Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 622: Close Face Opening

Although he and Xue Yuan had no friendship, they were both emperors of a country, with similar status, and they had met each other several times. But he didn't expect to meet here today, and they were still in such a miserable state...

Compared to Su Luoheng, Xue Di's approach was much simpler and more violent.

Of course, this was also due to Xue Yuanlin's constant noise along the way.

As the emperor of the same country, compared to the Douling Emperor who was frozen into a lump, Xu Jiawei suddenly felt that being captured by Su Luoheng was not so difficult to accept.

It was embarrassing enough to be captured in his own palace, and being frozen into this ghostly state was more uncomfortable than killing him. In addition to sympathy, there was also a trace of gloating.

Although it was not very kind to say this, Xu Jiawei did find a little comfort in Xue Yuanlin. Fortunately, the Xingluo Empire was Su Luoheng, not the woman in white.

Just thinking about it, the ice wrapped around Xue Yuanlin suddenly cracked. Ice chips flew everywhere.

Su Luoheng and Xu Jiawei both moved subconsciously to avoid being affected.

The broken ice flakes fluttered and scattered, revealing Xue Yuanlin, who was frozen stiff and pale. At this moment, there was still fear in his eyes before the freezing.

He looked around and when he saw the Snow Emperor, his bloated body couldn't help but shudder. Just like a mouse seeing a cat, it was obviously remembering something bad. He quickly looked away.

When he saw Xu Jiawei in a brocade robe, Xue Yuanlin was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize something, his fat face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

"We agreed to unite to fight against the Sun and Moon Empire, and now you have tied me here again. What is your intention? Could it be... you want to annex our Douling Empire?"

Hearing this, Xu Jiawei's mouth twitched slightly.

Don't you have an idea of ​​the strength of the Douling Empire?


Now that the Sun Moon Empire is a formidable enemy, Xu Jiawei must be crazy to annex this shabby little country. Besides, even if he really wanted to annex it, he would have done it long ago, why would he wait until now?

If the conditions were not so, he really wanted to slap Xue Yuanlin hard. By the way, pry open his head to see how he came up with such an outrageous and genius conclusion.

Xu Jiawei suppressed his anger.

"Look carefully, where is this place!"

Xue Yuanlin stood up tremblingly, pointing at his nose tremblingly, "Xu, what do you mean!"

"They are sent by the Sun Moon Empire, and my current situation is the same as yours." Xu Jiawei pointed at Su Luoheng and Xue Di who were watching the show on the side, and said coldly.

Looking around, Xue Yuanlin finally realized that something was wrong.

In fact, he was not so impulsive and reckless. It's just that he has been frozen for a long time. In a daze, his mind can't turn around for a while, so it's easy to make mistakes.

In addition, Xue Yuanlin had no communication with Xue Di, and he was frozen all the way, with no access to information, so he didn't know that he was kidnapped by the Sun Moon Empire.

Therefore, he subconsciously regarded Xu Jiawei, who he saw at first sight, as the mastermind behind the scenes.

That's why he made those remarks just now.

"Tianhun City... Sun Moon Empire!"

Xue Yuanlin's pupils shrank suddenly, and the fat on his face trembled.

Obviously guessed that the Sun Moon Empire had already conquered Tianhun City, and even the possibility of the Tianhun Empire.

"Who are you?!"

"What is the purpose of the Sun Moon Empire?"

"What exactly do you want to do?! Has the Tianhun Empire been destroyed by you?"


A series of questions came from Xue Yuanlin's mouth.

In response, Xu Jiawei also cast a curious look.

Seeing this, Su Luoheng stopped watching the show and walked forward.

"Welcome, both of you, to Tianhun City."

"I am Su Luoheng, the commander of the Sun and Moon Soul Guide Corps that attacked Tianhun City this time. I also invited you both here. As for the purpose of this trip... you will understand it when you arrive in Tianhun City."

"The Tianhun Empire is naturally still in the hands of the Tianhun Imperial Family."

"Okay, both of you, please."


Xue Yuanlin wanted to say something. But when he met Xue Di's cold and indifferent eyes, he swallowed the rest of his words.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Xue Yuanlin followed behind him and headed towards Tianhun City.

Now he was already a fish on someone else's chopping board, and he had no right to bargain with Su Luoheng. What's more... he didn't want to experience the feeling of becoming an ice sculpture again.

All the way was smooth.

Arriving at the Tianhun Palace, Su Luoheng and Xue Di went ahead, while Xue Yuanlin and Xu Jiawei entered the palace accompanied by the newly formed palace guards.

The whole room had been rearranged. Except for the chairs, there was no decoration on the wall facing the main seat. The whole room was crystal clear and white.

Xue Yuanlin and Xu Jiawei sat down at the round table.

Not long after, surrounded by a group of guards, the new emperor of the Tianhun Empire, Vitus, arrived.

At this time, he was wearing a bright imperial costume and a crown on his head. It seemed that he really had some of the majesty unique to the emperor.

The guards stopped and stood respectfully outside the door.

Wittes strode in, scanned the area, and sat beside Xu Jiawei and the other man.

Xu Jiawei asked, "Where is Weilin?"

"My father felt guilty about the people of the empire, so he chose to abdicate. Now I am the successor to the Tianhun Empire." Wittes said.

The emperors of the three empires of Tianhun, Douling, and Xingluo gathered here. The Sun-Moon Empire must have some important plans.

"Hmph, you are just a puppet supported by the Sun-Moon Empire. What kind of king are you?" Upon hearing this, Xue Yuanlin snorted coldly, with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

"So what if you are a puppet?"

Wittes was not someone who could be manipulated by others. He immediately retorted, "It's better than some people being kidnapped directly in their own palace, right? At least, I am still in Tianhun City now."

"You two should be careful. If you don't recognize your identities, when the Sun-Moon Empire's army is at the gates of the city, you may not even have the chance to be a puppet."

Wittes's map cannon directly hit Xue Yuanlin's soft spot. Xue Yuanlin was so angry that her face turned red and she couldn't speak for a long time. Xu Jiawei was also affected and looked unhappy.

"Haha, by then, there will only be our Tianhun Empire and Sun Moon Empire on the Douluo Continent. The rest will become history like the Tiandou Empire back then."

Wits admitted it openly and didn't think there was anything difficult about being a puppet emperor.

On the contrary, he was very grateful for the arrival of the Sun Moon Empire. If it weren't for the royal division's eastward advance into the Tianhun Empire, how could he have had the opportunity to get involved in the throne in this life?

What's more, he knew some inside information.

It's true that the Tianhun Empire was the first to become a vassal of the Sun Moon Empire, but it was definitely not the last. Because after today, the Douling Empire and the Xingluo Empire will become the next Tianhun Empire.

The Sun Moon Empire's intention to integrate the continent has been exposed, and none of the three empires can escape.

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