It doesn't look like anything special.


Although the material used for this soul guide cannon is good, the most precious one is the Yanyang iron at the beginning. Most of the remaining materials use some high-density metals, but rare metals are not used much.

"Finished?" Gao Dalou asked tentatively standing opposite.

"Yes! Brother Gao has finished it a long time ago."

Han Yu smiled slightly and nodded to Gao Dalou.

"Well, let's go and hand it in together."

Han Yu nodded.

After the soul guide is completed, it must be handed over to the three referees. They will make the judgment first.

Gao Dalou also made a soul guide cannon. After all, today's game is to confront each other, and offensive soul guides are obviously the most useful.

Otherwise, making a defensive soul guide is to compete with the strength of soul power.

"Level 4 shock cannon, with blasting effect. Very good level 4 soul guide."

The three referees gave their evaluation after looking at Gao Dalou's soul guide cannon.

Then they saw the soul guide cannon handed over by Han Yu.

Five minutes later...

"Ahem, my friend, what is the function of your soul guide cannon? The structure is a bit special!"

Han Yu said with a smile: "This is also a level 4 soul guide. It can be regarded as a kind of high-explosive soul guide cannon.

I just used some special techniques to make it."

After the three referees whispered for a while, the chief referee looked at the two and said:

"You all made level 4 attack soul guide cannons. It is difficult to judge which one is better. I suggest you have a confrontation to finally determine the winner. After all, for soul guides, fighting and using soul guides are equally important."

"Okay." Gao Dalou agreed happily.

For him, the attraction of rare metals is great, but Han Yu's unheard-of soul guide production method is also fatally tempting!

In this case, of course, what he is most willing to do is to try the power of Han Yu's soul guide cannon head-on.

The chief referee said in a deep voice: "Let me tell you the rules of the game. When you fight each other, you can only use the soul guide that you have just made.

You can also use your soul power freely. But you are not allowed to use any soul skills or other soul guides. Once you use other soul guides to defend yourself, it means that you have lost the confrontation.

Of course, there is only one life. Winning or losing is important, but saving your own life is equally important."

"I understand." Gao Dalou agreed.

The chief referee looked at Han Yu, and there was obviously something more in his eyes.

Han Yu looked at him calmly and said, "I understand too."

"Okay. Come on, send them to the confrontation area."

Immediately, a staff member came over and led the two to the two ends of the confrontation area.

"Brother Chen, the soul guide made by the young man just now is very unusual! Did you see anything?"

The one sitting on the left of the three referees said in a low voice.

The chief referee said in a deep voice: "It is very unusual. If I am not mistaken, he should have integrated some special production methods into the production of his soul guide.

Coordinated with the core array.

The core array in his soul guide is made of Yanyang iron. It is indeed the production method of the core array of high-explosive bombs, but it is also somewhat different.

It does not have a catapult array as a match.

There is no charging array either.

Otherwise, this level of Yanyang iron core array.

It is not a problem to serve as a level 5 soul guide."

The referee on the right said: "Let's see how they compete.

That Gao Dalou is not simple either. He has a ranking engraving knife.

It is hard to say who will win or lose."

The chief referee smiled slightly and said: "It seems that there are many excellent talents in our Xishui League competition area."

"Well, after this competition, we have to ask the higher-ups to see if we can get some people in.

The two wines just now are good. I will investigate their origins later."

Han Yu and Gao Dalou entered the narrow confrontation area.

The audience outside the competition stage suddenly became excited.

Although many soul masters have delivered their works, most of them have been decided by the referee. Han Yu and Gao Dalou, this is the first confrontation today.

Soul guide production can be regarded as a visual feast for these gamblers, but it can never be compared with fighting!

This is why the All-Continent Youth High-level Soul Master Elite Competition is so popular.

One looks young, and the other has a ranking engraving knife.

This game must be exciting!

For a while, the originally quiet Golden Hall suddenly became noisy, especially some VIP customers who bet on Gao Dalou and Han Yu couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Brother Gao, my name is Obito. No matter what the outcome is today, I am glad to meet you."

