Douluo Jueshi: Obtain Sharingan at the beginning!

Chapter 179 What do you think of Zhang Lexuan? Your teacher can

After hearing this, Han Yu's expression became subtle and she thought to herself:

"Why is Master always so keen on getting involved in my personal affairs?"

Facing the master's enthusiasm, Han Yu asked helplessly:

"Master, doesn't our sect stipulate that we only accept the original martial soul? Can we accept other martial souls?"

Poison didn't seem to be surprised at all. He answered confidently:

"It is true that our disciples are all original martial souls, but that rule is only for disciples, and family members do not have this restriction."

He continued earnestly:

"Otherwise, wouldn't everyone in our sect be single? We also have to consider the future development and reproduction of our sect."

Han Yu frowned slightly: "Teacher, Zhang Lexuan is from Shrek."

"I can only say that your idea is difficult to implement."

Du Buushi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I know it's difficult. I still have you."

"Whether you are talented or powerful, your appearance is the best choice."

"I see there are a lot of girls who like you."

"What about the Nine Treasure Glazed Young Master, the Lan sisters, and..."

"As long as you work hard, I believe it won't be difficult for you at all."

Han Yu fell silent. He didn't know how to answer these words.

"Okay, I'll leave now, Master. I'll see you later."

Seeing that Han Yu was a little reluctant, Du Bushit didn't continue talking, waved his hand and left.


"Teacher, since we are at Shrek Academy now, please see if you can help me get a place."

Han Yu called to stop Du Buushi, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Originally, he planned to go to the Sun and Moon Empire alone.

But now we can go along the line of Shrek Academy.

"Quota? What quota?"

Du BuShu paused and turned around.

"that is."

Han Yu told the story about Shrek Academy's academic exchange with the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

I still miss that cannon that can kill gods.

The level of the soul guide must be improved, and then you can make it yourself.

Collect rare metals by the way.

Now that I have obtained the power of Yang, when I successfully open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, I should be able to open the Rinnegan Eye by then.

Payne's Six Paths can also be prepared in advance.

The Shura Dao thing is just about playing with soul guidance devices.

Then study it in advance and install it for yourself when the time comes. It will be a blast to become a god with one shot. It won’t be too satisfying.

"Okay, then I will go to Xuanzi and ask for one. I think he will be very happy."

Du BuShu smiled, his eyes twinkling.

With Shrek as a channel, it's all for nothing.

After Du Busui left, the whole room fell into silence.

Han Yu calmed down and began to concentrate on repairing his injuries.

Inside the Poseidon Pavilion, the atmosphere was solemn, and the ancient murals exuded a faint brilliance in the dim light.

Beside the long table, a group of serious-faced old men sat around, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xuanzi. Xuanzi sat in the first place. Although his breath seemed a little unstable due to his unrecovered injury, he still maintained a solemn majesty.

Although the auras of the elders below are sometimes strong and weak, their eyes are firm. It is obvious that they have just finished their retreat. Although most of their injuries have recovered, they still need time to recover.

Since Shrek Academy was in urgent need of someone to take charge, they had no time to rest carefully.

Xuanzi cleared his throat and stared at his friends at the table:

"Everyone." Although his voice was calm, it seemed to have a penetrating power in the quiet atmosphere.

"The beast tide has ended. The entire Shrek City has been severely damaged, and reconstruction work is in progress."

He paused and continued:

"Unfortunately, Mr. Mu has passed away, but he left instructions. We must follow his ideas and vigorously develop soul guides from today on."

Qian Duoduo suddenly stood up, his clothes swaying slightly with the movement.

"Mr. Xuan, I think it's time to launch the ultimate individual soldier plan."

His voice was filled with urgency.

"Although Caitou is different from what I expected, at present, it seems that we have no other suitable candidates."

Xuanzi nodded slightly, indicating for him to continue.

A trace of determination flashed in Qian Duoduo's eyes,

"In one year, we are about to start communicating with the Sun and Moon Empire. We must use this time to fully improve the level of Caitou's soul guide."

