Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 630 Inviting Yan Shaozhe

Tang Wutong frowned slightly, shook her wrist, and the soul power gathered in her arm suddenly released outwards. Huo Yuhao was pushed back a little, and a trace of bright red blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

It was unknown whether it was the impact of Tang Wutong's sudden burst of domineering soul power or the excitement of his mind.

Then, the blue-gold light on Tang Wutong's body flashed slightly, and the rune of the golden trident on her forehead flashed away.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao sat there stupidly, pushing his hands forward, maintaining his previous appearance, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a statue, motionless.

Tang Wutong felt that she was really crazy just now. She actually believed this guy's nonsense about martial soul fusion, and even doubted whether she was really Wang Dong'er in his mouth.

She was about to get angry, but when she looked down, she couldn't help but be stunned.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao's eyes were scattered, his face was pale at some point, and there was a trace of bright red blood at the corner of his mouth. The whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's distraught look, Tang Wutong's anger subsided a little. At the same time, a trace of pity inexplicably rose.

Finally, he sighed.

"Let's stop here."

Tang Wutong stood up and said lightly: "I have done what you asked. Since our martial spirits cannot be integrated, I am not the Wang Dong'er you mentioned."


Huo Yuhao barely squeezed out two words.

He covered his chest, feeling inexplicably heartbroken.

He had obviously got the answer, and he should have been relieved, but why was he so uncomfortable?

Or was it because of his longing for Dong'er?

So even though he knew that it was not the same person, he still felt heartbroken?

At this moment, Huo Yuhao's mind was very confused.

Tang Wutong's voice returned to the initial indifference, "I don't need your apology. I have nothing to do with you. Not now, and not in the future."

"So, I hope you don't bother me again. If there is a next time, this lady will never let you go!"

After saying that, Tang Wutong turned around and left.

Huo Yuhao was stunned in place, watching Tang Wutong's back disappear from his sight.

"I won't bother you again in the future, I'm sorry..."

After a long time, he murmured, then stood up, covered his chest, and staggered out of the room.



Mingdu, Soul Guidance Street.

Today's sun is very bright, and a fountain show is being performed in the square in the center of the Soul Guidance World.

Under the control of various soul guides, the spring water changes into a gorgeous form, and the sprayed water mist pours into the air like a galaxy. Forming a magnificent spectacle.

The streets are bustling with people and traffic.

There are shops on both sides, and all kinds of soul guides are placed on the counters, such as soul guide communicators, soul guide fans and other life-related soul guides. Full of the feeling of modern technology.

For people in the three kingdoms of Tianhun, Xingluo, and Douling, they are rare and rare things. People shuttle through them, either buying and selling goods, or shopping and leisure. A prosperous scene.

There are also many cold weapons such as swords, spears, and halberds, but the level of these soul guides is generally below level 4.

As for the soul guide weapons above level 5, as well as the high-end strategic soul guide weapons such as soul guide cannons and soul guide rays, the price is extremely high. And you need to provide a soul guide magnetic card made of special materials to have the right to purchase.

This kind of soul guide weapon is very powerful and requires the user to have a certain level of soul power, so it is provided to soul masters and soul guides. Ordinary people can't use it at all, and of course they can't afford it.

Therefore, this kind of soul guide shop is uniformly arranged in the central area of ​​the street, separated from this busy street facing the public.

Yan Shaozhe walked alone on this street, stopping from time to time and looking down at the palm-sized soul guide light screen in his hand.

The route map of the soul guide street is displayed on the screen, and two light spots, one red and one blue, are flashing on the map.

As he moves, the blue light spot on the screen changes its position and keeps approaching the red light spot.

This is what Jing Hongchen gave to Yan Shaozhe.

According to him, there is an old friend from Shrek Academy who hopes to meet Yan Shaozhe.

This light screen was provided by the other party. The red dot represents the coordinates where she is sitting, and the blue dot represents Yan Shaozhe. You can find the other party by following the coordinates.

He was very curious about who wanted to see him. In his memory, he didn't have any acquaintances or friends in the Sun and Moon Empire.

So after thinking it over again and again, he decided to find out.

Following the cursor guidance of the soul guide light screen, Yan Shaozhe came all the way to the central area of ​​the soul guide street. Walking on the street, he clearly felt that there were a lot more soul masters and soul guides.

And compared with those shops on the periphery, the shops here are generally beautifully decorated. Any soul master who can open a store here must have considerable financial resources.

As the two light spots on the light screen overlapped, he stopped.

Looking up, he saw a two-story attic in front of him, and the overall decoration of the shop was exquisite. It is about eight meters high and covers an area of ​​about 100 meters.

In the middle of the first and second floors, there is a plaque with three characters [Chaldea] written on it.

Yan Shaozhe was not in a hurry to enter, but observed the surroundings first.

The glass door of the attic was open, and from the outside, some furnishings and ornaments in the store could be vaguely seen.

This store is roughly located in the center of this street. It is possible to open a store in such a location in the center of the Mingdu Soul Guidance Street where every inch of land is valuable.

And the head of Mingde Hall is the matchmaker...

It seems that the owner's identity is extraordinary.

Yan Shaozhe thought to himself.

At the same time, he took a step and walked towards the door of the store.

When he walked in, the layout inside the store was very simple. In addition to a counter, there were well-organized soul guide display racks without any extra design.

At a glance, you can see the various soul guides displayed on it.

At the same time, there are detailed divisions for the styles, properties, functions, and levels of soul guides, which are very professional. Even people like Yan Shaozhe who rarely come into contact with soul guides can understand.

Obviously, these are all carefully designed.

When Yan Shaozhe was looking at the internal environment of the store, a young man with a square face narrowed his eyes slightly, quickly came up and saluted respectfully: "Senior, are you here to look for someone?"


Yan Shaozhe responded lightly.

The young man still smiled, but his tone was a little more respectful, "I guess you should be the dean of Shrek Academy, the Bright Phoenix, His Majesty the Bright Phoenix Douluo?"


Yan Shaozhe nodded slightly, his eyes fell on the other person, "Do you know me?"

The young man bowed quickly, "I am Zhen Qingre, the general manager of this store. The person who asked you to meet is a friend of our boss, and I specially asked Zhen to wait for you here today."

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