The walls collapsed.

At this time, there was chaos outside Tianhun City.

Roars, roars, shouts of death and the roar of artillery fire were mixed together.

The Tianhun Palace was completely silent.

In the palace, Wei Lin sat there quietly, seemingly peaceful. But there seemed to be a layer of dark clouds surrounding it.

Following his gaze, what was displayed on the table in front of him was the battle situation outside the city. It is being recorded that the Noumenon Douluo self-destructed, the Noumenon Sect fled, and the Heavenly Soul reinforcements were not left alone.

"Your Majesty... Tianhun City can no longer be defended."

Lu Chengkun stood beside him, his head lowered and his voice dry.

Their biggest trump card and reliance is their ability to survive poison.

As for Lu Chengkun, even though he is a ninety-eighth level super Douluo, if a fight really breaks out, one poisonous immortal can withstand ten of him. How could he block the attack that the former couldn't block?

Therefore, the poison will not kill you, and there is no suspense in this battle.

The Heavenly Soul Empire is bound to fail.

The atmosphere between the monarch and his ministers was stagnant, and they looked at each other speechlessly.

The outcome of this battle was unexpected by both the emperor and his ministers.

I originally thought that with the powerful strength of the Poison Immortal and the Noumenon Sect, and the support from the Sky Soul Empire, it would not be a problem to win over the Thousand-member Soul Instructor Group of the Sun and Moon Empire.

However, they never expected that the soul master who they considered to be vulnerable to the poison of the Douluo, who the emperor and his ministers had high hopes for, would be forced to the point where he had to self-destruct his soul core.

"Tianhun City, is it over..."

After a long time, Wei Lin sighed and closed his eyes.

He originally wanted to be the leader of the revival of the Heavenly Soul Empire, but unexpectedly he became the leader of the country's subjugation.

Who can understand the pain in my heart?

"Your Majesty, withdraw."

"Please leave immediately and follow me out of Tianhun City."

Lu Chengkun spoke in a deep voice, "The Sun and Moon Soul Mentor Group is attacking the city. With the power of the soul guide, the defenders in the city can hold on for a quarter of an hour at most. If we don't leave, it will be too late."


Wei Lin fell into silence again.

After a long time, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Let's go? Where are we going? Where can we go?"

"Not even a top powerhouse like Douluo, let alone others, can stop the power of the Sun and Moon Empire's soul guide."

"Even if we leave Tianhun City today, what can we do? We can escape for a while, but can we escape for the rest of our lives? Su Luoheng's target is me, and we can't escape by just hiding."

"Mr. Lu, you and I both know that since our meeting with Su Luoheng five days ago, I have no way out."

Lu Chengkun took a deep breath and persuaded: "Your Majesty, the top priority is to save your life first. As long as you are alive, there will be hope. There is still a chance to take back Tianhun City."

"The Dou Ling Empire and the Star Luo Empire have sent out rescues. Our Three Kingdoms Alliance will definitely be able to defeat the Sun and Moon Empire again just like we did four thousand years ago!"

Wei Lin shook his head, "The Three Kingdoms Alliance will no longer exist. We no longer have allies."

The so-called allies are relationships based on common interests and are of equal strength. Once the gap between each other is too large and the corresponding value is lost, the covenant will also become invalid.

The Three Kingdoms Alliance is a community of interests formed under the increasing pressure of the Sun and Moon Empire.

It seems to be a whole, but in fact, conflicts and dissatisfaction between each other have always existed. Countries have their own agendas and are not monolithic.

In general, the alliance is essentially an expedient measure for the three empires to resist the Sun and Moon Empire, based on the value each other has.

But now, having lost Tianhun City and its main body Douluo, the Tianhun Empire's bargaining chips have dropped sharply, and it is unable to provide value in the Three Kingdoms Alliance. It may even become a drag.

Let me ask, is it possible for Dou Ling and the Xingluo Empire to lead such a sluggish team as the Tianhun Empire?

It's fine if you don't add insult to injury.

"I am the Lord of the Heavenly Soul Empire."

Wei Lin slowly opened his eyes, his expression becoming calmer.

"Staying alive, being chased around like a bereaved dog, and finally dying like an ant without dignity. This is not the way an emperor should die. Since I am destined to die, I must always show some dignity."

"Your Majesty..." Lu Chengkun's expression changed slightly.

"Mr. Lu, there is no need to persuade me any more."

Wei Lin waved his hand to signal Lu Chengkun to be silent.

"This is the fate of our Heavenly Soul Empire. Since we have lost this battle, then I must accept my fate. Pass on the order. There is no need to make unnecessary resistance. Let him come in. I will be here, waiting for him to come."

Wei Lin's voice was soft, but his tone was sonorous and powerful.

Lu Chengkun opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Because he knew that no one could change his mind about what His Majesty had already decided.


"Also, Mr. Lu doesn't need to reply after this incident. He can go directly to the East Palace to take the prince out of Tianhun City."

Having said this, Wei Lin paused and continued: "Whether you go to the Dou Ling Empire, the Star Luo Empire, or the Sun and Moon Empire. Whether you stay anonymous or change your family, it's all up to you. In short, live well and don't go. Thinking about revenge."

"I have clearly seen that the unification of the Sun and Moon Empire is the general trend. The great wheel of the times is rolling forward, and no one can stop it, not the Tianhun Empire, not to mention the Xingluo and Dou Ling Empires.

"Although my son may not live up to expectations, I will always leave a trace of blood for the Tianhun royal family." Wei Lin breathed a long sigh of relief and slowly closed his eyes, his expression slightly tired and vicissitudes of life.

A new era is coming, and they will eventually become the dust of history.

Lu Chengkun opened his mouth, but stopped talking, and finally turned into a long sigh. He understands that if we say goodbye today, we will say goodbye forever.

"Your Majesty... take care of yourself."

Lu Chengkun turned around and walked out.

"Also, after I die, you don't have to collect my body."

"My lord, I obey the order..."

Lu Chengkun paused for a moment, and finally stepped forward resolutely.

In the empty palace, Weilin was the only one left. He looked through the window into the distance, his eyes flickering, his expression complex and confused.

"Su Luoheng, I'm waiting for you."


Outside, the sky suddenly darkened.

There were dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and a howling wind.


A deafening roar echoed in the sky. For a moment, it was impossible to tell whether it was thunder or the bombardment from the soul cannon outside the city.

In short, after a violent shock, the city wall collapsed, and countless soldiers screamed and fell off the city wall, falling into pulp...

Along with the deafening roar, huge raindrops poured down. The heavy rain washed away the bright red between the broken walls and ruins, forming a pool of bright red blood, which was shocking.

As Tianhun City was destroyed, the people in the city were already frightened and frantically rushed to the outskirts of the city. The screams and screams were mixed together, one after another in the heavy rain.

The entire Tianhun City was shrouded in a tragic and desolate atmosphere.

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