Xian Lin'er next to her also stood up, her voice clear and firm:

"Mr. Xuan, this exchange with the Sun Moon Empire Soul Engineer Academy is an important opportunity for us."

There was an unquestionable determination in her eyes,

"This is about whether we can take soul guide technology to new heights."

She then suggested: "Therefore, I suggest that we send the best disciples from the Soul Guidance Department to participate in this exchange."

Xuanzi thought for a moment, then nodded slowly, with a firm and generous tone:

"Do you still have any objections? If not, then let's make this decision..."

There was an irrefutable determination in his voice.

This was the first time Xuanzi held a meeting as the head of the Poseidon Pavilion. He was full of momentum, appeared very confident, and seemed to listen to the opinions of others with an open mind.

"Mr. Xuan, since we are following Mr. Mu's instructions, of course we have no objection."

Yan Shaozhe, the representative of the martial arts department, stood up tremblingly. His face was pale. Munn's departure was a huge blow to him.

Xuanzi said solemnly: "In that case, it will be up to Duoduo and Lin'er to select suitable disciples."

His voice was full of trust and expectation, "This exchange will be led by Duoduo, and the safety of the students will be left to you."

"I will be in charge of Shrek Academy."

His tone was firm, demonstrating unquestionable leadership.

"Yes, Mr. Xuan."

Everyone agreed in unison, their voices full of awe and trust.

At this moment, a burst of cheerful laughter suddenly came from outside the conference room door:

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that everyone is actually having a meeting. I wonder if I can participate?"

The voice was pleasant, with a hint of teasing.

A loud laugh suddenly came from far away on the lake, breaking the silence of Poseidon Pavilion.

When all the elders heard this sudden sound, their expressions suddenly changed, and they all stood up from their meditation, all looking at the source of the sound quickly.

I saw a dazzling dark green light streaking across the sky like a shooting star, quickly passing over the surface of the peaceful Poseidon Lake, and arriving at the door of Poseidon Pavilion in the blink of an eye.

Xuanzi looked serious, looked at the unexpected scene in front of him, and shouted in a deep voice:

"Old monster, although you resisted the beast tide this time, it does not mean that you can be unscrupulous here."

Then he said:

"Poseidon Pavilion is the important place of our Shrek Academy. It is not appropriate for you, an outsider, to trespass here without permission."

The tone was full of seriousness and warning.

Then, he continued even more displeasedly:

"You are really disrespecting our Shrek Academy by doing this."

It was obvious that he was completely unhappy.

Xuanzi immediately added:

"Although Mr. Mu is gone, that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want."

His words were filled with responsibility and anger.

After hearing such accusations, Du Bu Shou was not irritated at all. Instead, he slowly walked forward, stood outside the door before entering, and snorted lightly:

"Hmph, since this is your important place, I don't bother to walk in."

There was contempt and indifference in his voice.

Du BuShu continued softly:

"I have no other intention for this trip. I just want to ask for a place to go to the Sun and Moon Empire for my disciple, Han Yu. Is it okay?"

There was a hint of questioning in his words.

When Xuanzi and Mr. Su heard this, they were stunned for a moment. Obviously, they did not expect that Du Bushit's trip was just for this matter. They thought that the other party was here to cause trouble.

Xuanzi responded in a low voice:

"You are talking about Han Yu. I admit that his talent is indeed very powerful, and even his soul skills are extremely weird."

After speaking, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, obviously thinking of the arm that was burned by Amaterasu before.

"But I didn't know that he was also talented in soul guidance. Are you serious?"

Xuanzi asked with raised eyebrows, his tone full of disdain and doubt.

"According to me, you'd better cultivate his strength as a soul master. After all, not everyone can control soul guidance devices."

A trace of ridicule flashed in Xuanzi's eyes, as if he was saying that Han Yu was overestimating his abilities.

Du Buushi just laughed at this and didn't care at all about Xuanzi's opinion.

"It doesn't matter whether you are talented in soul guidance or not."

He continued calmly:

"The important thing is that that kid Han Yu is quite interested in this. As a teacher, I think I should support him."

The poisonous voice was firm and passionate.

Then he grinned and said with a smile:

"So, how about giving me a spot?"