Han Yu smiled at Gao Dalou.

He also said his pseudonym that was specially used to participate in the Mingdu Soul Master Elite Competition.

"Obito? Weird name.

Brother, I am very curious about your soul guide.

After the game, I will buy you a drink if I have a chance.

How about we chat?" Gao Dalou said excitedly.

"Okay!" Han Yu smiled.

The chief referee had already entered the confrontation area.

However, he was on a platform diagonally above the confrontation area.

This is an underground black market competition, but there are not so many rules.

Not to mention casualties and so on, it's perfectly normal.

The referee is only here to determine the outcome, and will not prevent deaths and injuries from happening.

"Are you all ready?" the referee asked in a deep voice.

"Ready." Tall Building said loudly. Han Yu also nodded.

"The confrontation begins. The winner advances."

Following the chief referee's loud shout, Gao Shouyu and Han Yu raised their hands at the same time.

The soul guide cannon in Gao Shou's hand is a light silvery white color and is made of the rare metal Xingyue Silver.

I saw a soft light emerging from the surface of the soul guide cannon.

What's the best way to test whether a soul master uses soul skills?

Just to see if he releases his martial spirit. The soul power is not restricted by the martial spirit, and the martial spirit is not released.

Soul power can also be used.

Therefore, Gao Loulou did not release his martial spirit at all.

The same goes for the soul cannon in Han Yu's hand. A layer of light red light mixed with a fiery aura gradually began to gather in the soul cannon in his hand.

The noisy voices in the golden hall immediately returned to calm. A pair of eyes stared firmly at the two people in the field.

In this kind of direct competition of soul tools, it is very likely that the winner can be determined in one or two attacks.

The charging time of the soul cannon in Gao Shou's hand was very short, and a ball of bright white light roared out with a little bit of silver brilliance, and shot straight towards Han Yu.

The concussion bomb has an explosive effect, as the referee has said before.

The size of the cannonball was one foot in diameter.

The central position was chosen again, and Hanyu's direction was locked.

In everyone's opinion, Han Yu's only way to deal with it was to release the attack power of his soul guide, let the two attack powers collide in the center, and then start a full-scale competition.

The high-explosive soul cannon in Han Yu's hand was indeed fired, but to everyone's surprise, when the dark red ball of light roared out, it actually flew almost close to the ground, matching the ball fired from the tall building. The concussive bombs crisscrossed and flew towards the tall building.

So tough!

This is a way of fighting where both sides will suffer losses and see who can withstand it!

Gao Shouyou made the first move, and his concussive bomb reached Han Yu first.

Carry it hard?

The next moment, everyone's eyes were dazzled.

As they watched, Han Yu's long legs moved quickly.

The rapid rhythm kept flashing in this narrow battle area.

Because the concussive bomb was locked on his position, it naturally followed him in changing positions.

People with a discerning eye can see that Han Yu relies on his right hand. His right hand seems to have magic power, constantly pushing or sucking the protective shields on both sides.

This achieves the purpose of making oneself appear to be moving strangely, and can always dodge the concussive bomb with extreme accuracy.

The kinetic energy of the concussive projectile is limited.

Although it can be locked, if time passes and its driving force disappears, it will only explode.

Just before it exploded, Han Yu made a false grab with his right hand, and then suddenly swung it backwards. He also fell backwards, just in time to dodge the concussive bomb.

Just hearing a loud "boom", the concussion bomb exploded three meters behind him, and the powerful shock wave pushed him to slide towards the tall building.

Explosive effects are completely evasive.

Only a small part of the shock effect was applied to him, and this time he was dodging and guiding.

It can be said to be wonderful.

Who would have thought that Han Yu could use this method to fight against the soul cannon of a tall building.

On the other side of the tall building, there was no time to look at the situation on Han Yu's side. Seeing the high-explosive bombs coming, he didn't have the ability to dodge like Han Yu, so he fired another concussion cannon in his hand.

He collided head-on with the high-explosive bomb more than ten meters away from him.

