Han Yu is not in a hurry to make his own soul guide now. He has a strong mental power as a support, and he can make any soul guide much faster than other soul guides. He still has this confidence.

He doesn't want to expose his full strength too early, so he won't make the strongest soul guide right away.

However, he must not lose the game. Observing the opponent, finding out the opponent's details, and then formulating corresponding strategies is the best policy.

Gao Dalou didn't seem to worry about Han Yu's observation of him at all. He took the carving knife, weighed it in his hand for a few times, and felt the familiar touch of the handle.

Then, he took a deep breath, held his breath, and began to make the soul guide. Gao Dalou's knife action was extremely steady, without any drag.

An expert can tell whether it is good or not as soon as he makes a move. When Gao Dalou made the first cut, Han Yu's heart was chilled.

The seemingly ordinary carving knife cut into the famously hard Star Silver Steel like cutting tofu, without any sense of obstruction.

The sharp edge of the carving knife gently jumped a few times on the surface of the star silver steel, making a slight "buzzing" sound, and in an instant, three grooves of uniform size were carved out.

This carving technique has a saying, called "three tremors of one knife", which requires extremely high skills and years of hard practice to achieve.

It not only requires the carving lines to be accurate and flawless, but also has extremely strict requirements for the control of force.

On precious rare metals such as star silver steel, ordinary people would never dare to use such techniques to carve easily, because once the carving is bad, then this piece of rare metal is basically useless, at least it is impossible to make the core array he originally planned.

Gao Dalou did not pause for a moment. After carving with a knife, the carving knife in his hand seemed to be alive and moved on the star silver steel.

His carving speed was not fast, but each stroke was accurate and stable, as if he had practiced countless times.

A pair of small eyes stared at the star silver steel in his hand with great concentration, and he would never allow himself to make any mistakes.

Before carving, Gao Dalou was not only observing the Star Silver Steel, but also using his mental power to explore its internal structure and find the most suitable texture direction for cutting.

Otherwise, his speed would not be so fast, and his movements would not be so smooth and natural.

Han Yu was still not in a hurry. He sat on the chair in front of the production table, put down the Yanyang Iron in his hand, and looked at Gao Dalou opposite him seriously.

Gao Dalou's rhythm and sense of stability also gave him some inspiration.

To describe the process of Gao Dalou making soul guides in four words, it is heavy and simple.

The whole process is completely simplified. Every cut seems to be very solemn, but extremely precise, without any mistakes.

There is no need to carve out the general shape first like most soul masters, and then slowly carve it in detail.

He completed it in one go.

Gao Dalou only took a quarter of an hour to complete the carving of the entire core array. A rectangular shape with many fine magic patterns and nodes appeared on it.

Against the backdrop of the silver light of the Star Silver Steel itself, it looks even more breathtaking. It is extremely dazzling.

Looking at it, Gao Dalou's eyes are full of intoxication, just like looking at the most beloved woman, and he can't help but gently stroke it a few times.

His weird look made Han Yu laugh.

Gao Dalou was awakened immediately, looked up at Han Yu opposite, and saw the still intact Yanyang Iron in front of him.

"Hey, brother, aren't you going to start? Look, my first core array is already completed. We are competitors!"

Han Yu laughed and said, "No hurry. Brother Gao is really good, your way of making soul guides is really different! I wonder which soul guide academy did you graduate from?"

Gao Dalou said bitterly, "How can there be any soul guide academy willing to accept me!

I can't afford the tuition at all.

I learned everything by myself at home, and the method of making soul guides was also practiced with ordinary iron blocks.

I'm not afraid of you laughing at me, brother, this is the first time I've seen this There are so many rare metal objects, especially this Star Silver Steel, it is so beautiful, so beautiful.

The feeling of affinity with soul power is simply wonderful.

Hey, if someone can always let me have so many rare metals to use, I will work hard for it!

I hope to win more good things from this competition this time. ”

Han Yu’s heart moved slightly, and said: "I am very impressed by Brother Gao’s ability, let’s continue quickly. The competition time is limited. ”

“Oh, oh, yes. Brother, then I will continue, you also work hard.” As he said, he immediately started to get busy again.

Gao Dalou didn’t mind at all that others thought he was a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, and the materials he chose were almost the best...

Looking at Gao Dalou using the best materials to make the soul guide in his hand, Han Yu couldn’t help but nod secretly.

His production method is indeed different from that of orthodox soul guides, especially in the details of some techniques, it is obvious that he has his own unique way.

If he can study the production of soul guides to this extent just by groping, this guy is definitely worthy of the word genius!

After finishing a shell, Gao Dalou suddenly raised his head and looked at Han Yu who was thinking across from him, and said:

"Brother, don't look at me, you can't see what I'm doing.

For a layman like me, even the way I make the core array is different from that of ordinary soul masters."

Han Yu was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that his continuous gaze made the soul guide Gao Dalou think that he was observing his production and then targeting him.

He smiled slightly, and did not explain. He stopped staring at the other party and started to make his own soul guide.

Han Yu still chose the standard carving knife on the soul guide production table.

He clamped the Yanyang iron in front of him on the production table with his right hand and began to engrave.

Compared with Gao Dalou's heavy and simple, Han Yu's carving can be described as precise and fast.

The carving knife in his hand seemed to come alive, constantly jumping at his fingertips.

Every cut was extremely precise. If some teachers in the soul guide academy saw it, they would definitely think that he was making a textbook-level production.

Iron filings flew, and a complex core array gradually took shape in his carving.

Han Yu's carving did not take too long. With one cut, he often only carved a short line, unlike Gao Dalou, who made three changes with one cut.

