Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 621 Xing Luo and Dou Ling

They are all smart people. After seeing the strength displayed by Su Luoheng, Xu Jiawei, who originally wanted to struggle, completely stopped, and there was no trouble along the way.

Su Luoheng's supervision of Xu Jiawei was very loose. He only sealed his soul power but did not restrict his actions.

However, Xu Jiawei was not idle and negotiated with Su Luoheng along the way. State the stakes. Don't make remarks like making the Star Luo Empire and the Sun and Moon Empire at odds just because of a single thought.

In his opinion, he was a hot potato in the hands of the Sun and Moon Empire. And taking him away is undoubtedly a bad move.

Keep: The Star Luo Empire will not let the Sun and Moon Empire manipulate him just because his safety is in danger.

Kill: The Star Luo Empire will fight to the death with the Sun and Moon Empire.

However, Su Luoheng did not waver.

However, he was not without gains. From his conversation with Su Luoheng, he analyzed that his current situation was safe. Otherwise, there would be no need to kidnap him. Wouldn't it be easier to kill him directly?

Therefore, what the Sun and Moon Empire did was most likely due to something that required him, the Xingluo Emperor, to complete.

Anyway, it has come to this point. Xu Jiawei can't leave now even if he wants to. He can only look at what kind of medicine he bought in the gourd of the Sun and Moon Empire~

Approaching Tianhun City and passing through the war, Su Luoheng deliberately slowed down.

What came into view was an open wilderness, but as the altitude continued to drop, what Xu Jiawei saw was a mess. The ground seemed to have been plowed, with ravines of varying depths criss-crossing it, pitted and devastated.

Most of the traces were caused by the collision between the poisonous self-exploding soul core and the ninth-level fixed soul missile. The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the huge crater located in the center of the explosion.

The pit was pitch black, like an endless black hole, deep and terrifying.

The charred lines were scattered like spider webs. Even though five days had passed, there were still residual energy fluctuations in the air, and the aura was chaotic and violent, which was intimidating.

In Xu Jiawei's understanding, even the ninety-eighth-level super Douluo senior, the chief minister of the Star Luo Empire, could not cause such a degree of damage with all his strength.

I'm afraid it's only possible for Extreme Douluo.

He saw that Su Luoheng deliberately let him see this scene. But for Xu Jiawei, the visual effect of this scene is indeed shocking enough. My feelings about it, that's all.

Didn't produce too many mood swings.

Seeing this, Su Luoheng didn't say much and continued to move forward.

And these are just the foreshadowing.

Not long after, after a certain distance, a collapsed city wall appeared in their field of vision, and Su Luoheng descended. Take Xu Jiawei towards the city gate on the side.

"Is this place familiar?"

Su Luoheng suddenly turned around.

He was looking forward to Xu Jiawei's reaction.

Looking upward, extending along the city gate, there are three bright characters written on the plaque: Tianhun City!

"Tianhun City..."

His originally calm expression suddenly became serious.

Obviously, Tianhun City and even the Tianhun Empire have now fallen into the hands of the Sun and Moon Empire.

He was reminded of what he had seen before. Now it seems that those ravines and potholes are all traces left by the battle between the Sun Moon Empire and the Sky Soul Empire.

"Five days ago, the leader of the Noumenon Sect, the ninety-eighth-level Noumenon Douluo Du Bushui, died in that wilderness. Buried with him were nearly ten thousand soldiers of the Heavenly Soul Empire, and nearly a hundred sect elites led by Du Bushui himself. ”

"Those ravines and giant pits were formed by the self-destruction of his soul core and the impact of three level nine fixed soul missiles."


Su Luoheng spoke in a calm tone, as if he was narrating someone else's story. His expression remained indifferent and calm, without any fluctuations.

In his mouth, death that is not poisonous is as ordinary as eating and drinking. Nothing special.

But it was enough to scare Xu Jiawei.

But then I thought about it, the Sun and Moon Empire could even wipe out the Holy Spirit Sect commanded by the two Ultimate Douluo Ye Xishui and Long Xiaoyao, plus the Poison Immortal and the Noumenon Sect, there seemed to be nothing unacceptable...

Besides, Su Luoheng had no reason to lie about this kind of thing. His purpose is to flex his muscles and show the strength of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Compared with the Heavenly Soul Empire, which despises soul guides and is conservative, and the Dou Ling Empire, which is content with the status quo and does not strive for progress, the Star Luo Empire is the only empire that makes great efforts to develop soul guides.

But that was only compared to the backward Tianhun Empire and Dou Ling Empire.

The development time was too short. Even though Xu Jiawei had already seen the horror of the soul guide, it was undoubtedly a foolish dream to expect to catch up with the progress of the Sun and Moon Empire in just twenty or thirty years.

Xu Jiawei was not talking, but secretly compared the gap between the Sun Moon Empire and the Star Luo Empire in his heart.

If Star Luo City resists this sudden attack of the soul guide army, can we withstand such an offensive?

After silently comparing, he came to a cruel conclusion, Xingluo City will definitely lose. In fact, it fell even faster than Tianhun City.

Because, the Star Luo Empire does not have the top powerhouses in the mainland like Noumenon Sect and Du Bushui. Xingluo City was a fixed target. A level nine fixed-installed soul missile hit it and the entire city was instantly reduced to rubble.

At present, Xu Jiawei's information about this soul guide army is that it is a reinforcement force sent by the Tianhun Empire. The most important information among them was the sudden arrival of the Sun and Moon Soul Guide Corps.

Although they don't want to admit it, at this stage, the Sun and Moon Empire can really crush the Star Luo Empire. Any city on the mainland that appears in this soul guide army cannot withstand it.

The crux of the problem is how to prevent the emergence of this soul guide army, which is like a divine weapon descended from heaven, and prevent Star Luo City from appearing within the range of fixed soul missiles.

And, build an army that can compete with it.

The death of poison is not as simple as Su Luoheng said.

Although the custom-installed soul missile is terrifying, it is not unsolvable. There are also great limitations. If there is enough space, all soul masters above Contra will respond in time.


Just as he was thinking about it, Su Luoheng suddenly stopped.

Xu Jiawei followed his gaze and saw a woman in white walking towards the two of them carrying a large piece of ice. It was vaguely visible that there seemed to be a person frozen inside, and he seemed to be bloated.

"The person you want."

Saying that, Snow Emperor threw it away.

There was a muffled bang, and the big lump of ice hit their feet.

What's strange is that after such a violent collision, the ice cube was actually intact, with even the slightest sign of cracking on the corners.

The hardness is evident.

As they approached, Xu Jiawei saw clearly that the person enclosed in the ice turned out to be the emperor of the Dou Ling Empire: Xue Yuan Lin!

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