"Boom--" The hot air flow exploded instantly, swallowing up the more than 20 meters long corridor in the blink of an eye.

The tall building was horrified and quickly retreated, trying to gather its soul power to fight against the aftermath of the high-explosive wave.

But even so.

He was still blown upside down and stuck to the soul shield not far behind him.

This, this is a level four soul guide?

You must know that the shock bomb itself has a certain defensive effect, and the strong shock wave can defuse various offensive attacks to a great extent.

It can be said that it integrates offense and defense, so Gao Shou chose to make a concussion cannon.

However, the power of this high-explosive bomb is too great.

I'm afraid it will be as powerful as a level five high-explosive bomb.

On the other side, Han Yu was also in shock.

The concussion bomb from the tall building exploded behind him. To him, the remaining shock wave was nothing. It could only push his body forward. With the protection of soul power, Han Yu asked himself that he should not be affected in any way. .

However, when the shock wave actually landed on him, he immediately felt something was wrong.

An indescribable feeling spread throughout his body instantly. Han Yu felt as if his heart had stopped beating for an instant. Everything around him also slowed down. His breathing also stopped at this moment. That uncomfortable feeling It felt as if he had turned into a corpse in an instant.

Fortunately, the pain only lasted a second and he returned to normal.

But even so, the high-explosive soul cannon he had just prepared to continuously charge had been completely interrupted, and he had to mobilize his soul power again.

How is this possible? How can a concussion bomb have such an effect!

No, no.

Han Yu's thoughts raced, and the simple black carving knife instantly appeared in his mind.

Han Yu's side was affected, so he naturally missed the best opportunity to pursue Gao Shou. The power of the high-explosive bomb over there had also ended. Although Gao Shou was somewhat disgraced, he was not seriously injured at all. The two looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

"You, yours is a level five soul guide?"

Gao Shou said with a shocked look on his face.

It was as if they had completely forgotten that the two of them were in the middle of a competition.

Han Yu shook his head and said: "Level 4 and Level 5 offensive soul tools cannot be supported by a core array. Didn't you watch me do it?"


Han Yu said calmly: "After the game, let's chat privately."

"Okay." Gao Dushou happily agreed. With a shake of his hand, the concussive soul cannon in his hand fired again.

Being shocked by Han Yu's soul guide doesn't mean that he plans to admit defeat. There are so many rare metals there!

Han Yu smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and fired the soul cannon at the same time. This time, it no longer passed by the concussive bomb, but bombarded it. With his powerful ability of mental detection, he wanted to It is too easy to lock the opponent's soul-guided shells, and there is no possibility of failure.

The shells from both sides came out at the same time and exploded almost in the center of the distance between each other. Suddenly, the fierce fire light obscured the sight of the two people at the same time. The terrifying concussion force and energy fluctuations rushed in the corridor and impacted the two of them at the same time.

At this time, Gao Shou suddenly felt that he was in a trance, and his eyes were blurred. For some reason, he suddenly felt that he had deviated from his original position.

Subconsciously, he turned around, adjusted his position, raised his hand and fired out.

With his cultivation level, he can control the fourth-level soul guide. Although it cannot be said to be completely instantaneous, the preparation time does not take too long.

Then..., there is really no more.

"Boom--" In the violent roar, the strong shock instantly swallowed up the body of the tall building.

His whole body was completely paralyzed, and the terrifying explosion force shook him to his core. He was completely attached to one end of the protective shield, and the blood in his body stagnated for an instant. He felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood. But there was no way he could spit it out.

What's going on?

The same question appeared in the minds of almost every spectator who saw the scene just now.

In their eyes, after Han Yu and Gao Shou exchanged blows, Gao Shou suddenly half-turned around.

He fired a shot at the soul guide shield in the battle zone next to him. Just over one meter away from him, the fourth-level concussive bomb exploded. How could it not swallow him up? The terrifying concussive force knocked him away. Although he had been gathering soul power to protect himself, the tall building also had a mouth and nose. Bleeding, unspeakable embarrassment. (End of chapter)

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