Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 623: Forced to abdicate and oppression

The room returned to calm.

The three of them had different thoughts at the moment.

Xueyuan Rin couldn't get any advantage, so she simply kept silent.

Xu Jiawei, although calm on the surface, was wondering in his heart what the purpose of the Sun and Moon Empire was to gather the monarchs of the Heavenly Soul, Xingluo, and Dou Ling kingdoms together.

What Vitus said just now seems to be mocking Yukiyuan Rin, but after thinking about it carefully, this is really possible for the Sun and Moon Empire. The Tianhun Empire is a lesson learned from the past.

As the Tianhun Empire was breached by the Sun and Moon Empire, their already fragile Three Kingdoms Alliance was completely shattered.

What Waiters said just now was right.

The Sun and Moon Empire has absolute say, and the future survival of the empire is in their hands.

The enemy is at hand, with internal and external troubles. As the leader of the Star Luo Empire, Xu Jiawei must make early plans for the future of the empire.

As time passed, a suffocating silence filled the air.



The door opens.

Three pairs of eyes looked at it at the same time. Su Luoheng strode in, still wearing the crimson red Chiyuan shirt.

The three people have different expressions.

Waiters stood up to greet him and expressed his attitude and position.

Yuki Yuan Rin looked at Waiters with disdain, scorned this kind of shameless behavior, and didn't take it seriously at all. But he was not stupid enough to break out in front of Su Luoheng.

When beating a dog, it depends on the owner~

After a while, he was completely awake and deeply aware of the gulf-like gap between the Dou Ling Empire and the Sun and Moon Empire.

After all, it's all on other people's territory.

Xu Jiawei, on the other hand, remained silent, his eyes lowered, unable to see clearly what emotions were hidden inside.

"Mr. Su."

Su Luoheng nodded slightly towards Vitus, then sat down on the main seat and looked at the three of them with a smile: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I'm sorry to invite you two here in this way. But as you two, This violent method is the simplest and fastest."

"The leaders of Tianhun, Xingluo, and Douling are gathered here. What is your purpose?" Xu Jiawei said in a deep voice.

"You will know soon. But before that, you have to see something first."

With that said, Su Luoheng walked to the empty white wall and pressed it gently.

Suddenly, a soft halo of light spread out, making the entire wall shine. The light gradually became stronger, and the entire wall gradually transformed into a huge screen.

Light guide screen, a type of civilian soul guide device in the Sun and Moon Empire. After the improvement of ultra-ancient soul guidance technology, video projection and real-time transmission of video images can now be achieved.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the light screen gradually became clearer, and the appearance of Tianhun City appeared on the screen. As the picture extends into the distance, it finally settles on a wilderness.

At this moment, the two armies faced each other.

The Sun-Moon Soul Mentor Corps and the Heavenly Soul Empire reinforcements faced each other from afar.

Both sides were at war with each other, and their murderous intent was skyrocketing.

War is about to break out.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jiawei frowned deeply and vaguely guessed something in his mind.

The same is true for Yuki Yuri Rin.

The two people's eyes interacted, and they both saw solemn looks in each other's eyes.

Waiters didn't make any unnecessary changes in his expression, as always. Obviously he has been prepared for this move.

At this time, the shouts of killing and the roar of artillery fire in the picture reached my ears, and the armies of both sides had begun to fight. There was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides. In just a moment, the Sun and Moon Legion had an absolute advantage.

At this time, Su Luoheng's voice sounded.

"Look carefully, you two. The next step is the main topic, the death of the master of the Noumenon Sect, the Noumenon Douluo."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them stared at each other in unison.

Then, comes the key to victory or defeat in this battle!

Three level nine fixed-installed soul missiles locked onto the main body sect, forcing Du Bushu to self-destruct his soul core.


The violent roar, even through the screen, everyone can still feel the terrifying shock and the feeling of extreme danger. It was as if the entire Tianhun City was shaking from the impact of the explosion.

A tyrannical shock wave spread. The level 9 fixed soul missile and the poisonous self-exploding soul core caused a devastating impact, destroying almost all life within a hundred meters, and the screen became distorted.

At this point, the scene stopped abruptly.

Even the detection soul guides high in the sky were affected by the impact of this terrifying energy and were damaged out of control. Unable to continue recording the next battlefield scene.

However, the key scenes have been played, and all that is left is the finishing work of clearing the battlefield.

The screen's light gradually dimmed until it finally disappeared completely. Restored to ordinary white walls.

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin looked ugly.

Although the scene had ended, no one spoke and the room fell into silence again.

It's one thing to hear that Poisonous Death self-destructed, but it's another thing to see it with your own eyes. This scene left a deep imprint that I am afraid will not be forgotten for decades to come.


Just like that, it took five minutes.

Su Luoheng's right index finger tapped rhythmically on the table. Once, twice, three times, four times...

Every blow seemed to hit everyone's heart, making people feel inexplicably depressed. The temperature inside the room also dropped a bit.

Xu Jiawei took the lead to break the deadlock.

"Su... Marshal Su, can you tell us now what the Sun Moon Empire intends to do with this move?"

Su Luoheng raised his eyes and glanced at Xu Jiawei, then smiled faintly. Then he slowly stood up and looked down at the three people.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or some other reason, but an absolute sense of oppression came over me.

The three of them felt that Su Luoheng was like a king standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the world, exuding a sense of domineering majesty. They couldn't look straight, and it was so overwhelming that they couldn't breathe.

"If this scene happens in Xingluo City or Dou Ling City, can you two stop it?"

Can they...can stop it?

Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin did not dare to think further.

Looking at each other, they already had the answer in their hearts. Su Luoheng just raised a question and the two of them fell into silence.

But at this moment, Waiters is the calmest one. Not only that, he feels relieved in his heart. It is in sharp contrast to the two kings of Xing Luo and Dou Ling.

Although Su Luoheng's move was to take advantage of the case of the Sky Soul Empire, the previous failures were all directed by Wei Lin and had nothing to do with him. Now that we have united the front with the Sun and Moon Empire, we are both prosperous~

"So, are you like Wei Lin, who chooses to resist to the death, and ultimately ruin everything. Or are you like Vitus, who directly surrender to our Sun and Moon Empire?"

Su Luoheng's voice was neither quick nor slow, and seemed to be asking casual questions, but if you tasted the words carefully, there was a hint of coercion.

The implication is that if Xu Jiawei and Xue Yuanlin choose to resist, what happened in the Soul Empire that day will most likely happen again in the Dou Ling Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

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