But his movements were too fast. Often, in the blink of an eye, he had already cut several times, and the connection between each cut was almost the same as that made by one cut.

From a technical point of view, the one-cut three-change method is much more difficult than Han Yu's multi-cut method, but Han Yu's method is stable and accurate.

It is not easy to make mistakes. Moreover, when using ordinary standard carving knives, the sharpness of the carving knives is difficult to ensure that the carving marks will continue to be left on the extremely hard rare metal such as Yanyang Iron. Instead, it is not as good as engraving with short-term power and explosive power.

With the help of the magical skill of spiritual detection, the carving is not only the same as the one-cut three-change method, but also much faster.

When Gao Dalou finally finished making the shell in his hand and looked up at Han Yu again.

He was instantly in a daze.

What did he see?

What he saw was a series of afterimages flying on Han Yu's fingertips. It was impossible to see what he was doing. Only fine iron filings were constantly scattered and evenly spread beside him.

This..., making the core array so quickly, isn't he afraid of making mistakes?

This was the first thought in Gao Dalou's mind.

He subconsciously looked at Han Yu's eyes. Because he was born in a wild way, he was more sensitive to many aspects of making soul guides than soul guides from regular colleges.

For a soul guide, eyes are extremely important, and you can see a lot from the other person's eyes.

What kind of eyes are those!

Clear without impurities.

Concentrated with strange depth.

When Gao Dalou focused his attention on Han Yu's eyes, he felt that his mind was in a trance.

It was as if the whole soul was about to be sucked away by Han Yu's deep eyes.

He was so scared that he quickly retracted his gaze and lowered his head to concentrate for a long time before he returned to normal.

His mental strength was restored, but Gao Dalou's face was full of bitterness. It was only the first round, and he met such a strong opponent. It seemed that it was not easy to beat him!

Despite the soundproof shield, the sound outside could not be transmitted to the competition stage.

But the senior gamblers who came to watch the game still kept quiet in tacit understanding, and cast their eyes on the objects they bet on.

Gambling is also a science, and pre-match research is particularly important. Which soul masters have characteristics and which soul masters may have higher levels.

For them, they all know it in their hearts.

It is impossible for a soul master like Han Yu who participates in the competition in a wheelchair not to be noticed. Some people have already focused their attention on him.

Some people also tried to bet on him. However, Gao Dalou is more eye-catching than Han Yu, not because of how strong his ability is, but because of the carving knife in his hand.

The carving knife in Gao Dalou's hand is indeed a family heirloom, and there is a name on the carving knife list.

A real carving knife on the list.

Although the family is impoverished, Gao Dalou is secretly protected by some senior soul masters related to the family, which can keep the carving knife from being coveted by others.

But those who secretly help him do not want him to become a powerful soul master, so the help stops there.

It is precisely because of the existence of the carving knife that the odds of the battle between Gao Dalou and Han Yu today are 1:2.3 for Gao Dalou and 1:1.2 for Han Yu.

The odds show the difference in the strength comparison between the two sides among gamblers.

Of course, even with this odds, it was still affected by someone placing a heavy bet on Han Yu before the game started, otherwise Han Yu's odds would be lower.

But no one knows that the person who placed the heavy bet was Han Yu himself.

A faint light flashed, and a trace of solemnity appeared on Han Yu's face. The carving knife in his hand finally stopped, and a spherical core array as big as a fist had taken shape in front of him.

The entire core array is hollowed out, it is simply a fine work of art. The dark red Yanyang iron seems to be endowed with life, emitting a faint red light, and a very dangerous aura is constantly released from it.

You know, this is before the soul power is injected.

Unlike the soul guide made by Gao Dalou, there are as many as three core arrays.

The one made by Han Yu only has such a core array. Then, he started making other accessories, and the production speed was still very fast.

The tall building was also still busy, doing some final assembly and debugging work.

In fact, even if he wanted to see Han Yu's production, he couldn't see it clearly.

Although Han Yu had wasted a lot of time before, he was now producing too fast, so fast that it was too fast for the eyes to keep up. How could he see it?

His eyes were blurred when he looked at it again.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the first one to complete his soul guide was Soul Master No. 96.

It took a whole hour. He glanced at the other busy soul masters and handed in his work.

The second one to complete was the opponent of No. 96.

When No. 96 said that he had completed the production, his opponent took a look at the soul guide he had made, and then gave up his production with a dead look.

The gap was too obvious, and there was no need to continue. No. 96 completed a level 5 soul guide. One hour. Only one hour!

Most soul masters' production began to be completed one after an hour and a half.

This is a competition. It is not for every soul guide to make his strongest soul guide. The time is limited.

The best way to make it is to make the strongest soul guide that you can make within a limited time.

Gao Dalou finished a quarter of an hour earlier than Han Yu, but he was not in a hurry to hand in the work. Instead, he stood opposite and looked at Han Yu who was sitting in a wheelchair and making a soul guide with only one right hand.

The more he looked, the more frightened he was.

Although he could not see how Han Yu made it. But he still noticed some details.

Although he, a person from a wild background, made soul guides differently from orthodox soul guides.

But this difference was mainly in the production techniques.

And the soul guide made by Han Yu was something he had never even heard of.

What is the use of that circle of metal coils? What are those clips used for?

Why does that small metal ball have three holes, evenly arranged in position? What is he doing all these for! It is not the core array!

Doubts kept appearing in Gao Dalou's mind, but the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

To him, the young man in front of him was simply a mysterious existence. He was now somewhat curious about what kind of soul guide device Han Yu had made.

Han Yu spent one and three quarters of an hour to complete his own production.

When the final splicing was completed, what appeared in front of him was a soul guide cannon about one foot and five inches long and about ten centimeters in diameter. (End of this chapter)

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