"You take yourself too lightly."

Su Luoheng shook his head and said: "It's true to kill the Noumenon Sect in one fell swoop, but killing you is also my goal."

"Su Luoheng, you are really arrogant!"

As expected, they are father and son, descended from the same blood.

The same strong posture that Su Junran had back then was the same as Su Luoheng's today.

Wei Lin was in a daze for a while.

The two figures overlapped.

But the person who was supposed to be walking with him appeared on the opposite side.

It was a self that was at the end of its rope and had lost its original intention of being brave and diligent and moving forward in an indomitable way.

Can not go back……

Nothing can go back...

Wei Lin shook his head bitterly.

"I have one last question."

"Why do you want to deal with the Noumenon Sect? I know that the purpose of the Sun Moon Empire is to unify the continent. Although the Noumenon Sect is not weak, the soul-guided weapons in your hands do not pose any threat to you."

"Because the Noumenon Sect is strong enough. And the Sun and Moon Empire needs a powerful enough opponent that is feared by all three empires, but has no choice but to do anything."

In this way, while demonstrating the powerful strength of the Sun and Moon Empire, shocking the three empires, and making them recognize the reality, it can also defeat the scattered sect forces on the Douluo Continent.

The Noumenon Sect precisely meets the needs of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Therefore, he was naturally chosen to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Of course, with the strength of the Sun and Moon Empire, they can push all the way and crush them directly with hard power. At this stage, no empire can resist the soul-guided weapons of the Sun and Moon Empire.

But in this case, there will inevitably be a loss of lives and countless casualties. In the end, we can only get a Douluo Continent that has been destroyed by the war. Its vitality is severely damaged and it will take a lot of time to recover.

This goes against the original purpose of the Sun and Moon Empire.

The purpose of unifying the continent is to pool resources and establish a defense system against the invasion of the divine realm. Publicly and privately, the Sun and Moon Empire did not want Douluo Continent to fall into war.

Therefore, what the Sun Moon Empire needs is a quick way that can minimize the loss of Douluo Continent to unify the continent.


Looking at it this way, Douluo's death was really unjust!

Just because the Noumenon Sect was strong enough, it became a target and the one chosen by the Sun and Moon Empire to scare the monkeys.

"I lost, completely."

Wei Lin was completely convinced.

Whether it was hard power or planning, they were all completely crushed by Su Luoheng. From the beginning, the Tianhun Empire had no chance of victory and was being plotted to death.

After a long silence, Wei Lin suddenly said: "Su Luoheng...if, if I had not had the intention to kill Su Junran, would you have chosen to stay in the Tianhun Empire?"

"Maybe~" Su Luoheng paused and said, "Unfortunately, there is no if."

"Yes, there is no if..."

Smiling, Weilin's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Su Luoheng, I know what you want, but victory is not as simple as you think. It involves the survival of the empire. Even if the Tianhun Empire and the Noumenon Sect are destroyed, Dou Ling and the Star Luo Empire will not compromise!"

"A poisonous person cannot scare them away. Su Luoheng, your innocence will reignite the war in Douluo Continent and destroy all lives!"

"Hahaha, you will become a sinner in Douluo Continent, and you will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and reviled by tens of thousands of people. Now, and even in the future, everyone will regard you as an enemy!" Wei Lin's voice became more and more passionate.


Hearing this, Su Luoheng's cold eyes fluctuated slightly.

The conversation changed and he said: "But this is not something you, a dead man, should worry about. Now you can go on your way."

He slowly raised his hand.

The ice blue sword edge flashed past and instantly cut Weilin's neck.


Blood splattered everywhere.

Wei Lin's face turned pale instantly and his body was shaking violently.

He looked at Su Luoheng blankly, as if he still had a lot to say, but he couldn't make another sound...

is it wrong?

Is it really... wrong?

A generation of emperors fell like this.

Su Luoheng sheathed his sword indifferently, turned and left.

He didn't care about Wei Lin's curse before his death.

Since the war has started, there must be the capital to end it. Su Luoheng is not afraid of Xingluo and the Heavenly Soul Empire's hypocrisy. Because with him, all calculations are in vain.

They don't need to know the reason for unification, he is enough.

After the heavy rain, the layers of rain did not wash away the smell of blood in the air. The muddy soil was soaked with corpses and blood, carrying a rotten stench that was nauseating.

The collapsed city walls and huge craters on the ground were shocking.

It shows how tragic the war that broke out earlier was.

The sky was hazy and gray, with dust like blood mist floating in the air, filled with a rich sense of sadness and desolation.

There was silence in Tianhun City.

After the Sun Moon Soul Instructor Group took over Tianhun City, there was no such thing as massacre of people or looting of wealth. Instead, they began to purge the army, clean up the battlefield, rescue refugees, etc., and the chaotic Tianhun City gradually stabilized.

The reason why military discipline is so strict is not only that they are elites selected from the best of the beast king level soul mentors, but also has a close relationship with the generous rewards provided by Su Luoheng.

Most of the private property of the Tianhun Empire Palace was taken out by Su Luoheng to reward the entire army. With Zhuyu in front and military orders, they will naturally not attack ordinary people again.

However, even if Qiu made no mistakes, the devastated Tianhun City was still in a state of panic. The originally bustling and lively streets have now become extremely depressed.

Almost every house of the people in the city is closed, and everyone is in danger and panic. I don’t know when the Heavenly Soul Empire changed hands. I don’t even know how they, the people of the Heavenly Soul Empire, will be settled.

However, these worries and other emotions were quickly resolved when Wei Lin abdicated and the news of the third prince's accession to the throne came.

Except for the top leaders of the Tianhun Empire, the people in the city still don't know that their last emperor is dead. Of course, even if you knew it, it would have no impact.

The Tianhun Empire is still the original Tianhun Empire, it's just that a different person has become the emperor.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people, that's how it is. In their hearts, the prince is the same, and it doesn't matter who inherits the throne. It won't reduce labor taxes.

That's right, after Su Luoheng invaded Tianhun City and killed Wei Lin, he did not include the Tianhun Empire into the territory of the Sun and Moon Empire in one fell swoop.

Instead, he chose an honest, obedient and unambitious fourth prince from among the princes of the Tianhun royal family to continue sitting on the dragon throne, becoming a puppet emperor and controlling the Tianhun Empire.

As for the thoughts of the royal family and Tianhun nobles?

If anyone has any objections, Su Luoheng doesn't mind letting Xu Tianyuan visit his house with two level nine custom-installed soul missiles. If you accidentally leave something behind at that time, you will be lucky~

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