Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 624 Prerequisites for Compromise

The battle with the Heavenly Soul Empire has fully proved that the Sun-Moon Empire definitely has this strength.


If Shrek Academy had not been destroyed, they would still have a slight chance of resisting the Soul Guide Corps of the Sun-Moon Empire with their strength.

But at this stage, the Sun-Moon Soul Guide Corps is invincible and no one can shake it.

They can either resist the Sun-Moon Empire like Weilin, and eventually be driven into the imperial city and driven off the throne.

Or they can surrender to the Sun-Moon Empire like Wittes and continue to be an emperor.

There are only these two options before them.

But no matter which choice it is, it is unacceptable to Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin.

They are not lucky people like Wittes who picked up the throne for nothing. Maybe if the Sun-Moon Empire had not come, he would have been an unknown prince all his life. Naturally, they would be happy with the identity of a puppet emperor without any grudges.

They are real emperors who control the life and death of millions of people. How could they be willing to succumb to others and be a humiliating puppet emperor?

However, the powerful strength displayed by the Sun-Moon Empire has exceeded their cognition. It even made them feel powerless. An insurmountable gap.

The death of Du Bu Si and Wei Lin is a lesson for us.

In the end, they died, the throne was gone, and their reputations were ruined. All the glory and efforts before and after their lives were wiped out and turned into nothing. Even in the end, they still had to bear the stigma after their death.

Such a bleak ending was exchanged for the Sun and Moon Empire to re-elect an emperor, as if nothing had happened. Their sacrifice was meaningless.

Xu Jiawei was not afraid of death, and it was not a bad thing to kill himself for the sake of righteousness. But it was undoubtedly stupid to fight without meaning.

They only got the so-called dignity. They used their lives, wealth, power, status, reputation... everything. Only in exchange for a pathetic dignity.

Compared with the former, it was even more difficult for him to accept.



After a while.

"What are your conditions?"

Xu Jiawei took a deep breath, his face gloomy.

In the end, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

There is no point in dragging time like this. Since the Sun and Moon Empire has now shown their fangs, it is better to negotiate directly than to be beaten. Strive for more benefits for the Xingluo Empire.

Su Luoheng's mouth drew an arc.

All the preparations are for this sentence.

As long as Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin say this, it proves that they have already shown signs of compromise. No matter what the plan is, as long as this idea comes to mind, things will be much easier.

"The Xingluo Empire, the Douling Empire, and the Tianhun Empire can continue to maintain their independence and retain a part of their troops. However, changes in finance, military affairs, and succession of the throne must be approved by the Sun and Moon Empire."

"In addition, from today on, the three countries must lift all border blockades and allow the people of the four countries to travel freely. They will communicate with each other, help each other, and resist foreign aggression together."


Su Luoheng's tone was calm, and he put forward the conditions one by one.

The requirements were concise and unambiguous. The attitude was clear and clear, and no room for negotiation. There was no room for bargaining.

These requirements are quite harsh for a sovereign empire.

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin looked gloomy and frowned after hearing this.

Jointly resist foreign aggression? Your Sun Moon Empire is the foreign aggressor, right? How dare you say this?

However, these words can only be thought of in the heart, and they dare not say it in front of Su Luoheng.

Again, the Sun Moon Empire is too strong.

They wanted to refuse, but they couldn't.

Because they knew that this was the only way to prevent the Sun Moon Empire from fighting again.


"The Heavenly Soul Empire agrees."

Wittes immediately expressed his position. He was very clear about his position. As a puppet emperor supported by the Sun Moon Empire, he had no foundation in the Heavenly Soul Empire, so he naturally had to clarify his position.

Besides, didn't Xue Yuanlin mock him for not being worthy of the throne? Now everyone has become a vassal of the Sun Moon Empire, so who is nobler than who? He, who was the first to abandon the dark and join the light, might be able to go further~

Su Luoheng heard this and nodded slightly.

"What about you two?"

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin.


Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin looked at each other, and both saw worry in each other's eyes.

"Marshal Su, this matter is of great importance. It will determine the pattern of the Xingluo Empire and even the future of the Douluo Continent. Please give us some time to consider it." Xu Jiawei pondered for a moment and spoke slowly.

"Okay, I'll give you three days to consider it. If you two still can't think clearly by then, I believe there are many people in the Douling Empire and the Xingluo Empire who are willing to accept it."

"You two, please think it through."

After saying that, Su Luoheng turned around and left without staying.

Witts then left, and before leaving, he deliberately gave Xue Yuanlin a provocative smile.

Watching Su Luoheng leave, until he disappeared from sight, Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin remained silent for a long time.

This feeling made the two imperial rulers extremely aggrieved.

It's not that they can't see the current situation clearly. But I understand, they are all kings of a country, and now they are asked to be humble in front of the Sun Moon Empire, how can they adapt so quickly?

At least they need to be given some buffer time, right?

In addition, the conditions proposed by the Sun and Moon Empire were too harsh, especially in terms of military power. Once they agreed, Xingluo and Douling Empire would be like fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

But in this case, what other choice is there? If they don't agree, they may not even have the chance to be fished.

Everything is fate, and nothing can be decided by people...

After a long time, Xu Jiawei sighed.

In fact, three days can't change anything at all. They just use these three days of struggle to give themselves and the empire behind them an explanation. At least they have also struggled...



Three days later.

It's still the same room, the same four people, the same position, but the atmosphere is completely different at this moment.

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin sat upright, their faces solemn and solemn.

Witts was in high spirits, and glanced at Xue Yuanlin, with a sneer in his eyes.

Su Luoheng glanced at the two of them, tapping his fingers lightly on the table. An indifferent voice sounded: "Time is up, have you two thought it through now?"

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin exchanged glances.

He took a deep breath, clenched his fist, and looked up at Su Luoheng.

"Marshal Su, if we agree to your conditions, how can you guarantee that you will keep your promise and not violate this agreement and invade the territories of the Xingluo Empire and the Douling Empire?"

This is the problem that Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin are most worried about.

How can they guarantee that the Sun Moon Empire will not send troops to them after they lose their military power and open the border?

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