Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 625: New Continental Structure

Xu Jiawei stared at Su Luoheng.

Neither the Xingluo Empire nor the Douling Empire could pin the future of the empire on the illusory reputation of others.

As for the survival of a country, this doubt cannot be dispelled by one or two promises from the Sun-Moon Empire. As the king of a country, for the sake of the empire and the people, he must be cautious.

The so-called credibility needs to be supported by strong strength.

And the Sun-Moon Empire obviously has the strength to crush everything, so whether to abide by the credibility is up to him. Who dares to use the land of a country to bet whether he will abide by the promise?

Although they are not the opponent of the Sun-Moon Empire even if they have full military strength, there is still a glimmer of hope with the military power in hand. If they hand it over, then at that time, it all depends on the mood of the other party.


Xu Jiawei needs a promise, a promise to guarantee that the Xingluo Empire can still survive after handing over the military and political power.

For this reason, even if he faces the threat of the Sun-Moon Empire, he must fight for it.

And Su Luoheng seemed to have expected it.

He smiled faintly, his tone calm, "Are there any other concerns?"

"If Marshal Su can prove that your promise today is absolutely valid..."

Xu Jiawei slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and solemnly said, "Xingluo and Douling Empire will agree to all the requirements put forward by the Sun and Moon Empire."

Xue Yuanlin nodded in agreement, indicating his attitude.

Su Luoheng's right hand was at shoulder level, and he shook it downward, and a scroll unfolded: "Then, sign the soul contract. Guarantee with the soul, if violated, the body and soul will be destroyed."

It's still a soul contract.

This magic contract that does not belong to the Douluo Continent seems to have no strength bonus, but its importance to Su Luoheng is no less than the super ancient soul guide technology.

If there is no soul contract, there will be no gap between Su Luoheng and Xu Jinyu. It is even more impossible to take the Sun and Moon Empire as his base and teach the super ancient soul guide technology without reservation.

The plan to unify the Douluo Continent will not be carried out so smoothly.

The most difficult thing to establish between people is trust. The complexity of people is destined to make a treaty without cost constraints a piece of waste paper. The powerful party can tear it up at any time.

But the soul contract is different. It directly skips the problem of trust and binds the contract to the soul. Breach of contract means death, which increases the cost of betrayal.

This is equivalent to drawing a red line for both parties. No matter whether you are an Extreme Douluo or a commoner, no matter what the reason is, crossing this line will only lead to the destruction of both body and soul.

And once the soul contract takes effect, it cannot be lifted!

So as long as the soul contract is there, there will be restraint and binding force.

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin naturally don’t know these, but if there is such a binding force, it is good news for the Xingluo Empire and the Douling Empire. They don’t need to worry about the possibility of the Sun and Moon Empire breaking the contract.


Su Luoheng pushed the contract in front of the two.

The contents of the treaty were all proposed last time. Su Luoheng and Wittes have signed on behalf of the Sun and Moon Empire and the Heavenly Soul Empire. Obviously, this soul contract has been prepared long ago and is not a product of impulsiveness.

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin silently flipped through the soul contract.

As meticulous as treating a treasure, every word and every line of text were carefully read.

There are two lines of scarlet small characters in the lower right corner of the contract.

[Sun Moon Empire, Xu Jinyu. ]

[Heaven Soul Empire, Wittes. ]

Before leaving, Xu Jinyu left his name on this contract. Acknowledging the treaty in the name of the Sun Moon King must be more authoritative and weighty than what Su Luoheng wrote.

It can make the three empires believe it more.

And Wittes is the exchange condition for supporting him to ascend the throne. He naturally would not refuse this treaty unless he did not want the throne.

The content of the treaty only occupies one-third of the entire contract scroll, and the rest is the magic spell for constructing the soul contract.

In the current Douluo Continent, only Su Luoheng and Master Yi can depict it.

Although Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin did not understand the meaning, when the spells were combined together, a sudden enlightenment suddenly came to their minds.

When the two understood the meaning of the spells, they looked at each other and saw surprise and astonishment in each other's eyes.

Although Su Luoheng could force them to sign the treaty with the current strength of the Sun-Moon Empire, there was no need to fabricate something like a soul contract to deceive them.

But out of caution, before this, they were still somewhat skeptical about the role of the soul contract.

And now, they can be sure that the soul contract is not something Su Luoheng made up casually, but it really exists.

After figuring this out, the two no longer hesitated. They quickly left their names on the soul contract. Then, two drops of blood squeezed out from their fingertips and dripped into the scroll.

The scroll glowed.

After a buzzing sound, two new lines of scarlet small characters were left, indicating that the contract was effective.

They are:

[Xingluo Empire, Xu Jiawei. ]

[Douling Empire, Xue Yuanlin. ]

So far, the Sun-Moon Empire, the Heavenly Soul Empire, the Xingluo Empire, and the Douling Empire have all left their names. Since the division and disputes on the continent, the four empires have completed the union for the first time.

Su Luoheng put away the scroll.

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin looked at each other and smiled bitterly. The contract had been made and there was really no way back now.

But from another perspective, the union of the four empires is not a bad thing. This means that Douluo Continent will usher in a period of peace. And they can also recuperate, learn the advanced soul guidance technology of the Sun and Moon Empire, and strengthen their strength.

Various resources and manpower will be fully developed and used, and the speed of development will be greatly improved.

Although sovereignty is subject to the jurisdiction of the Sun and Moon Empire.

But overall, it is still worth looking forward to.

The contract has been completed, and the two naturally don’t have to stay in Tianhun City anymore.

After all, he is the king of a country, and it’s not a big deal to leave for too long.

So, under Su Luoheng’s thoughtful arrangement, two ninth-level soul guides escorted the two back to Douling City and Xingluo City.

As for how to arrange after returning home, I believe that under Su Luoheng’s combined punch attack, even if they had other thoughts before, they will now stop and dare not mess around.

They are all smart people who know what to do and what not to do.

Don't think that you can rest easy after returning to your own palace~

This soul contract is the respect given to them by the Sun-Moon Empire. If they don't want this respect, then Su Luoheng doesn't mind coming to their door in person to give them respect.

However, the extent of this respect will not be determined by the conditions in the contract.

The Sun-Moon Empire just doesn't want to waste too much internal energy, not that it doesn't have the strength to destroy the three empires. The Body Sect and the Heavenly Soul Empire are an example.

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