Douluo: Rebirth of Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 280 Changes in the Situation

Why did Bibi Dong sneer, obviously she got a huge message from Di Tian's words.

Is this so-called beast god emperor naively a god?

Will God live in the Star Dou Forest?

Will these titled Douluo who stand at the pinnacle of the human world really give in?

The answer is no!

Di Tian would never have thought that his words in order to maintain the authority of the Star Dou Great Forest would bring an incomparable disaster to his future.

Of course this is all for later!

Right now, Ditian still looked coldly at the eight Title Douluo half kneeling in front of him, while more humans in the distance completely kneeled down.

Emperor Xue Ye on the viewing platform and other imperial aristocrats even crawled down from the rostrum, saluting Di Tian tremblingly.

Gradually, more and more people began to salute Di Tian in order to show their loyalty.


Di Tian's eyes swept over them slowly, and said indifferently: "Although you are just ants who are lucky enough to be favored by 'theirs', what Li Hao once said is very heartfelt by the deity, and the deity does not need to kill you .And you...will be obedient and obedient in the future, right...?"

No one has ever dared to say such words to these royal nobles...

Even the powerhouses at the Title Douluo level maintain a level of respect for each other.

However, when Di Tian made these words, all these powers standing at the highest level in the world were relieved. Bibi Dong, who was already in a kneeling position, turned from kneeling on one knee to kneeling upright at the fastest speed, and her upper body was even more serious. He bowed down deeply with incomparable humility: "The Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace is willing to lead the Wuhun Palace to be loyal to follow the Beast God Ditian forever. All the members were bombarded by five thunderbolts, and they were destroyed!"

At this moment, the Pope, the number one power in the mainland, interpreted the words "flexible and stretchable" to the extreme.

Other titled Douluo-level powerhouses, as well as some surviving academy students, the pride of heaven. With Emperor Xue Ye at their side, they completely abandoned all glory and dignity almost immediately, bowed down repeatedly without any hesitation.

Bibi Dong's body is extremely humble, her voice is so sincere that it is almost pious, and her oath is so poisonous that it makes outsiders feel chilled.

It has to be said that the Bibi Dong at this moment is completely different from the Fenghua she first appeared on. But at this moment, no one despised her as the pope. On the contrary, they all think that her head is too good.

These dignified powerhouses or dignitaries were all startled by Bibi Dong's performance, and then woke up like a dream, all formality was torn to pieces, almost scrambling to prostrate themselves on the ground, swearing their allegiance loudly.

Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo bowed down, Emperor Xue Ye bowed down... The Shrek team and even Tang Hao also knelt deeply and bowed their heads.

Titled Douluo's dignity? The dignity of the sect? Your own dignity?

Does it matter if these are alive?

Some people even swear allegiance with rhetoric, lest they say less. Of course, there are also those who are as silent as Tang Hao, simply kneeling to maintain the last bit of dignity left.

Ninety-nine percent of the people in the entire Douluo Continent look up to their majesty and strength. In the eyes of ordinary people, a titled Douluo is no different from an inviolable and inviolable "God".

But in front of the beast god Ditian at this moment, it was just a joke!

In the audience, apart from Di Tian, ​​only Li Hao was still standing there, and he even seemed a little dazed.

It seems that helping the rise of the soul beast clan, his biggest task, is in the hands of Ditian, but he just does it casually.

Even that arrogant Tang San knelt down...

This... is this power?

At this moment, Li Hao's resurgence aroused his desire for power. He did have the power to defeat Tang San now, but it was absolutely impossible to make him succumb. But Di Tian was able, even able to make his father submit.

Although they may be unconvinced deep in their hearts, it really doesn't matter in the face of absolute strength.


After a long time, Ditian waved his hand impatiently.

Ditian seems to be very unaccustomed to this kind of behavior of humans. Although other spirit beasts have respected him for hundreds of thousands of years, they are not as lowly as humans like Mr. Xiong.

Then with a wave of his dragon claw, he easily tore open a piece of space. "Li Hao, come here...and that little rabbit over there..."

Li Hao naturally knew that Di Tian had something very important to tell him, maybe it was related to Wang Qiu'er's death.

As for the little rabbit, it was naturally Xiao Wu. She had already recognized Di Tian when he revealed his true form. Although Di Tian looked down on them kind of 100,000-year-old soul beasts who chose to reshape and rebuild, he still didn't deliberately deal with them. It's just in a state of old age and death.


When Ditian left, the coercion that was infinitely close to a god also disappeared. Immediately, many people seemed to have suddenly shaken off the countless shackles of darkness, and their whole bodies felt indescribably relaxed.

As if they had made an appointment, most of them didn't get up from the ground immediately, but slumped on the ground. Exhaling heavily, every part of his body was completely soaked in cold sweat.

Bibi Dong was the first to get up, and this sudden change undoubtedly affected the Spirit Hall the most.

It wasn't just some powerful soul masters who were easily wiped out by Di Tian. It is also the strength of the number one organization in the Wuhundian mainland that has been threatened. At the same time, she was the first to give up her dignity and kneel. This undoubtedly made the Wuhun Hall a little majestic.

But at this time, her face was peaceful, and no one knew what she was planning at this moment.

"The sky has changed..." Ning Fengzhi showed a very faint smile, sighed, and sighed helplessly: "If this Ditian doesn't allow us to hunt souls in the future, then human beings will really be doomed."

At this moment, headed by Title Douluo, everyone stood up one by one, each with varying degrees of heaviness and complexity on their faces.

Yes, what Ning Fengzhi said was not without reason.

The beast god came to the world, and Douluo's sky changed... This continent has a real master!

And is the absolute master.

"If that's the case, human beings might have the ability to become soul beasts, and they won't even be able to talk to each other." Sword Douluo took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly.

Today's matter, according to Ditian's words, maybe it wasn't because they had a little resistance, maybe Ditian would simply kill them directly.

A gloomy and sad mood spread rapidly, although after they took the oath of allegiance, Di Tianzhi roughly mentioned not to offend the Star Dou Forest. Instead, it is not allowed to attack all soul beasts. But the Star Dou Forest is an important source of soul rings, this is undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to mankind.

Tang San also stood up at this moment, he raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead, and after taking a few breaths, he smiled: "Seniors, you may have forgotten that all these misfortunes are due to that Li Hao Is it a gift?"

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