei is the backbone of the empire, who dares to risk his life?

Therefore, they were angry. Apart from accusations and condemnations, ordering the Sun and Moon Empire to release people, and border army exercises and demonstrations, they did not take any substantive measures.

As for the Dou Ling Empire, it was similar to the Xing Luo Empire. With Su Luoheng's instructions in advance, the Snow Emperor did not go on a killing spree in the Dou Ling Palace. He only froze those who blocked him and temporarily lost the ability to move.

The top leaders of the Dou Ling Empire were weaker than those of the Star Luo Empire.

As the empire with the weakest comprehensive national strength among the four empires, although it was angry at the actions of the Sun and Moon Empire, it did not even dare to express its condemnation. He even withdrew the reinforcements sent to the Tianhun Empire.

Five days later, Su Luoheng and Snow Emperor returned to Tianhun City.

At the same time, the two also brought the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Xu Jiawei, and the Emperor of the Douling Empire.

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