In an instant, Ditian once again used a powerful attack capable of triggering heaven and earth phenomena. The dark sun and moon appeared together, and the entire sky became a little strange.

In other words, apart from Ditian not attacking at first and using the dark soul power of the body guard to counter the soul master of the Spirit Hall, almost all of his attacks carried extremely powerful power. No one can easily bear every move. Ultimate Darkness even raised the level of power of the soul skill from the source of the soul skill. What's more, Ditian doesn't only have the extreme power of extreme darkness.

Facing Ditian's attack at this time, there is no exception. A total of eight titled Douluo also used the strongest soul skills they could use, or created their own soul skills.

"Great Sumeru Hammer Profound Technique - Exploding the Ring!"

But to Di Tian's surprise, among these human attacks, the one who was the first to attack was not the woman with the strongest soul power!

Instead, it was the ragged middle-aged man whose soul power would rival that of a 200,000-300,000-year-old soul beast (level 95).

Tang Hao's strongest attack, the secret of the Great Sumeru Hammer - Ring Explosion: Each soul ring can be exploded once. After the ring is exploded, the power of the soul ring will be completely burst out, instantly becoming its own power, blending into the ring. In the attack, it produces a powerful force far beyond its own. When exploding the ring, the higher the quality of the spirit ring, the greater the effect it will have.

Each soul ring launches an attack, and when all the soul rings are detonated, the user will also enter a weak state, and it is extremely dangerous to detonate the ring. ability, it is possible to be swallowed by the energy of the ring explosion. After using the big Sumeru Hammer to explode the ring once, within three days, all the soul rings disappeared, only the soul power remained, and it took three full days for the soul ring to gradually recover. After using the ring once, at least There must be an interval of thirty-six days before it can be used again, otherwise there is a danger of the spirit ring being truly destroyed.

And on both sides of him are the woman with the strongest soul power and an old man with a sword and martial soul.

Among them, Bibi Dong relies on the accumulation of soul power to have a good attack power, but the other Sword Douluo who has the ultimate sword attack is also showing his sharpness. His inherited soul skill Seven Killing Sword Art is also not bad. And because the soul power is as high as Tang Hao's level, the sword will is also stronger. Although the power is not as powerful as Tang Hao's Great Sumeru Hammer, at least it has no side effects.

For a while, led by a shaped hammer, sword and a spider leg thorn, the other five titled Douluo also showed off their ninth or eighth soul ability one by one.

This kind of joint attack is almost a treatment that no one has ever experienced in the history of Douluo Continent.

But in the face of this kind of attack, apart from Tang Hao's attack that slightly made Ditian slightly curious, the rest almost made Ditian not even frown.

Is this really Di Tiantuoda? the answer is negative.

Ditian's true strength is not slightly stronger than the ninety-nine-level Limit Douluo, but quasi-god-level, and the Dragon God Claw bestowed by the Silver Dragon King is completely comparable to a demigod powerhouse. In his eyes, the so-called Title Douluo is not just an existence that can be killed in seconds. One or two needs to be taken a little seriously.

Although there are eight of them, in actual combat, the joint attack of soul skills is not as simple as one plus one greater than two.

Otherwise, the martial soul fusion skill would not appear worthless!

There was no sound of energy explosion, only a strange black light.

Almost instantly, the combined attack of the eight Titled Douluo was wiped out under the radiance of Ditian's sun and moon. Although they suffered no casualties, they were defeated miserably and could only save their own lives.

"Not so much!" Di Tian said quietly.

In his opinion, this is obviously the pinnacle of power in the human world.

Although the potential of human beings is good, but in the end the strength is still weak. In this case, as long as Di Tian is willing, the human world can be destroyed in an instant. And why did Li Hao mention the difficulty of destroying the soul beast?

"Surrender, or die!" Di Tian said with cold eyes. He doesn't need to control too many people, as long as he controls the peak human powerhouse is enough.

As soon as Di Tian's words came out, everyone was taken aback for a moment. In contrast, the strong vitality they brought instantly destroyed their psychological defenses. Whether it's true or not, in short, save your life first, even a strong person at the Title Douluo level will be afraid of death.

Either they are nostalgic in the world of mortals, or they have unfinished thoughts, in short, people have their own thoughts.

At the moment when Ditian's attack ended, Bibi Dong had already arranged for the second chrysanthemum ghost Douluo to use the spirit fusion skill as the rear queen. At least he can control the black dragon for half a second, right?

In that case, the vitality will also increase greatly.

Bone Douluo is also proficient in the power of space, and is also ready to retreat.

The same is true for Tang Hao, he is ready to bomb the Nine Rings together and sacrifice his life.

Even the two weakest rank ninety ones, Snake Spear and Porpoise of average strength, were ready to die for Qian Renxue.

But in the face of life, they succumbed.

Li Hao looked at everything in the dark with cold eyes. At the beginning, he thought that Bibi Dong, Tang Hao and others would rather die than submit. Thinking about it, they also have their own weaknesses. Or make similar choices yourself.


In an instant, Li Hao was more eager for strength than ever before.

If you have the strength, you don't need to do any unnecessary things at all, and you don't need to think about any schemes.

At this moment, I am still too weak, so what about the Continental Youth Soul Master Advanced Elite Competition? Lost yourself in a fight with a bunch of kids?

Not to mention titled Douluo, now I even have some particularly tyrannical hair

Even the soul saints may not be able to win steadily.

What level is this kind of soul sage?

In front of the peak combat power, it is almost not even a consumable combat power unit!

Douluo World has changed too much because of his interference. Could it be that he is really so passive because he loses the condition of a prophet?

Almost at the same time, Ditian didn't pay much attention, or in other words, no one paid much attention to Li Hao's thinking. After the eight titled Douluo chose to surrender, Di Tian tore away the black soul power near Li Hao.

Ditian didn't know some methods of restraint or mind control, but he believed that these humans would not do anything under such circumstances.

Although verbal surrender is not binding, so what? They rebelled against themselves, just kill them.

"In the future, remember, you are not allowed to come to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest at any time... If there is something to do, I will go to you directly." Di Tian looked coldly at the half-kneeling Title Dou in front of him. Luo said.

Star Dou Great Forest...

Until now, they didn't know where Di Tian came from. But only Bibi Dong had an imperceptible sneer on the corner of her mouth.

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