Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 178 How dare you let Le Xuan

Zhang Lexuan smiled, with a touch of tenderness flashing in her eyes, and then turned around and left lightly, leaving behind a faint scent of flowers.

Han Yu's eyes slowly blurred as her back appeared, and a complex emotion surged in his heart, like thousands of threads tangled in his heart.

Zhang Lexuan has a special kind of beauty, a quiet and gentle beauty, like the cherry blossoms blooming in spring, which are both bright and gentle.

Deep down in Han Yu's heart, he couldn't help but feel a deep affection for her.

He secretly thought: "It would be great if she was not from Shrek Academy."

Because Zhang Lexuan was adopted by Moon, the dean of Shrek Academy, she has an unforgettable feeling for this place.

Han Yu sighed and thought: "No matter what, the most important thing now is to recover from his injuries first."

But just when he wanted to close his eyes and rest, Zhang Lexuan had already hurried back to the room.

She held a steaming tray in her hands, emitting a tantalizing aroma.

"Are you awake? Drink some porridge first. This is what I prepared especially for you."

Han Yu nodded, looking grateful.

"I made this porridge with the meat of a century-old pig beast. The taste will definitely not disappoint you."

Zhang Lexuan's voice was gentle and caring. She gently placed the tray on the table next to the bed, then picked up the porridge in the white porcelain bowl and came to Han Yu's bedside.

"In addition to animal meat, this bowl of porridge also contains fresh vegetables. It looks attractive in color and is really appetizing."

Han Yu just lay quietly on the bed, with a complicated light in his eyes.

Through mental detection, he could feel that what Zhang Lexuan handed over was not only a bowl of porridge, but also care and warmth.

Before Han Yu could say anything, his stomach made an untimely loud growl.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

Zhang Lexuan couldn't help but chuckle when she heard this voice. The laughter was crisp and pleasant, as sweet as a clear spring in the mountains.

"What a time, it seems your stomach is already protesting."

she said with a smile.

"Come on, open your mouth and let me feed you."

Han Yu was a little embarrassed but still opened her mouth.


Before feeding, Zhang Lexuan specially blew the porridge in the spoon to ensure that it would not burn Han Yu. Then she gently put the spoon to Han Yu's mouth.

"Is it hot?" Zhang Lexuan asked softly, holding the freshly served hot porridge in her hand, her eyebrows full of concern.

Han Yu shook his head gently, with a faint smile on his lips:

"It's okay, don't worry."

He looked at the gentle Zhang Lexuan in front of him, and Han Yu couldn't help but sigh, it was indeed a rare enjoyment to be taken care of by such a beauty.

Zhang Lexuan was secretly happy when she saw him smiling, and gently handed the bowl to his hand.

"I don't know how Yi Lao is doing." Han Yu felt worried in his heart.

When Han Yu first woke up, he learned about Electrolux's situation through Ice Emperor and others.

They said Electrolux went into a deep state of hibernation.

Knowing that Electrolux was just sleeping and his life was not in danger, Han Yu slowly calmed down.

He drank spoonful after spoonful of hot porridge under Zhang Lexuan's careful feeding. Following her gentle movements, the tension in his heart gradually eased.

Soon, Han Yu finished the bowl of porridge while the two were talking and laughing.

Zhang Lexuan gently took back the empty bowl in her hand, placed it on the table, and looked at him softly:

"By the way, can you use your soul power?"

Han Yu was stunned for a moment and replied softly:

"Yes? What's wrong?"

Hearing his answer, Zhang Lexuan's eyes flashed with excitement:

"Can you try to use your soul power? I want to see how your recovery is going."

Han Yu nodded, and then Zhang Lexuan reached out and gently held his wrist. Her big eyes looked at him seriously, full of expectation.

"Uh, okay."

Although Han Yu didn't understand what Zhang Lexuan was going to do, he still mobilized his soul power obediently.

The next moment, a strange brilliance appeared in the eyes of the two people at the same time, and an inexplicable attraction surged in their hearts, as if there was some force quietly pulling their souls.

There was a hint of surprise in Han Yu's eyes,

"Could it be that?" His heart moved, and he felt a very familiar wave, which was the unique feeling of the martial soul fusion technique.

"Zhang Lexuan's martial spirit is the moon, and mine is the Sharingan with spiritual attributes..."