There was a hint of amusement in his tone.

As the conversation progressed, the aura on Du Bushit's body began to increase, and the originally calm air began to tremble slightly, and the whole scene seemed to be gradually filled with a sense of oppression.

The anger in the depths of Xuanzi's eyes flashed away. He swallowed this feeling deeply, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:

"The quota can be given to you, but during this period you must act as my Shrek student."

His eyes were firm, like a thousand-year-old glacier, leaving no room for doubt.

"You are not allowed to do anything disruptive to our academy. If I find out, I will kick him out of the team."

His words were full of authority that could not be defied.

Hearing this, Du Buushi laughed, his relaxed attitude in sharp contrast to Xuanzi's seriousness:

"Xuanzi, thank you very much."

He waved his hand teasingly,

"By the way, congratulations on becoming the master of the Shanghai Divine Pavilion. I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, the dark green light around him flashed, and his figure quickly disappeared from the place, leaving behind a piece of agile air.

Xuanzi stood there with a deep gaze, looking at the direction where Du BuShu disappeared, with a complicated and difficult-to-read expression on his face. The old men also had complicated expressions in their eyes, and they were puzzled by this sudden change.

After a while, the elders turned their eyes to Xuanzi, waiting for his further instructions.

Shaozhe's face was gloomy, and he was obviously very critical of the decision he just made. He glanced at Xuanzi and said with a slight dissatisfaction in his voice:


His voice was a little excited, and he was obviously unhappy with this decision.

Xuanzi glanced at Yan Shaozhe, and his voice was calm but filled with unquestionable majesty:

"Just give it to me one by one. If you don't accept it, you can argue with me."

His words were simple and powerful, and he obviously did not want to continue to dwell on this issue.

Yan Shaozhe's face froze, obviously shocked by Xuanzi's words.

He was silent for a moment, and finally sat down helplessly, no longer arguing.

Qian Duoduo on the side laughed secretly in his heart when he saw Yan Shaozhe's appearance.

He looked at Yan Shaozhe and said jokingly:

"Lao Yan, you are no longer the dean of the martial arts department. What kind of mentality do you have?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in his words, and he was obviously quite disdainful of Yan Shaozhe's performance.

After hearing this, Yan Shaozhe's expression changed slightly, and it was obvious that Qian Duoduo's words had touched a certain nerve.

He looked at Qian Duoduo with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone:

"Old Qian, you are still talking about me. As the deputy dean of the Soul Guidance Department, others have bullied you to your doorstep. Why don't you say anything?"

His retort was clearly tinged with annoyance and unwillingness to take all the responsibility himself.

Hearing this, Qian Duoduo smiled, with a careless smile on his face:

"Lao Yan, of course I'm angry, but I'm not as strong as you, Du Buushi, so what if I give him a spot."

His tone was relaxed, as if he didn't care about the matter.

"We don't lack this quota. Whether we can learn something or not depends on the students themselves."

He seemed quite optimistic and unfazed by this.

Xuanzi gently straightened the slightly messy white robe above his head, smoothed the wrinkles with his hands, sat down slowly, and leaned back upright on the large back of the chair.

His voice was calm and powerful, leaving no room for doubt:

"Okay, what's going on with Han Yu? I heard that Le Xuan has been taking care of him?"

The tea cup in Mr. Zhuang's hand trembled slightly, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

He coughed and calmed down, and explained to Xuanzi:


He paused and continued to add: "At that time, the manpower of the college was already stretched thin, so girl Le Xuan volunteered to take on the task of taking care of Han Yu."

Mr. Zhuang added another sentence, frowning,

"In the past few days, she has not complained at all and has been taking good care of Han Yu's daily life."

He sighed secretly, feeling a little guilty but persevering. He did not reveal to Xuanzi the true seriousness of Han Yu's injury.

After hearing this, Xuanzi frowned slightly, and his evaluation of Han Yu dropped again. He shook his head disdainfully and sarcastically said softly:

"A mere spirit beast actually injured him like this. He is really a brat who has never experienced a real battle. As soon as he meets a real spirit beast, his true colors are revealed."

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