Somewhere in the Star Dou Great Forest, a unique fragrance wafted from here, attracting the surrounding spirit beasts to keep approaching.

But those millennium-level soul beasts stopped tens of meters away from the source of the fragrance, because they felt a thick murderous aura permeating where they wanted to go. This murderous aura was sent by Hu Liena, The purpose is to wipe out those soul beasts that are less than 10,000 years old, lest some low-year soul beasts come in and eat things.

Mo Jia and Mo Lin hid in the dark, and once they saw the spirit beasts entering the attack range, they immediately took action, driving away the unsuitable ones, and hitting the remaining ones to make up for Hu Liena if they were suitable.

After the fragrance wafted for half an hour, finally, a soul beast entered the common attack range of the three under Hu Liena's murderous aura. Suitable for Hu Liena, it is a pure white two-tailed phantom fox, 1.8 meters long without the tail, and must have been cultivated for 20,000 years. But there was also a huge soul beast that also came in, destroying a lot of flowers and plants every step forward. It was a sacred triceratops 20 meters long and 4 meters high. Its body was from tail to head. Gradient color from gray to white, the length of the head shield is extremely exaggerated, more than 4 meters, from the size point of view, this soul beast is 50,000 years old.

Mo Lin and Mo Jia glanced at each other, as if they had seen each other's next actions from their eyes.

When the two soul beasts found Hu Liena next to the medicine bag, the phantom fox first entered the attack state. Obviously, it knew that it couldn't beat the sacred Triceratops, and wanted to use its speed and illusion to finish Hu Liena before quickly grabbing the medicine bag.

The Holy Triceratops saw the sudden increase in speed of the phantom fox, and started running by itself, and the speed was not slow!

Hu Liena looked at the two spirit beasts that were attacking her, and felt a little nervous. She hadn't fought with spirit beasts for a long time, but after experiencing the practice of the Slaughter City, even if she faced this situation alone, She won't forget what she should do because of nervousness, not to mention there are Mo Lin and Mo Jia nearby.

The Killing God Realm was opened, and both the phantom fox and the holy triceratops in the realm appeared stupefied, and the environment of the phantom fox disappeared because of this. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mo Lin and Mo Jia in the dark took action at the same time.

The non-aggressive bow form appeared in Mo Jia's hands, and it took Mo Jia less than a tenth of a second to draw the bowstring.

'Fifth soul skill, piercing the wind and shooting! '

A blue arrow left Mojia's hand at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and after only flying a short distance of ten meters in the air, its speed increased to twice the speed of sound, and finally turned into a blue phantom passing through Huanhu's two hind legs were touched, Huanhu uttered a cry of pain, and fell forward due to inertia, and fell to the ground.

Mo Lin gave himself a bunch of buffs in an instant, the Golden Light Curse, the Triple Reverse Life, the Long Curse of the Resentment, the Wulishi Talisman, and the Yang Wulei Xunlei Membership Mode. He rushed out of the shadow under the tree and showed his left leg. A 100,000-year-old soul bone kicked in the side of the sacred Triceratops with a roundabout kick in the air. The sacred Triceratops lost its balance in an instant, rolled over and slid out a cloud of dust on the ground.

But after landing, Mo Lin frowned, because he felt that he didn't kick the Triceratops' body.

Sure enough, the sacred triceratops quickly stood up, and it didn't look injured. Although the Triceratops looks rough and thick, the main defense should be on the head shield and skull, and the defense of his body on both sides should not be so exaggerated.

But the tactical goal has been achieved, so Mo Lin shouted at Hu Liena:

"Senior sister, give that phantom fox a stab and absorb the soul ring directly, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and leave the rest to me and my uncle!"

Hu Liena nodded, showed the external spirit bone and hit the phantom fox's head directly. The scene was indeed a bit bloody, but Hu Liena had seen bloodier scenes in the killing capital. She attracted the spirit ring and sat cross-legged on the ground , began to absorb.

Mo Jia quickly put away the medicine bag to prevent more high-year spirit beasts from being attracted, and then stood next to Hu Liena to protect her, and shouted:

"Little Lin, do you need my help?"

Merlin waved his hand:

"No, I just want to try what I got from the Slaughter Capital, just look at it carefully!"

Mo Jia was restored by Mo Lin, transformed Fei Gong into a shield form and stood in front of Hu Liena,

'The first soul skill, controlling the six directions. '

The shield turned into a six-square energy shield that blocked the front, back, left, right, up, and down of Mojia and Hu Liena. The physical defense ability of this move is not very outstanding, but the magic defense is extremely high, and it can even The impact of isolating the field is that the scope of protection is a little smaller.

Everything was ready, and Mo Lin released his domain without any hesitation. Although he didn't know how much the other party had dropped, he felt that once he released the domain, his overall attributes increased by at least 30%. Individual attributes such as Strength, speed and perception have even increased by 40%, and with this improvement, he also understands why the kick that kicked the sacred triceratops did not feel real. Now he can see that the sacred triceratops is wrapped There was a layer of almost transparent energy, because this layer of energy blocked Mo Lin's attack, and only the body of the Triceratops felt the impact without being injured.

'It's interesting, just let me try what other functions in this field. '

Under the domain, Mo Lin has been able to perfectly condense the murderous aura into a solid body. This kind of entity is not a pseudo-murderous formation that creates the illusion of a murderous aura by lowering the temperature so that the gas skips liquefaction and directly becomes a solid. An ice attribute attack of mental deterrence. The real murderous aura should be condensed into a kind of energy body, and it should even be able to ignore the terrain and condense freely within one's controllable range when practiced to the extreme.

Mo Lin clasped his palm, and his murderous aura condensed into scarlet spikes floating in the air. This was Mo Lin's first attempt, only a dozen of them were condensed in the air, and then stabbed at the holy Triceratops at the same time.

The Holy Triceratops suddenly emitted a burst of golden light, and the transparent energy that originally covered the whole body was also shining under the golden light, and its thickness had also increased to four or five times the original. penetrate.

‘This ability is similar to the effect of the Golden Light Curse. It can be regarded as its body-protecting qi. It’s a pity that I happen to know how to use the ghost needle to break the body-protecting qi. '

A thin steel needle appeared in Mo Lin's hand, and the scarlet murderous aura was wrapped on the steel needle layer by layer like gauze, but the body of the murderous aura attached to the steel needle did not grow bigger and bigger, and remained the same all the time. A thin layer.

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