Han Yu thought to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Is it really possible for the two to achieve the fusion of martial souls?"

He continued to ponder, "According to the theory of yin and yang, the moon is originally a yin thing, and the Sharingan is also a manifestation of the yin attribute. Both of them contain strong yin energy."

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Han Yu's eyes, "If it really follows this pattern, then the integration between them seems to make sense..."

However, Han Yu soon fell into silence again.

He didn't understand why he had such a strong sense of martial soul with Zhang Lexuan, although he didn't think that martial soul fusion skills would be of much help to his current strength.

"I can feel that the martial arts between us seem to be resonating."

"But I don't know why, there seems to be a wall between the two."

"Isolated the connection between the two martial spirits."

Zhang Lexuan frowned slightly. Logically speaking, as long as two people's martial souls can resonate, it is possible to perform martial soul fusion skills no matter how bad the compatibility is.

But her situation was different from Han Yu's, and she could clearly sense the resonance.

But it seems that the martial soul fusion skill cannot be used

"It's okay, maybe it's because the spirit doesn't fit well."

"After all, martial soul fusion skills are still very rare."

Han Yu smiled nonchalantly. The immortal body was already taking effect. At this time, his body still had no problem making some subtle movements.

“It’s a pity”

Zhang Lexuan nodded slightly, indicating that she understood and accepted this fact, but there was some disappointment in her eyes.

It's rare to meet someone who resonates with her martial soul. It's true that she was a little regretful that she couldn't successfully merge.

After a moment of silence, the atmosphere seemed to become heavier. Zhang Lexuan looked up at Han Yu, with a hint of trance in her eyes.

"Boy Hanyu." There was a trace of imperceptible concern in Du Buushi's voice, and his stride was full of anxiety.

At this moment, a carefree voice came from outside the door, as if his voice could cut through the silent atmosphere.

Zhang Lexuan quickly let go of Han Yu's hand, her fingertips trembling slightly, her eyes flashed with panic, and her heart was filled with an inexplicable sense of guilt.

Squeak——! The heavy opening of the door echoed in the room, cutting through the tense air.

Du Bushui hurriedly walked in, his steps were heavy, and every step was filled with impatience.

Looking at Han Yu who had regained consciousness, his eyes showed a hint of joy, as if he had found a long-lost treasure.

"You kid, you finally woke up. You were worried about me." His voice was hoarse, mixed with relief.

Han Yu smiled slightly: "Teacher, I'm fine." Although his voice was weak, it was full of comfort.

Zhang Lexuan stood up wisely and stood slightly backward, trying to make herself look less prominent.

"Thank you for your hard work, little girl."

Du Buushi turned to look at Zhang Lexuan, his eyes were smiling and as warm as the rising sun.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome. If it weren't for Han Yu and you, I'm afraid we at Shrek Academy would be here." There was a hint of solemnity in Zhang Lexuan's voice, and the gratitude in her heart surged like a spring.

Zhang Lexuan nodded slightly, with a trace of gratitude in her eyes. This time, it truly came from the bottom of her heart.

"Haha, speaking of which, this beast tide is also related to us. Fortunately, we stopped it in time, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable." There was a bit of self-blame in Du Bushu's words.

"It's your courtyard, it's a pity for Dragon God Douluo."

Zhang Lexuan's body trembled slightly, and when she said this, her face showed the sadness that she couldn't hide in her heart.

Zhang Lexuan's eyes were slightly sad. Moon's departure was like losing the Dinghai Needle to the entire Shrek, taking away their spiritual support.

"Senior, you and Han Yu can chat slowly, I'll take my leave first." Zhang Lexuan said pretending to be relaxed, trying to hide her uneasiness and worry.

Zhang Lexuan's face looked a little unhappy. She said goodbye and turned around to leave. Her back showed a bit of loneliness and helplessness.

Only then did Du Buushi turn to look at Han Yu, his brows furrowed, and he noticed the strange light in Han Yu's eyes.

Naturally, he also discovered that something was wrong with Han Yu's eyes, which revealed unusual darkness and pain.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Du Buushi's anxious voice broke the silence of the room.

Du Bushu's face was slightly solemn, and he observed Han Yu's eyes carefully. It was indeed a bit like the martial soul was traumatized.

