Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 617 The End of Heavenly Soul


With the thunderous sound, the Sun Moon Soul Mentor Group poured into Tianhun City like a tide.

Some of the defenders in the city fled in panic and scattered in all directions, while others rose up to resist and tried to die with the enemy. But in front of the group of soul engineers led by three titled Douluo, everything seemed so pale and powerless.

The momentum was like breaking the bamboo, pushing all the way to the Tianhun Palace.

By the time Su Luoheng and Snow Emperor arrived, the Sun Moon Soul Mentor Group had already surrounded the Heavenly Soul Palace. Before receiving the order, they only cleared the guards around the palace and did not enter.

"Marshal, the Tianhun Palace has been completely surrounded. According to intelligence, Tianhun Emperor Weilin ordered all soldiers to give up resistance. It seems that... he intends to surrender to our Sun and Moon Empire."


Xu Tianyuan, the temporary commander of the Sun Moon Soul Instructor Group and the deputy leader, respectfully came to Su Luoheng and reported the battle situation.

Su Luoheng nodded and was about to enter the palace.

"Marshal, you need us..." Xu Tianyuan said.

"No need." Su Luoheng waved his hand, "Just keep watch outside. You are not allowed to act without permission before I come out."


Then, he looked at Emperor Xue and said, "Sister Xue, you also stay."

"Yeah." Snow Emperor nodded gently.

After saying that, Su Luoheng strode out.


The sky and the earth were dark and covered with rain.

On the ground, pouring rain fell and formed ripples.

In the sky, thick bolts of lightning flashed continuously. The gray sky seemed to be torn apart, showing a strange blood red color. Heart-stopping.

Su Luoheng stood at the entrance of the palace, looking at the majestic palace in the rain curtain. His eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of rain and mist and the palace walls, and fell deep into the palace.

"Da, da, da, da..."

He stepped on the ground filled with thick puddles, and his steps were slow and slow. Every time he took a step, there would be splashes of water. The heavy rain poured down, but it could not get even half of it on him.

All palace guards have been dismissed. Along the way, the huge Tianhun Palace was deserted. Apart from the rustling sound of thunderstorms washing over the ground from time to time, there was no other noise.

Under the rain curtain, everything seemed so peaceful. But it gives people a depressing and desolate feeling.


Finally, he came to the palace.

At this time, the main door of the main hall was open. Through the open gap, he could clearly see a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe, sitting there lonely with his back to him.

His entire body was shrouded in shadow, making it difficult to see clearly. But Su Luoheng still recognized this person at a glance.

It was Wei Lin, the monarch of the Tianhun Empire whom he had only met five days ago.

Hearing the movement from behind, Wei Lin slowly turned around and raised his eyes to look at Su Luoheng.

The two men's eyes met.

Wei Lin has changed, he has changed a lot.

The originally majestic emperor had lost all its sharp edge. Although he was neatly dressed in imperial robes, it was difficult to hide his dejection and desolation.

At this moment, he seemed to have had all his energy drained out of him, and he looked gloomy and old. It's like he has aged dozens of years in an instant.

Su Luoheng stopped two meters in front of him and looked at him with indifferent eyes.

Wei Lin was also watching him.

The two were in a stalemate for a long time, and Wei Lin suddenly smiled, a smile that was sad but also filled with relief.

"you win."

"I said, I will take your life in five days." Su Luoheng's tone was calm and his face was calm.

Wei Lin did not show any hysterical anger or resentment. He looked at Su Luoheng calmly, with a kind of relief in his eyes as he accepted his fate and saw through life and death.

"My life is here and can be taken away at any time. But before that, can you answer a few questions for me, just as... a comfort to me, a dying person?"


Su Luoheng nodded after hearing this.

The overall situation has been decided, and he doesn't mind chatting with Wei Lin.

There is no chance of escaping from him.

"During the breakout call for help five days ago, I always thought that the plan was successfully hidden from all of you. It wasn't until today that I finally realized that you had discovered the clues at that time."

"With the strength you have shown today, if you really want to blockade Tianhun City, no team of people will break through."

He died outside Tianhun City when he was poisoned. Less than half an hour had passed by now. Wei Lin would naturally not make the mistake of underestimating the power of the Sun and Moon Empire's soul-guided weapons again.

Although it is too late to realize this now.

"So, the successful breakout that night, including Lu Chengkun, was actually released intentionally by you. The purpose... was to allow us to ask for help from the outside world."


Wei Lin looked at Su Luoheng with a complicated expression.

After calming down, the irrationality of the previous doubts all came to mind one by one. And with the connection of cause and effect, things that were originally incomprehensible become clear and clear.

In fact, he noticed something was wrong as early as five days ago.

Regardless of whether Su Luoheng's purpose is revenge or forced surrender, destroying the city is the simplest and fastest way.

Although the specific strength of the Sun and Moon Legion was unclear at the time, it was definitely not something that Tianhun City's existing defense force could compete with. It will definitely take less than five days to break the city.

There was no reason for the Sun and Moon Army to besiege and not attack, and even deliberately gave a five-day buffer time. There is a weird smell here no matter how you look at it.

It was as if they were given time to wait for the Heavenly Soul Empire to go out and find someone for help.

The real purpose of the Sun and Moon Empire is to gather all the troops of the Tianhun Empire into Tianhun City and catch them all in one fell swoop, thereby taking the opportunity to completely destroy the Tianhun Empire.

Yes, Wei Lin had already thought of this at the time.

So, he followed Su Luoheng's plan and sent West to break out of the encirclement, and went to the major garrison fortresses to mobilize troops to rescue the capital.

In the secret, Lu Chengkun was assigned to go to the Noumenon Sect to ask for help, and together with Poisonous Death, they would in turn wipe out the soul guide army of the Sun and Moon Empire. The identities of hunter and prey are reversed.

But now it seems that he still underestimated the appetite of the Sun and Moon Empire.

After a pause, Wei Lin looked at Su Luoheng and said: "So, what you really want to catch is the Noumenon Sect. The army of the Tianhun Empire and I are just incidental. They are your goal. Right?"

He thought that everything was arranged seamlessly and without leakage. In fact, all actions were under Su Luoheng's control. From beginning to end, they are prey.

Therefore, the death of poisonous people is not unexpected.

Before they arrived at Tianhun City, or even before the war started, the Noumenon Sect had been targeted by the Sun and Moon Empire.

A killing plan has been laid for poisonous people, waiting for him to fall into the trap.

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