Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 619 Snow Emperor: Are you tired?

After Su Luoheng’s friendly discussion:

Although the Tianhun royal family and nobles were aggrieved, they did not dare to make any mistakes and had no objections to the new emperor's ascension to the throne. They obediently made all the preparations as required. The court has also resumed normal operations.

In addition, the top management of Tianhun took the initiative and resolutely signed a soul contract with Su Luoheng, ensuring that the Tianhun Empire would completely obey the orders of the Sun and Moon Empire from now on.

Everything was happy, at least from Su Luoheng's point of view. The senior officials of Tianhun Empire are all very aware of current affairs, and they take the initiative to do everything without saying anything.

They knew that if they broke up with the Sun and Moon Empire, it was hard to say what would happen to the Heavenly Soul Empire, but none of them would be able to escape. Only by signing the contract can you save your life.

To take a step back, even if they don't agree, someone will agree. Taking a step back, even if the top officials of the empire are loyal and loyal ministers, the Sun and Moon Empire does not have this only option. Under the current circumstances, occupying the Tianhun Empire was only a thought.

Don't get confused, the puppet emperor is not a compromise for the Sun and Moon Empire, but a chance for them to survive and show their worth.

The empire's autonomy and its own life must always be preserved.

Now that the former can no longer be saved, one’s life must be saved, right?

Therefore, under the joint cover of the Tianhun royal family and nobles, this war of aggression started by the Sun and Moon Empire was eventually defined as a just war to aid the internal reform of the Tianhun Empire, and all issues were brought together. Wei Lin's head.

Everyone is already dead anyway, so just taking advantage of it is not too much, right?

The reason why the Sun and Moon Empire chose to support the puppet emperor instead of taking advantage of the situation to occupy Tianhun City was the final decision made by Su Luoheng, Xu Jinyu and Kong Deming after careful consideration.

The purpose of unifying the continent is to use the power of Douluo Continent to integrate resources and population, reproduce super-ancient soul guidance technology, and create a series of soul guidance tools for the God Realm such as Ragnarok to deal with crises.

And, avoid being stabbed in the back by someone with bad intentions. Interfering with the plan, even exposing the super-ancient soul guidance technology, triggering the God Realm in advance and encircling the mainland again.

Before that, the base camp Douluo Continent must be built into an iron plate.

Therefore, Su Luoheng started the war to unify the continent.

If you want to, the Sun and Moon Empire can indeed directly occupy the Tianhun Empire. But this will inevitably arouse the resistance of the people of the Tianhun Empire. By then, public resentment will boil, war will continue, and the situation will become out of control.

Land is easy to get, but people's hearts are hard to come by.

No matter how corrupt the Tianhun Empire is, it has ruled this land for thousands of years. Their influence is deep-rooted and cannot be eliminated overnight.

It will undoubtedly take a lot of time to master it completely.

Moreover, during this period, the Tianhun Empire's resistance would inevitably restrict the energy and time of the Sun and Moon Empire. Population and resources are constantly being consumed internally. Absolutely an extremely bad situation.

Therefore, the advantages of occupying the Tianhun Empire outweigh the disadvantages. This will be a long-term and unpredictable loss.

Therefore, after the discussion between Su Luoheng and the others, they chose a method that could achieve the effect without causing hatred among the people of the Tianhun Empire - supporting the puppet emperor.

The Sun and Moon Empire does not need to invest too much energy. As long as they control the top leaders of the Sky Soul Empire, they can easily achieve their goals.

Generally speaking, this kind of plan is very unstable, because people's hearts are unpredictable, and even if there is force and coercion, they may still be stabbed in the back at any time.

But the soul contract mastered by Su Luoheng solved his worries.

late at night.

Thousands of miles away from Tianhun City, on the top of the mountain.

In the dark night sky, the stars were hidden in the clouds and mist, lighting up little by little, as if they were about to emerge from the gaps in the clouds at any time.

The full moon in the sky emits a faint white light, which shines on the earth and lights up Su Luoheng's tired eyes. A few strands of hair on the temples glowed with silver light under the moonlight, like the Milky Way flowing down.

He raised his arms as if to block the moonlight, but then stopped, slowly closed his eyes, and quietly felt the comfort of the evening breeze on his face.

At this moment, he seemed to merge into the space between heaven and earth. The spirit that had been tense since the beginning of the war finally relaxed at this moment.

The sound of soft footsteps was particularly clear in the silent night.

The Snow Emperor wore a white cloak and walked to Su Luoheng's side. Staring quietly. It took a long time, until Su Luoheng opened her eyes, and then she slowly spoke, with a hint of distress in her soft voice.


The person who understands Su Luoheng best in this world is probably the Snow Emperor. Even Su Junran and his wife didn't know how much pressure and responsibility Su Luoheng was carrying in his heart.

"Not tired, just a little tired." Su Luoheng smiled faintly, with a gentle curve at the corner of his mouth.

Emperor Xue sighed. He wanted to say that you have done enough and you don't have to shoulder all the responsibilities on yourself. But when the words reached his lips, they turned into a low sigh.

Because she knew that Su Luoheng would say: My responsibility should have been shouldered by me. If my efforts can help the people I cherish to live a safe and happy life, then that would be great.

Even if you sacrifice yourself...

Because that's how he responded.

Thinking of this, the Snow Emperor took off his cloak and spread it on the ground.

Then she sat cross-legged and patted the place beside her to signal Su Luoheng.

Su Luoheng immediately sat beside him, resting his head on the Snow Emperor's knees, half lying down.

Looking at the starry night sky.

Snow Emperor stretched out his hand, covered his forehead with delicate white jade fingers, and rubbed it gently. The cold and soft fingertips, with a refreshing coolness, instantly reduced Su Luoheng's fatigue.

He reached out sideways and gently hugged Snow Emperor's slender and soft waist. He pressed his face against Snow Emperor's lower abdomen. The elegant and familiar fragrance lingered between his nostrils, accompanied by Snow Emperor's cold breath, making people feel extremely comfortable.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the tranquility and warmth.

The two of them sat quietly like this, no one spoke. Only the night wind whistled, causing the skirts of clothes to flutter and make a rustling sound, indicating the tranquility here.

Under the moonlight, the strand of white hair on the temples looked particularly eye-catching.

The hair flowed in the wind, and the Snow Emperor's heart trembled slightly. She reached out and brushed it gently.

He is only seventeen years old... he is still young and full of energy. But he shouldered so much pain and responsibility, and lived so hard.

Although there were only a few scattered strands in that tuft of white hair, Snow Emperor seemed to see in it the lonely scene of him working hard for the future, with his head full of gray hair, haggard mentally, and exhausted.

For a moment, my heart felt extremely sour, and my eyes were slightly red.

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