He looked at Han Yu's gradually dimming eyes, feeling an inexplicable anxiety and fear in his heart.

Han Yu said: "Teacher, I forcibly opened the ultimate power of Sharingan before. Due to the huge backlash of power, my martial soul was greatly overdrawn."

Du Buushi frowned, feeling worried.

"So how are you doing now?"

Han Yu smiled bitterly,

"Now I am in a state of temporary blindness. My vision is blurry and I can't even see my fingers clearly. But I feel that as time goes by, my vision seems to be slowly recovering."

Du Buushi showed a hopeful look:

"How long will it take you to recover?"

Han Yu pondered for a moment and said:

"About three months to a year. I don't know exactly, but I can feel that my mental power is constantly repairing my eyes."

Du Busui nodded, walked to the wooden bench and sat down. He stretched out his big hand and put it gently on Han Yu's shoulder, trying to sense his condition with his soul power.

Slowly, a trace of dark green soul power overflowed from the poisonous palm and slowly entered Han Yu's body along his shoulders.

The soul power penetrates every inch of muscle like water and penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

Du Buushi closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the changes in Han Yu's body. As his soul power deepened, his brows knitted together, and his frown became tighter and tighter.

Du Bushu could feel that the situation in Han Yu's body was seriously overdrawn and chaotic, like a pot of undercooked porridge, with all kinds of forces churning and impacting.

Han Yu's internal meridians seemed to be bearing the impact of huge waves, unable to bear the force.

"I have investigated your situation clearly,"

Du Bu Shou slowly opened his eyes and said to Han Yu with a solemn expression,

"Although your body is in a serious condition now, there is a strange power that is constantly repairing you, and even those chaotic meridians are slowly being corrected."

Han Yu nodded slightly after hearing this, feeling a little comforted in his heart.

This is consistent with his perception. The immortal body in his body has begun to take effect gradually. Although the effect is not very obvious now, he believes that after some time, this power will become strong enough, and his eyes may be fully recovered by then.

Du Bu Si stood up and patted Han Yu on the shoulder,

"Okay, you kid, take good care of yourself. I can't help you here, so I won't stay with you here for long."

As he said this, he breathed a sigh of relief, because he knew that although Han Yu's condition was complicated, there was hope for recovery.

Han Yu smiled and said, "Thank you, teacher."

Du Bu Si interrupted Han Yu unhappily and said angrily, "You and I are master and disciple, what's the point of saying these things."

After asking back, his tone suddenly became much calmer, and a smile appeared on his face:

"But your martial soul is really very powerful. My martial soul is also the best on the continent, but compared with yours, I still feel a clear gap."

He then added:

"I am sure that the strength of your martial soul is definitely far beyond any martial soul on the continent."

Suddenly, his tone became more and more excited:

"Imagine, when you cultivate to level ninety-nine, I am afraid that no one in the entire Douluo Continent can be your opponent."

After speaking, Du Bu Si sighed slightly, and couldn't help but recall the fierce scene on the battlefield that day. In addition to Han Yu and Di Tian, ​​he was the only one watching the battle.

He clearly remembered how terrifying Han Yu's Susanoo was when it was fully deployed, and thought with cold sweat:

"If it was me who replaced him that day, facing such power, I really don't know if I could withstand it."

Han Yu took a deep breath, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes,

"Ninety-nine levels... That's still too far for me..."

At this time, he was only fifty-five levels. Although he had obtained the spirit ring of the Ten Thousand Demon King and absorbed a 100,000-year-old spirit bone, he still felt a huge pressure when he thought of the gap of ninety-nine levels.

Du Bu Si suddenly changed the topic and said mysteriously:

"By the way, what do you think of that girl?"

This sudden question surprised Han Yu a little, and he was slightly stunned:

"What girl?"

Du Bu Si pinched his eyes instantly and said in a low voice quickly:

"It's Zhang Lexuan who takes care of you."

He continued to explain:

"I have observed her for a long time. She has a very good talent and is now an eight-ring soul douluo."

He further proposed a hypothesis:

"With her potential, it will not be a problem for her to cultivate to level 98 in the future."

Du Bu Si had a meaningful smile on his face, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously:

"If you like her, I, as a teacher, don't mind coming forward to match you up and bring her to our body sect."

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