Douluo: Possess Eight Magic Skills

Chapter 125: The First Ring of Non-Attack

Mo Lin shook his right hand, and the steel needle flew out, pointing directly at the sacred Triceratops twenty meters away. The murderous aura attached to the steel needle directly breaks through the air, and the air resistance is infinitely close to zero, allowing the steel needle to maintain a super high acceleration all the time.

A great navy soldier once said: "Speed ​​is weight, have you ever been kicked by light?"

Within a short distance of 20 meters, the steel needle made bursts of piercing sound, and the transparent energy that blocked Mo Lin's many attacks before was easily broken by the murderous steel needle, as if what was blocked was just a ball of cotton.

The steel needle pierced the eyes of the sacred Triceratops and directly penetrated its entire body, and a 50,000-year-old soul beast was so unbelievably easily dealt with by Mo Lin.

Mo Jia, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was under the protection of his first soul skill, so he couldn't feel the suppressing effect of Mo Lin's domain on soul masters and soul beasts, and how much murderous energy Mo Lin had condensed and compressed on the steel needle. , he couldn't believe that Mo Lin, the soul king, could kill a 50,000-year-old soul beast so easily, and the defensive power and weird defense methods of the sacred triceratops had always been a headache for all soul masters. The sacred Triceratops is enough to make Contra feel troublesome.

After Mo Lin took back the domain, Mo Jia originally planned to stop using the first soul skill immediately, and asked Mo Lin what kind of technique he used, but Mo Lin signaled Mo Jia to hold on for a while, and then Mo Lin looked at Mo Jia with astonishment. The middle general led the soul ring of the sacred Triceratops to his second soul ring Fei Gong.

Although Mo Lin's second martial spirit needs to be trained from scratch, the attributes of the sacred triceratops are completely opposite to Mo Lin's non-attack attributes. One is full of sacred power, and the other represents the evil intention called killing. After many times of tempering, it is not a big problem to directly absorb a 50,000-year-old soul ring, and Mo Lin's three souls are always in touch. To achieve the assimilation of power, even if something happens, it will be a matter of treating it with both hands.

But when he really started to absorb, the collision of two opposing forces directly caused Mo Lin to suffer internal injuries, and before he could absorb much, blood flowed out from the corner of Mo Lin's mouth.

In the mental space, the Asura Demon Sword looked at the power in front of him that was completely opposed to him:

"Brother Lin, you are really capable. You are so big, you will be a 50,000-year soul ring!"

Complaints are all complaints, Shura Demon Sword immediately mobilized his divine power of Shura God and began to assimilate this power. Compared with the power of gods, the power of fifty thousand year soul beasts is simply insignificant, and the sacred light is instantly swallowed by the power of killing. For the nourishment of Wuhun.

With the help of the Shura Demon Sword, Mo Lin absorbed the 50,000-year soul ring at an unbelievable speed. In less than an hour, Mo Lin completely absorbed the 50,000-year soul ring, and a wave of air swept over him. Merlin spread out as the center. After absorbing the soul ring, Mo Lin discovered something he hadn't noticed. His independent second martial soul was not innately full of soul power, but was innately full of level 20 soul like Qian Renxue's angelic soul. The possible reason is that Mo Lin's non-aggressive martial soul is the product of the fusion with Shura's magic sword, and it has become a martial soul directly related to gods just like the angel martial soul.

After Mo Lin absorbed the soul ring and stood up, Mo Jia stopped the first soul skill and looked back at Hu Liena. She was still absorbing the soul ring, but it was nearing the end.

"You are really a monster." Mo Jia's face was full of emotional smiles: "This little girl has absorbed a 20,000-year-old soul ring before you, and you are fighting, no, It's too exaggerated to absorb a 50,000-year-old soul ring while killing a 50,000-year-old soul beast."

Mo Lin just smiled, and did not respond to what Mojia should say as a compliment. The reason why he can absorb a large part of the spirit ring so quickly is not because he has rich experience in absorbing spirit rings and his strong body and soul. With the help of the divine power of the Asura God of the Asura Demon Sword, he can completely annihilate even the soul impact produced by the 100,000-year-level soul ring.

Mo Jia didn't want to ask why Mo Lin could absorb it so quickly, he simply thought it was because of Mo Lin's extraordinary talent, he just sighed, it didn't matter whether Mo Lin would respond to his words , now he actually wants to know another thing:

"By the way, it was too easy for you to kill that holy triceratops just now, right? Even I would probably have to use my sixth soul skill to break through its defenses, but you actually solved it with a needle. Didn't you see?" Before you, I thought I was a genius, but now compared to you, I'm nothing!"

"Uncle, don't underestimate yourself. It's not that I can crush a 50,000-year-level soul beast in terms of hard power. If I only rely on speed, strength and existing soul skills, I will definitely not be able to deal with the sacred triangle." Dragon, I can kill it so quickly mainly because of the acquired domain and the skills that can just restrain it, and as long as it doesn't start running, its movement will be slow to death. As long as it can start faster, change its own posture I can't shoot it so accurately, and it won't die so simply." Mo Lin

"Don't talk about this, so as not to hurt me more," Mo Jia planned to talk about other things: "The first soul ring is 50,000 years old, the soul skills obtained should be good, right?"

Merlin nodded triumphantly:

"It's really good. After unlocking the shield form, the first soul skill is the Bloodbath Barrier. The shield can be transformed into a huge energy state circular barrier to protect the people inside, and can increase the defense by absorbing blood."

Mo Jia frowned and thought about Mo Lin's words:

"Didn't the soul ring you absorbed come from the sacred Triceratops? Why is the effect of the skill so bloody? It has nothing to do with the word 'sacred'!"

Mo Lin looked at Mo Jia's face, while procrastinating for time with an awkward smile, he asked Demon Sword in his heart:

"Hey! I'll tell you about the two of us, are you okay?"

Shura Demon Sword was a little speechless to Mo Lin's question, but still said:

"No, I said, have you ever heard of a successor to the throne hiding this matter? And isn't he a relative of yours?"

"That's right! Why should I hide it! It's because of my previous thinking that I was harmed. I always wanted to keep cards for myself. Why do I keep hiding in front of my uncle?"

After making a decision, Mo Lin approached Mo Jia's ear and said:

"Uncle, besides myself, you should be the first to know about this. When I was in the Slaughter Capital, I... thing)"

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